You're yet again pretending the Tanakh is a Christian document.When the law is in your heart, and you live by the two laws of Jesus (to love God and your fellow man) then this is the change within - not shown with your foreskin (!) but the indwelling of Christ's spirit.
The traditional date of Jesus' crucifixion is 30 CE.We have no dates for the Gospels. Again, I suspect John's was first. The earliest datable reference is Paul to the Corinthians, about 20 years after Jesus.
Paul's letters, according to my sources, start in 51 CE with 1 Thessalonians, and end not later than 58 CE with Romans.
The Temple is destroyed in 70 CE.
Mark, the first gospel, is written not before 75 CE, but possibly not much later. After that it gets more guessy.
Matthew is later than Mark, and is second, with an upper date around the mid-80s.
Luke is third, mid-80s or even early 90s.
John is fourth, around 100.
Acts is somewhere between the mid-90s and the first couple of decades of second century.