Jesus taught "the one true faith", not a church or religion. It was Jesus, sent by his Father, to end the law covenant, and to make a new covenant with holy spirit annointed Christians. 144,000 of them to be exact. They were to teach others about the one true faith so that they may live forever in a paradise Earth where only the righteous would live. All those not righteous would be eliminated for opposing God the Almighty, after two thousand years of teaching and warning them. They're STILL being warned, and still refuse to be a part of that one true faith. Religions "claiming" to be Christian are lying. No man made religion is Christian, and the Catholic church IS a man made religion, as are all sects/denominations. It's important to note that not one word exists in the true inspired word of God whereby Jesus created a church, much less the Catholic Church. It was a creation of Emperor Constantine, who was the head of ALL pagan religions of his day. He began the Roman church, which was the new "state religion" for his subjects. It was, less than a hundred years later, renamed the Roman Catholic Church, from which stem almost all other sects/denominations. Galations says all sects are "works of the flesh", and produce no "fruitage of the spirit".