This Christian was fumbling around where he shouldn't have been and found the following quote from a Satanist (reficul ) --
We are all gods, but to prove so action must be taken to break down the barriers that hinder us from proving thus.
My response is:
If we are all gods, I want someone who has fully realized the divinity within to do the following things:
1) End world hunger
2) Establish world peace
3) Impeach Goerge Bush
If you can't do that:
1) Raise yourself from the dead after three days
2) Walk on water
3) Raise someone else from the dead
And if you please:
1) Supply me with free beer and pizza for the rest of my life
2) Materialize a Martin D-35 on my front porch
3) I'd like some cash
Heck, if you can pull off anything on the list (supernatually, of course), I would like to find my divinity within. If you'd like to give me pizza, beer, or the D-35, I'd be impressed but not convinced, unless you could do it out of thin air.
If you cannot perform acts of divinity, there's no use in claiming it.
If you can perform acts of divinity, I want to take lessons. I am sick of working for a living, and Bruce Almighty was a cool flick. Otherwise, we must conclude that your claim that we are gods is a fantasy.
My question is:
Who in RF is claiming that humans are gods. If we are gods, how do we realize our divinity, and how can you prove that you are divine?
We are all gods, but to prove so action must be taken to break down the barriers that hinder us from proving thus.
My response is:
If we are all gods, I want someone who has fully realized the divinity within to do the following things:
1) End world hunger
2) Establish world peace
3) Impeach Goerge Bush
If you can't do that:
1) Raise yourself from the dead after three days
2) Walk on water
3) Raise someone else from the dead
And if you please:
1) Supply me with free beer and pizza for the rest of my life
2) Materialize a Martin D-35 on my front porch
3) I'd like some cash
Heck, if you can pull off anything on the list (supernatually, of course), I would like to find my divinity within. If you'd like to give me pizza, beer, or the D-35, I'd be impressed but not convinced, unless you could do it out of thin air.
If you cannot perform acts of divinity, there's no use in claiming it.
If you can perform acts of divinity, I want to take lessons. I am sick of working for a living, and Bruce Almighty was a cool flick. Otherwise, we must conclude that your claim that we are gods is a fantasy.
My question is:
Who in RF is claiming that humans are gods. If we are gods, how do we realize our divinity, and how can you prove that you are divine?