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Who here is enlightened?


Jesus in me
Well am just fed up seeing this thread coming again and again in front of my eyes. OK, am Enlightened.
Now, tell me what's your problem ?

I am skeptical. What is the source of your enlightenment? I believe I have seen some enlightened ideas from you but many of those are floating around for anyone to pick up one or two.


Jesus in me
You're 'fed up' Chinu ? This thread isn't 'coming again and again in front of [your] eyes.' You are choosing to read it, just like anyone else who reads it.

What's your problem ? Tell me :)

What kind of problems get an enlightened being 'fed up' ? Tell us ! it is only your opinion - but that is true for everyone here... even you and me :D

But since you are enlightened and fed up with other people's posts, tell us why that is and how it feels for you. That would be more interesting and more valuable than all the 'getting god' stuff. We've all heard that a million times, and it gets very boring, and it doesn't help anyone (IMO). But why is an enlightened being fed up ? That is an interesting subject.

But don't answer this unless you are truly serious, we don't need you to waste our time. We can do that for ourselves LOL :)

I believe It certainly is not going to help a person who thinks it is stuff and boring and doesn't help. I believe for thos willing to avail themselves of wisdom there is a great deal of help.


Jesus in me
I feel enlightened from my dreams, I know things about God, angels, Satan, heaven, and the universe that not one else seems to know. I like discussing them, but I don't like hostile arguments or angry replies.

I beleive dreams come from you spirit and convey information learned over many lifetimes but your dreams will only be as enlightened as your spirit.


Well-Known Member
I've heard of that.
Fool the mind.....fool the body.

But what I went through was dreadfully real.

Empathy is a gift.
But it can hurt.

Don't follow me.

Well however it happened, I'm glad you did heal. Empaths do have a hard time if they don't learn how to step back.


Da man, when I walk thru!
Hi Windwalker,

In my understanding, you've told me that you disagree with me that the ego is harmful amongst other things. However, you've not submitted anything that I would classify as argument or evidence that supports your view over mine. What you have submitted is called preaching. I will happily explain the difference between preaching and arguing.

Were you to care to submit an actual argument that has a place in a rational two-way discussion, you would've voiced your disagreement as an opinion and then proceeded to demonstrate why your reasoning is superior or truer to reality. Instead of this, you plainly state your viewpoint as fact and never even consider anything that disagrees with you as possibly true.

In my opinion, preachers are not worth debating. They tend to be attached to beliefs they cannot support. They are too insecure to be two-way conduits of information because merely considering that one's ideas may be wrong feels like suicide when they allow their beliefs to become attached. I hope we can avoid the conflict that I typically have with preachers.

You've talked several times of "healthy ego development" while talking about people identifying and becoming connected with bigger and bigger groups. This doesn't make sense to me. The ego separates individuals from each other, a truth I believe you've already agreed to, but you seem to have new knowledge that the ego now connects us. Is it possible that what you call healthy ego development is actually healthy ego regression as I'd say?

My argument is that the "ego" is neccesary for your to be alive. If you destroy the ego you lose basic functions of life. You can't breathe, eat, speak, and/or function in any way that would resemble human life. So by destroying the ego, you would not be able to be "know" whether you are enlightened or not because you would be dead. In that case their could be no such thing as an "enlightened" human because as soon as you destroyed the ego to become enlightened you would die.

Well however it happened, I'm glad you did heal. Empaths do have a hard time if they don't learn how to step back.

Yeah it sucks feeling what everyone else is feeling. But when control is learned it is definitely a great ability.


breaking the statutes of my local municipality
My argument is that the "ego" is neccesary for your to be alive. If you destroy the ego you lose basic functions of life. You can't breathe, eat, speak, and/or function in any way that would resemble human life. So by destroying the ego, you would not be able to be "know" whether you are enlightened or not because you would be dead. In that case their could be no such thing as an "enlightened" human because as soon as you destroyed the ego to become enlightened you would die.

Interesting conjecture. So, your argument to me that the ego is necessary for life is saying that "without the ego you die". To me, this is logically the same as saying "the ego is necessary because the ego is necessary". This is plainly circular but I look forward to your defense against my accusation against you of poor reasoning.
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Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Reminds me of the esoteric saying..If you die before you die, when you die, you do not die!

