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Who is god?????

your religion says it has a miraculous history which was made by its founder ,,,my religion too says the same,,,every religion on this earth have had some miraculous history,,,every religion have had its own Gods who did something or the other for the general good ,,,something miraculous,,,not the whole world has one religion,,,every religion has its own powers and limits every religion has its own shortcomings,,,does that mean god is above all religions who controls all the religions ,,,,if you look closely all the conventional religions do nothing but prevent the chaos in the world ,,,,sort of discipline in this world,,,all the religious books teach us to refrain from bad ,,,,so as to maintain the discipline...the religion thing is so deep rooted inside us that we are actually afraid to go against it....HOW CAN WE SPREAD A UNIFORM RELIGION THROUGHOUT THE WORLD,,,THE RELIGION OF GOD which has no name,,,AGAINST ALL THE CONVENTIONAL RELIGIONS!!!!! knowing the fact and realizing it are two different approaches... if you can REALIZE what am i trying to say probably you would understand the intensity of it....
when i talk of founders(Gods of respective religions)....no founder was more or less powerful than the other....then why is your religion better or worst than mine...and if its just the matter of comforting oneself ...is it wise enough to spend all your life believing something that is so fake and not trying to know what is the reality behind it????why are we all categorised into religions????


why do we need a god so badly in the first place.

not why did we.
not how'd it all get started.

Why do we need a god now?
we dont need a God ...He just exists....And that is all about it...No question of needing...or not i am just emphasising on the conventonal religions..
your religion says it has a miraculous history which was made by its founder ,,,my religion too says the same,,,every religion on this earth have had some miraculous history,,,every religion have had its own Gods who did something or the other for the general good ,,,something miraculous,,,not the whole world has one religion,,,every religion has its own powers and limits every religion has its own shortcomings,,,does that mean god is above all religions who controls all the religions ,,,,if you look closely all the conventional religions do nothing but prevent the chaos in the world ,,,,sort of discipline in this world,,,all the religious books teach us to refrain from bad ,,,,so as to maintain the discipline...the religion thing is so deep rooted inside us that we are actually afraid to go against it....HOW CAN WE SPREAD A UNIFORM RELIGION THROUGHOUT THE WORLD,,,THE RELIGION OF GOD which has no name,,,AGAINST ALL THE CONVENTIONAL RELIGIONS!!!!! knowing the fact and realizing it are two different approaches... if you can REALIZE what am i trying to say probably you would understand the intensity of it....
I THINK I understand what you are saying, or maybe asking. If I am correct then you believe that conventional religions are NOT religions of God. You want there to be ONE that IS of God and has no name. Or maybe what you are asking is why can't we all agree and live in peace?
The problem is we believe one is right and so the others must be wrong. Of course we want to be right more then wrong. If we MUST admit we are wrong about something, then we MUST find something to be right about. This gives us the illusion of ballance. There will always be times when we are right and we are wrong. Proving which is which does not change this. Is this agreeable with everyone?
I don't believe your thread actually asks who God is outside of its title, which is wise because no one realy knows!
Welcome to the forums Andykhatter!
I am just trying to share some thoughts here ....to be precise the wrong is believing the conventional religions and their roots which are quite deep in us as they have their foundation being laid from centuries.....and which actually refrains us from thinking that there is ONE God above all of them who is holding the strings of religions and controlling us through them....And the PROOF FOR THIS IS EVERY RELIGION HAS A MIRACULOUS HISTORY ...ALL RELIGIONS ARE SAME...AND ABOVE THEM IS GOD...AND STILL MOST OF THEM DIE IN IGNORANCE...OR THEY JUST DONT WANT TO FACE THE REALITY WHEN THE REALITY IS RIGHT INFRONT OF YOU ...FLAWLESS...


Well-Known Member
There will be a one-world religion, government and economy in the last days. The Antichrist will cause all who take his mark to worship him and those who don't will be slain. Be careful what you wish for.


Question Everything
Who is God?
God is the one who formed your spirit, the one who speaks to your spirit, the one who can uplift your spirit. Everyone has their own personal relashonship with their God.


