The food that gives life, is the food that Yeshua ate in the wilderness for 40 days, which was "every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God', that being the "Word of God", the Law and the prophets (Mt 4:4). Further refined at the last supper, which is to say, one is to eat the "Word" made flesh, the Word of God, without the leaven of the Pharisees (doublemindedness). Which is to say, beware of the message of the "false prophets" whose message leads to "destruction" (Matthew 7:13-15), as restated in Matthew 13:13, in that the "message" of "lawlessness"/"wickedness", the false gospel of grace, is the one that leads to being "gathered" at the "end of the age", to be tossed into the furnace of fire. (Matthew 13:24-49). The "end of the age", the "day of the LORD", is preceded by the "Blood Moon" (solar eclipse), and stars raining from the sky (rockets upon Jerusalem) (Joel 2:30-3:8), at the time "I will restore Judah and Jerusalem" (Joel 3:1), as in 1948, and judge the "nations" in the "valley of judgment" (Joel 3:2), Mekido, (Har-Magedon) (Rev 16:16), which is located between Jerusalem and Damascus, the home of Hezbollah, so says the Word of God, with the consequences of the plague in the image of radiation poisoning (Zechariah 14:12). Have a nice day.