That was a swarm of replies
Sorry about that MJFlores.
Because I'm incapable of doing that. What I am capable of is to show people what is the straight Christian beliefs are from what is not.
But that is what most Christians say, yet their belief are different from each other. How can that be resolved logically?
What I am capable of is to show people what is the straight Baha'i beliefs are from what is not, and Baha'i beliefs do not vary as the bedrock theology is shared by all Baha'is.
I believe Paul has nothing to do with how people came up with a complicated Jesus version. People came up with different Jesuses because they want to pervert the gospel of Christ and establish their own form of religion to make money - and that is the only motive.
I can buy that the complicated Jesus was not all Paul's doing, but I do not think it was to make money either.
As I have posted a few days ago, people have invented different Jesuses. With regards to Baha'i Faith, your Jesus is a manifestation.
Yes, a Manifestation of God. Please read this carefully.
And also read this, because it explains what Baha'is believe about the NATURE of Jesus....
Question.—Of what degree is the perception of the human world, and what are its limitations?
Answer.—Know that perception varies. The lowest degree of perception is that of the animals—that is to say, the natural feeling which appears through the powers of the senses, and which is called sensation. In this, men and animals are sharers; moreover, some animals with regard to the senses are more powerful than man. But in humanity, perception differs and varies in accordance with the different conditions of man.
The first condition of perception in the world of nature is the perception of the rational soul. In this perception and in this power all men are sharers, whether they be neglectful or vigilant, believers or deniers. This human rational soul is God’s creation; it encompasses and excels other creatures; as it is more noble and distinguished, it encompasses things. The power of the rational soul can discover the realities of things, comprehend the peculiarities of beings, and penetrate the mysteries of existence. All sciences, knowledge, arts, wonders, institutions, discoveries and enterprises come from the exercised intelligence of the rational soul. There was a time when they were unknown, preserved mysteries and hidden secrets; the rational soul gradually discovered them and brought them out from the plane of the invisible and the hidden into the realm of the visible. This is the greatest power of perception in the world of nature, which in its highest flight and soaring comprehends the realities, the properties and the effects of the contingent beings.
But the universal divine mind, which is beyond nature, is the bounty of the Preexistent Power. This universal mind is divine; it embraces existing realities, and it receives the light of the mysteries of God. It is a conscious power, not a power of investigation and of research. The intellectual power of the world of nature is a power of investigation, and by its researches it discovers the realities of beings and the properties of existences; but the heavenly intellectual power, which is beyond nature, embraces things and is cognizant of things, knows them, understands them, is aware of mysteries, realities and divine significations, and is the discoverer of the concealed verities of the Kingdom. This divine intellectual power is the special attribute of the Holy Manifestations and the Dawning-places of prophethood; a ray of this light falls upon the mirrors of the hearts of the righteous, and a portion and a share of this power comes to them through the Holy Manifestations.
The Holy Manifestations have three conditions: one, the physical condition; one, that of the rational soul; and one, that of the manifestation of perfection and of the lordly splendor. The body comprehends things according to the degree of its ability in the physical world; therefore, in certain cases it shows physical weakness. For example: “I was sleeping and unconscious; the breeze of God passed over Me and awoke Me, and commanded Me to proclaim the Word”; or when Christ in His thirtieth year was baptized, and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him; before this the Holy Spirit did not manifest itself in Him. All these things refer to the bodily condition of the Manifestations; but Their heavenly condition embraces all things, knows all mysteries, discovers all signs, and rules over all things; before as well as after Their mission, it is the same. That is why Christ has said: “I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last”
1 —that is to say, there has never been and never shall be any change and alteration in Me.
1. Cf. Rev. 22:13.
Some Answered Questions, pp. 217-219
What does the Bible say about all of these?
2 Corinthians 11:3-4 New International Version (NIV)
But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough.
But what you need to understand is that all these different kinds of Christians -- Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Baptists, Catholics, Protestants, etc. -- and
ALL of them believe they have the REAL JESUS, and they are all reading from the same Bible. the Muslims also believe that they have the real Jesus....
So how can we know who the real Jesus is?
So which is Baha'i Faith endorsing as their Jesus?
None of the above. For us Jesus was a Manifestation of God. [/quote]
According to their website - he is a manifestation but the term is vague and not clear to its definition. [/quote]
Well, in order to try to simplify what I posted above, here is my brief description of a Manifestation of God, and how that applies to Jesus. I posted this to a Christian on another forum a few months ago:
I do not believe that Jesus was 'just a man' and I do not think that Christianity would even be a religion if Jesus has been 'just a man.' It would be a philosophy. I say that because 'I believe' that religion is based upon a revelation from God
I believe that Jesus was a Manifestation of God. A Manifestation of God is not an ordinary man... If He was, there would be absolutely
no reason to 'believe' Him at all. As a Manifestation of God, Jesus possessed two stations: one was the physical station pertaining to the world of matter, and the other was the spiritual station, born of the substance of God. In other words, one station is that of a human being, and one, of the Divine Reality. It is because Jesus had
both a human and a divine station that He could act as mediator between God and man.
I believe that Jesus was a mirror image of God, reflecting God’s Self, God’s Beauty, God’s Might and Glory. As a Manifestation of God,
Jesus was another order of creation above an ordinary man. He had a 'universal divine mind' that is different than ours, and that is why God was able to speak to Him through the Holy Spirit. I do not believe that God speaks to ordinary human beings because they would not have the 'capacity' to understand communication from God.
Next if the doctrines of Christ runs in conflict with the teachings of the other manifestations how do you resolve that?
I do not know what you mean by "doctrines of Christ."
From my perspective the teachings of Jesus are separate from the Christian doctrines which are about Jesus, and the teachings of Jesus were purely spiritual and eternal, so they do not run counter to any of the great world religions since spiritual truths are the same throughout the religions. It is only the message for the age and the social teachings and laws that vary from religion to religion, from age to age.
“These principles and laws, these firmly-established and mighty systems, have proceeded from one Source, and are the rays of one Light. That they differ one from another is to be attributed to the varying requirements of the ages in which they were promulgated.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 287-288