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Who IS "The Only TRUE God"- as Jesus put it?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
LOL what a quackish disregard to true history. Constantine was a pure pagan who worshipped the sun and did what he did for the purpose of Roman rule over religion of the state of Rome and that was sun worship. That is what he worshipped and that is what he intended for all to worship. Go read a book other than that on fairytales to get your historical facts straight.

That's not the point.

The point is that it doesn't matter ONE BIT what Constantine himself believed. He could have been Satanist for all that it's worth.

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
That's not the point.

The point is that it doesn't matter ONE BIT what Constantine himself believed. He could have been Satanist for all that it's worth.

Oh the point is that he changed what Yah commanded into something he wanted and then made everyone else do it by fear of having their heads removed and people still believe and follow the gibberish of that man to this day.


Well-Known Member
Oh the point is that he changed what Yah commanded into something he wanted and then made everyone else do it by fear of having their heads removed and people still believe and follow the gibberish of that man to this day.

I never said that Christianity was the religion Constantine followed. Constantine's faith is absolutely irrelevant to the point. The point is, he forced standardization of Christianity and Messianic belief into a single doctrine, and then persecuted, forcibly converted and murdered those who didn't accept his standardization.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Therefore both of you, Elessar and Berachiah, know your history and agree that Constantine was a tyrant out for his own ends.

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
I never said that Christianity was the religion Constantine followed. Constantine's faith is absolutely irrelevant to the point. The point is, he forced standardization of Christianity and Messianic belief into a single doctrine, and then persecuted, forcibly converted and murdered those who didn't accept his standardization.

I never said you did say that and to imply otherwise is another bold face lie. I know what the point is. When are you going to stop making such unfounded accusations? The point I made first you came back with "Yeah, you can live in your fantasy land where this is how it happened, but it doesn't make it fact:". my next post was merely making statement to your disregard to the true reason behind said council. Get your facts straight before spewing your garbage my way.


Well-Known Member
Why do people forget these verses that was said by Jesus Himself?

Re 3:2 - Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God.
Re 3:12 -Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name.
Jesus and the Father are one. Two that are in like mind making them one. Like all the people of the army are one. God is like a surname, you know like your last name. The people who make it into His kingdom are given a new name and they will be like God (Jesus), but not a God like God the Father because God the Father is spirit, invisible, cant be seen, cant be heard, the one and only God. Yahweh is the first of the Fathers creation, the beginning and the end. Yahweh emptied Himself into being like His creation, the Son of Man, Jesus, the beginning and the end.

So where does the holy spirit fit in?


There are different VERSIONS of th Trinity.
3 God-Beings, Triune Godhead=Trinity, with or without
the churchoid math of 1+1+1=1




Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Do your math again---1+ 1+ 1+= 3

Okay 1/3 +1/3 +1/3 still doesnt equal one

If you can show me where in the universe 1+1+1=1 then i will not debate no more

1 TIMES 1 TIMES 1 equals 1. Not plus, times. MULTIPLY.

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
1 TIMES 1 TIMES 1 equals 1. Not plus, times. MULTIPLY.

Well that’s new to this thread. You could say 1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1 an indefinite amount of times and still come up with the same conclusion. Kinda like all that believe and serve as well as obey the will and true word of Yah. They are all of one accord. Cool, thanks for the thought.