Now esoterically it is referring to the mystical transmutation from mortal self awareness to immortal self awareness as a result of the transcending of the ego.....the first 'you' refers to the ego, the second 'you' refers to the mortal person, the third 'you' also refers to the mortal person, and the last 'you' refers to the Self realized spirit/Buddha/Angel/etc..


I am skeptical. What is the source of your enlightenment? I believe I have seen some enlightened ideas from you but many of those are floating around for anyone to pick up one or two.
There's only just one idea. Since nobody asked how and where these ideas are one with each other, Thus.. how can they know ? They all are like parts of the same story, but as nobody knows how and where they are connected with each other, Thus.. they all sounds just different stories. :)


New Member
if you were enlightened you would not be here, but I beleive most people are in some process of being enlightened...how you get there varies from person to person


Veteran Member
Premium Member
if you were enlightened you would not be here, but I beleive most people are in some process of being enlightened...how you get there varies from person to person
Out of curiosity, why would you assume that? Enlightened people have nothing to learn from others? Nothing to say? No interest in discussions?


Jesus in me
Well however it happened, I'm glad you did heal. Empaths do have a hard time if they don't learn how to step back.

I find when I pray for healing someone that I have to put aguard on my spirit so it won't receive the person's illness. I believe there is hope for an empath through self discipline.


New Member
I think there are various stages of enlightenment...in my meditation i have reach some really cool places, but when you come back to real life then you have to deal with it...there is no getting around it. the enlightened person who goes and sits in a cave for 10 years has it easy...they don't have to deal with all of the crap that goes on in real life. i had tried meditating the regular way...emtying my brain etc, but have found the best way for me is the audios that take you there....so you are kind of swept along....so having done this makes getting into the quiet zone much easier *edit* has the type that i like....

for me coming to a place of non-judgement and neutrality has helped me deal with other people/instances in my life. when you stop judging others you can see them for what they are....not sure if this is part of the process of being enlightened but i feel better about myself as a person for trying to live this way
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Jesus in me
Reminds me of the esoteric saying..If you die before you die, when you die, you do not die!

Now esoterically it is referring to the mystical transmutation from mortal self awareness to immortal self awareness as a result of the transcending of the ego.....the first 'you' refers to the ego, the second 'you' refers to the mortal person, the third 'you' also refers to the mortal person, and the last 'you' refers to the Self realized spirit/Buddha/Angel/etc..

I suppose that is fine if one wishes to be a spirit (not a physically living being) but I don't see it as enlightenent.

I believe an enlightened spirit allows his physical ego to live its life without too much interference. I also believe that it is best to supervise that ego to keep it from running on the wrong path and I believe that it is good to have Jesus supervise my spirit so that my spirit supervises correctly or better yet cut out the midle man and just let Jesus superise my physical ego.


Jesus in me
There's only just one idea. Since nobody asked how and where these ideas are one with each other, Thus.. how can they know ? They all are like parts of the same story, but as nobody knows how and where they are connected with each other, Thus.. they all sounds just different stories. :)

I believe some ideas are traceable. Robert Jordan has a golum like figure in his writings and it is said that he was inspired by Lord of the Rings which had a golum in it. From what I have read the concept of a golum is Jewish in origin.


Istha gosthi
namaskaram windwalker ji :namaste

Out of curiosity, why would you assume that? Enlightened people have nothing to learn from others? Nothing to say? No interest in discussions?

enlightened beings have no need to learn , the true nature of all phenomena has been realised , but out of kindness they may wish to return to share a little where ever it may be appreciated :namaste

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Shave your head, wear robes, sit around a lot with your legs crossed, and say very little. If you do speak, say only vague, mystical sounding things, in a quiet voice. This will indicate to everyone else that you are an enlightened person. Voila.


Well-Known Member
Shave your head, wear robes, sit around a lot with your legs crossed, and say very little. If you do speak, say only vague, mystical sounding things, in a quiet voice. This will indicate to everyone else that you are an enlightened person. Voila.

Yeah, I think it's a lot like being cool. Cool guys can't engage the world much. They have to slouch most casually and glance here and there without any real interest and never say more than a few words at a time.

I could never be cool, alas.