Well-Known Member
From Revelation 13:15,20:4

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
...and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.


Veteran Member
There will be a one-world religion, government and economy in the last days. The Antichrist will cause all who take his mark to worship him and those who don't will be slain. Be careful what you wish for.

Why did you capitalize antichrist when it is not that way in Scripture?

How can there be one world religion when God used the world's political 'kings' [Rev 17vs2,17] to turn on the world's religious sector or 'queen' of Rev 18vs7,8?

The United Nations sees a hauntingly dangerous religious climate brewing in today's world, and with backing the UN can be strengthened to turn on the world's religions that have run afoul playing false to God and his Word.


Veteran Member
why are we all categorised into religions????

One factor seems to be culture or cultural bias.

If we trace mankind's religious family tree back to its roots in Mesopotamia we see, besides worship of God existing before Noah's day, that the peoples of ancient pagan Babylon migrated from there and spread out world wide and splintered creating a greater religious Babylon or Babylon the Great.
That is also why today we see similar overlapping religious concepts and ideas in belief systems. So, although now categorized under various names, the nations practice a form or vestiges of worship that originated in ancient Babylon. The clergy classes often compromise with the nation's political elements by supporting and backing them. All of that helps keep people divided into different denominations or religious category groups.

Out of all nations, tribes, and languages Jesus said there would be people that would hear his voice and listen or follow him. [Matt 25 vs31-34]
So when Jesus involves himself into mankind's affairs it will only be then that those who are judged to be placed at Jesus right hand of favor, so to speak, that they will one category, or all on earth will be of one religion starting at the time of Jesus 1000-year reign over earth.


Its only a Label
Friend AndyKhatter,

Who is god?????

The question should be " WHAT IS GOD????"
The word God is not a name [label] given to any person but is a concept an understanding so it is *WHAT*!

Humans like every form evolved and then the mind developed to understand that this form is not separated from what it is made off in any way and is just a part of that same energy which after languages developed was labelled as *god*.
This means that whatever is seen or unseen are all parts of the same energy which is neither created nor destroyed which further means it is eternal and this keep changing form.

So all that one needs is to realize that it is a part of that what has been labelled as God and a part can never be that *whole*. The part is same in every respect of the whole but always remains a part.

Love & rgds


Veteran Member
Isn't the word God a title as King is a title or Lord is a title, etc.?

They are all persons but not personal names.
@CHRISTIAN....Since you have started with DEVILS let me tell you what i think about them...DEVILS are equal to GODS ...DEVIL=CONVENTIONAL GOD..THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THE beliefs but the concept for both of them is pretty much the same...TO CONTROL HUMANS..I ACTUALLY SEE DEVILS MORE POWERFUL ...because the they dont have a fear to go against their conventional religions ....BUT WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT IS THE SUPREME GOD ..which you cannot find in any of the religious books...
....THis is the Christian belief based upon what you have JUSTIFIED your answer....Now let me tell you the Hindu aspect of this...In the previous YUG(the era before the present earth was made) Sri Ram (the Hindu God)...promised the sister of Ravan..Kayekee...who would give a birth to a child who will enjoy the life and will lead the major religion in the present existing earth....which according to them is considered as the origin of WESTERN religions and the western world ....How about this????? WHAT AM I EXPECTING IS SOMETHING ORIGINAL AND NOT SOEMTHING FROM A RELIGIOUS BOOK.....and according to Sikhism one religion will overtake when their eighth Guru comes on the planet???????same is the theory for the Hindus as well......Hope you get my POINT.......WHY CANT WE LEAVE OUR RELIGION BEHIND atleast STARTING TO THINK ABOUT IT......is the basic idea....
No that means OUR creator and devils creator and the conventional Gods(religions) creator is the supreme....so devil and religion are just complimentary nothing more than that..!!!
@Zenzero...I think it depends upon the perception of individual...Since there is no exact definition of God ...so it might change with the context...And if you mean to say that all the religions are just parts of the him...that in itself says that our religion is not whole .....and that is more or less what am i trying to say....