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Who IS "The Only TRUE God"- as Jesus put it?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Well that’s new to this thread. You could say 1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1 an indefinite amount of times and still come up with the same conclusion. Kinda like all that believe and serve as well as obey the will and true word of Yah. They are all of one accord. Cool, thanks for the thought.

The thought came from Mister Emu, not me.



it is perfectly possible to be a non-trinitaian Christian while still respecting the beliefs of our trinitarian brethren.

what unites us is Christ Jesus, the Son of God, and our new life, and walk of discipleship, in Him.

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
Math games does NOT override Christ's words- nor the REST of the Bible!

I wouldn't expect "Math games" to override the words of an anointed or the rest of any truly inspired work of the bible even though I could not make the same statement for those writings and letters within said cannon that are not truly inspired. Just as the numbers 3 and 7, as well as other numbers that seem to be aplethorated through out the entirety of the scripture, I like the idea that 1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1=1. I see it as how could anyone believe in a trinity if so many 1’s can be put together and still be one? Yahshua even said……………

Joh 17:11 I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them through your name which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are.
Joh 17:22 The glory which you have given me, I have given to them; that they may be one, even as we are one;

So if there are 12 disciples then that’s 1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1=1 plus the so called 3 which is 1x1x1 with the 1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1=1. WOW!!!!!!!

How simple. It’s funny how we, as people, seem to make things so hard when it all is just that simple. So simple that many state that it just cannot be so they dream up all kinds of things and put their own interpretations of the scripture through their own thoughts and feelings or that of others to make it all into something more appealing to them. When, in truth, it isn’t hard at all but “just that simple”.

Hear is a question?

Who speaking in the two verses I posted above? Yahshua himself or the Malach that possessed him?

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
What's a malach?

I like giving references with the answers I give to others when they ask specific questions as to let them know that its not just coming from me. This is why I have chosen to use a program I have on my computer to give you both the Strong’s as well as the BDB definition of the word “Malach”.






From an unused root meaning to despatch as a deputy; a messenger; specifically of God, that is, an angel (also a prophet, priest or teacher): - ambassador, angel, king, messenger.




BDB Definition:

1) messenger, representative
1a) messenger
1b) angel
1c) the theophanic angel
Part of Speech: noun masculine
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: from an unused root meaning to despatch as a deputy
Same Word by TWOT Number: 1068a


Not your average Mormon
theMadJW said:
Christians are those that follow Christ's word & example.
Churchoids are those that PRETEND to!
So, JW, I guess you're a Christian, huh? You obviously treat even the "churchoids" as Jesus would. :rolleyes: Somehow, I haven't seen that put-down anywhere in His word or example. Or is it just in the JW Bible? Great example you're setting there.
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Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member

Could a "churchoid" be considered the same as a pharisee? Or one that pretends to do as is stated in scripture but adds their own thoughts and feelings to somehow make them look self approved and more righteous in front of their peers?


i agree that Jesus points to God as being One.

and that Jesus makes a distinction between Himself, and His Father, even as He tells us that He and His Father are One. One in purpose, One in understanding, and One in divinity. he who knows Jesus, knows the Father, and he who hs seen Jesus, has seen the Father. all power on heaven and earth has been give to the Son, including a power nomally reserved for God, the authority to forgive sins. all these things come from Jesus' own mouth in the Gospels, guys.

Jesus prays to His Father, honours Him, worships Him, and returns to Him. He is clear that for us humans, the only way to come to God in a personal, real, fulillng way is through the Son He sent. that Jesus is the One whom God wants us to know personally, and live for.

can a trinitarian Christian do this? absolutely. can a non-trinitarian Christian do this? absolutely, too. what matters is Christ. i've met many born-again trinitarians, and some born-again non-trinitarians, too. in seeking to "return" to a more clearly Judaic / unitarian theology, i feel that many religious bodies which profess Jesus as somehow central really alienate themselves from other Christians. it becomes more about a specific church / culture of worship than about unity in Christ. "Messianic" and "Christian" mean the same thing.


Trinity in the bible?

Matthew 28
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name* of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

* [not in the "nameS"- notice singular... not plural.... the father, son and holy sprit- i wonder what concept he preached when he said to baptized in the singular name of father, son and holy spirit as one]

do you believe all authority in heaven and Earth was given to just a man who overcame death?

