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Who is god?????


Its only a Label
Friend Andy,

.Energy is the term associated with matter something that has existence and can be felt...like human beings ,animals,plants,wood ,be it dead or living,Now there is a God who cant be felt he MAY or MAYNOT be the energy because God is Someone or something you REALIZE...through the deep knowledge and analysis of the world around you, in no way can you associate God with the existing energy...infact He is the creator of the energy...the superHumans(conventional Gods) can be thought of as the part of this energy but not the supreme...when you talk of energy the context of the conversation is limited to the earth as a whole pack where energy keeps transforming...but stays constant...though the human power which is untapped and is in the image of its creator itself...but doesnt mean you creator energy and the creations energy are the part of the same energies...On the first place we dont even know if its energy ...and "is in the image of its creator itself" is just bookish again...

Here there is a need for an understanding that the word *god* itself has been coined by humans and used as a label for that understanding that the totality of all energies existing in this universe is what *God* is and that all forms and no-forms meaning that what we see and do not see are all parts of that totality of what has been labelled as God.
The other understanding to be understood is that the physical is the grosser aspect of the spiritual aspect and vice versa. When water is boiled it does not vanish it only changes form to vapor and vice versa.
Next, the part is always less than the sum and so what comes out of a form is also coming out of the *WHOLE* or GOD as the individual form too is part of IT.

Over to you.

Love & rgds
@ZeroZen...Do you know about the patterns theory which scientists believe is the signature of God..?? Or the karma theory i mean the rebirth of humans....because these are few of the major phenomenons that show the existence of something Supernatural ...and when you look at the patterns of the galaxy and the patterns of a snail ..and you see an example infront of you for the rebirth and karma...when you actually REALIZE this power ....somewhere the concept of energy seems to be not appropriate...The creator is much more than just the whole.....


Its only a Label
Friend Andy,

How does rebirth and karma theory goes against the ENERGY concept??
Kindly clarify?

Love & rgds
rebirth is the proof for something supernatural and something that controls the lives and deaths of the earth .And by any means can exist all by himself and that tells us that we are nothing but mere puppets in his view and so is rest of the earth....He has an independent existence and is Checking through the karma....the earth has been made and destroyed many times but He had been there forever....and the there are galaxies unknown and the universe is something never ending for humans....and He manages the Never Ending so that has to be a different entity ,different from the world or universal energy...the one who runs the universal energy ....


Its only a Label
Friend Andy,

What you have mentioned is only hearsay & imagination as the source of your information remains unknown.
Besides am sorry that each individual being/mind in its own time / space zone has its limitation in following the path or way existence may be pointing at; till such times one has to work and carry on his karma as consciously which will surely lead in the right direction.

Love & rgds
what do you think is the imagination part in that i will give you the proofs??And would love to read the proofs for your concept too?? :)...and yea i agree to "Besides am sorry that each individual being/mind in its own time / space zone has its limitation in following the path or way existence may be pointing at; till such times one has to work and carry on his karma as consciously which will surely lead in the right direction.
proofs that god is the energy...cz i feel it more of a metaphysical concept than spiritual...and note i said METAPHYSICAL....not just physical...


Its only a Label
Friend Andy,

Personal understanding as stated earlier is that the universal energy or the energy that is totally available in this universe in various forms or no-forms is labelled as *GOD*.
If the understanding differs is due to a bias that the mind has which could be reading or misunderstanding.
Yes simple facts have been complicated by those minds with DESIRES.
Understanding is only the first step; that the individual energy needs to be merged with the universal energy BUT realization of IT requires practice and that is following a way or path which is labelled as *RELIGION*.

Yes the energies are already merged BUT due to disillusions created by the MIND there are leakages of the individual energy and so does not get fully connected without any loss of energy.

Love & rgds
can you please elaborate on "Yes the energies are already merged BUT due to disillusions created by the MIND there are leakages of the individual energy and so does not get fully connected without any loss of energy."???

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
HOW CAN WE SPREAD A UNIFORM RELIGION THROUGHOUT THE WORLD,,,THE RELIGION OF GOD which has no name,,,AGAINST ALL THE CONVENTIONAL RELIGIONS!!!!! knowing the fact and realizing it are two different approaches... if you can REALIZE what am i trying to say probably you would understand the intensity of it....
The only "God" all religions could possibly agree on as against their conventional and traditional view of God is a "God" as a synonym of the laws of nature and nature. I could reach that conclusion this way.
Major premise: God is the laws and principles which created the universe
Minor premise: According to some theoretical physicists like Hawking and others the universe created itself just out of a quantum fluctuation in nothingness.
Conclusion: Therefore the universe itself is God.

It may not be the conscious and sentient God many theists are looking for but I God by that definition all the same and the only God that I would personally subscribe to.


Its only a Label
Friend Andy,

You have not yet confirmed understanding the first part of *god* being universal energy???

Part about leakages are energy which is wasted by acts which are done mostly unconsciously or those that are towards desire fulfillment, which is again karma.
This part if you do not follow; kindly drop it for the time being but first understand the first part of what is *god* and what is that *I* in relation to that which is labelled *God*.

Love & rgds
its kind of hard to digest your concept of God though ,i think its quite a spiritual concept but it still sounds metaphysical ...And if you believe in rebirth and karma then how do you justify it with your concept??


Its only a Label
Friend Andy,

Kindly keep reading the various posts made over the past and all your queries will be responded through them as have covered most topics that come across.

Meantime suggest reach to an understanding of the label *God* in real terms and not some imaginative/metaphysical/philosophical terms.

Love & rgds
can you please tell me where can i read specific to this question ...where you might have explained karma through your concept...? And suggest me other posts as well which you think might help me??



Its only a Label
Friend Andy,

Presently have no specfic recall pertaining to your request.

However, suggest read whatever possible as finally it all points towards oneness!

Love & rgds


The first step into religion is discipline. In order for society to exist there must be discipline thus something resembling religion. In essence law is an outgrowth of religion or notions of religion where the morals and religious notions of some are forced upon all.

There is no such thing as separation of religion and state. There will always be a struggle for power and the ability to dictate what concept of morals (religion) should structure law by which the society we live in is governed. The history of mankind is the struggle for power to remove one notion or notions of religion and supplant another.



Active Member
Andy, let what I say be the last word on this subject. You are on your way to figuring out all your questions with the recognition that God just exist. You not only need God but you would not or could nt exist without God, or you could not even ask these foolish questions you ask, if you did not know that God exist in ways that you have heard from others that are not true about re true about God.

Everybody that iss born into this world/life has a light in them at birth (John one). That light is reasoning) Follow that light and you will not be forced to follow what others say the light is. The secret for you is to sweep away all the conflictiong ligrht, relpigio0n, and focus on you light that says god does ixist. Let God beyour premise for all reasoning and you will be OK.
@Debunker...I think you didnt understand my question ....I understand God exist and the LIGHT you talk about and everything but i jus get frustrated when i see the conventional religions and Gods around....And whole new theories people have built about God....So yea...