Matthew 28
17When they saw him, they worshiped him

Question- Why didn't Jesus rebuke his OWN followers for worshiping him and not Yahweh- IF he was just a man?


Citizen Mod
Everything I do, any other entity can do. That is why I AM not the ONE TRUE GOD. . EveryONE is God.

HELLO IT’S ME: An Interview With GOD
Chapter: The ONE TRUE GOD?
Pg: 321


Cardero ~

i have to say that the voice given to God in your text, and God as described Biblically are remarkably different.

Biblical theism truly can not be linked to pantheism, advaitic or upanishadic philosophy, monism, or universalism. the Bible, and Christ, describe God as distinct from His creation, and holy. the Bible is clear that God is the only One who is holy- in Him we may live and move and have our being, but we are not Him ourselves, nor can we do what He does.

Everything I do, any other entity can do. That is why I AM not the ONE TRUE GOD. . EveryONE is God.

HELLO IT’S ME: An Interview With GOD
Chapter: The ONE TRUE GOD?
Pg: 321


Citizen Mod
Ayani writes: Cardero ~

i have to say that the voice given to God in your text, and God as described Biblically are remarkably different.

I admit, at first this surprised me too, but with some research, comparison and understanding of the Biblical author’s culture and the times that our scriptures were received and documented, it became less surprising.

Ayani writes: Biblical theism truly can not be linked to pantheism, advaitic or upanishadic philosophy, monism, or universalism. the Bible, and Christ, describe God as distinct from His creation, and holy.

GOD never came off as Holy, Sacred or Divine in our conversations. He never belittled me. He never expected worship or required special attention from me.

Ayani writes: the Bible is clear that God is the only One who is holy-

The Bible also expresses a God who is jealous, insecure, angry, vengeful, manipulative, unknowing and spiteful. None of these emotional traits were evident during my REALationship with GOD.

Ayani writes: in Him we may live and move and have our being,

From my understanding there are many people who can live and die without acknowledging GOD’s existence.

Ayani writes: but we are not Him ourselves, nor can we do what He does.

There may be a few talents that we can not affect at this moment, in this current physical existence but ignorance and modified human behavior does not excuse the godhood of our spiritual origins, our present physical experience or the purposes of our spiritual afterlife. As history and science has shown us throughout the ages, with imagination and understanding, we are coming ever closer to realizing that we can influence and impress our own reality (sometimes for the better).


I wouldn't expect "Math games" to override the words of an anointed or the rest of any truly inspired work of the bible even though I could not make the same statement for those writings and letters within said cannon that are not truly inspired. Just as the numbers 3 and 7, as well as other numbers that seem to be aplethorated through out the entirety of the scripture, I like the idea that 1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1=1. I see it as how could anyone believe in a trinity if so many 1’s can be put together and still be one? Yahshua even said……………

Joh 17:11 I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them through your name which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are.
Joh 17:22 The glory which you have given me, I have given to them; that they may be one, even as we are one;

So if there are 12 disciples then that’s 1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1=1 plus the so called 3 which is 1x1x1 with the 1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1=1. WOW!!!!!!!

How simple. It’s funny how we, as people, seem to make things so hard when it all is just that simple. So simple that many state that it just cannot be so they dream up all kinds of things and put their own interpretations of the scripture through their own thoughts and feelings or that of others to make it all into something more appealing to them. When, in truth, it isn’t hard at all but “just that simple”.

Hear is a question?

Who speaking in the two verses I posted above? Yahshua himself or the Malach that possessed him?

Mad:"Possessed" is reading between the lines with the imagination, my friend!
Jehovah/Yahweh spoke thru him, as well as others thru His Spirit- NOT to be confusd with the Holy-Ghost-God of CHURCHianity!
Therefore, if moved by this POWER is being "possessed"- it was Jesus' God doing so!

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
Mad:"Possessed" is reading between the lines with the imagination, my friend!
Jehovah/Yahweh spoke thru him, as well as others thru His Spirit- NOT to be confusd with the Holy-Ghost-God of CHURCHianity!
Therefore, if moved by this POWER is being "possessed"- it was Jesus' God doing so!

Oh, so you don't believe that Yahshua, when purified, was then possesed by a malach which all malacheem that are of Yah are "Holy" or rather "Set apart" spirits or better in the Hebrew, Ruach Ha Chodesh?