But see I don't believe that we should use names that either came by, or was even said to be by, paganism when referring to either the Father, Son Holy Spirit or even the Scriptures. To me they take it like a slap in the face when we call them anything other than who they are and use some title or name that was used by others to refer to pagan deity's. Look..... you don't translate names of people you meet from other country's do you? If you went to another country and they translated your name into something they could pronounce easy and started calling you that other than what you were use to be called then you might not know that they were calling you. Now look at that and then have knowledge that you knew that they were referring to you but the name that they decided on to call you had come from some root word that had to do with some pagan deity or something that totally offended you. Understand? It gets to be a real understanding of why we are not to take the Creators Name in vain or bring it to not. We have changed His Name after something perverse and unclean. We have changed the Names of just about everything to ones of perverse and unclean natures. Why? What silly reason would one do such a thing? Why couldn't things be left to what they were? Why couldn't we just call things by their real Names? Why couldn't we call our Creator and His Son by Their True and Sacred Names? Its a sin to cover it up. Its not what is said to be done through out the Scriptures. We are to extol and praise His Name at all times at the top of our voices. We are to shout with joy and praise of His Name. We are to keep the Shabbat Holy forever and it is established by YAH Himself that it be on the seventh day. Who is any mortal man that could change such a decree from our Creator other than one that was demonic? YAH is unchanging and everlasting and what He says is Truth and Law. We better wake up before it's to late.:tsk:
And I quote ..............
The Greeks used both the word Messias (a transliteration) and Christos (a translation) for the Hebrew Mashiach (Anointed). The word Christos was far more acceptable to the pagans who were worshiping Chreston and Chrestos.
According to The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, the word Christos was easily confused with the common Greek proper name Chrestos, meaning "good." According to a French theological dictionary, it is absolutely beyond doubt that Christus and Chrestus, and Christiani and Chrestiani were used indifferently by the profane and Christian authors of the first two centuries A.D. The word Christianos is a Latinism, being contributed neither by the Jews nor by the Christians themselves. The word was introduced from one of three origins: the Roman police, the Roman populace, or an unspecified pagan origin. Its infrequent use in the New Testament suggests a pagan origin.
According to Realencyclopaedie, the inscription Chrestos is to be seen on a Mithras relief in the Vatican. According to Christianity and Mythology, Osiris, the sun-deity of Egypt, was reverenced as Chrestos. In the Synagogue of the Marcionites on Mount Hermon, built in the third century A.D., the Messiah's title is spelled Chrestos. According to Tertullian and Lactantius, the common people usually called Christ Chrestos.
............ Also ..............
This is the word used in most English versions as a rendering of the Greek "ekklesia." The Greek word means "a calling out," "a meeting," or "a gathering." Ekklesia is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew qahal, which means an assembly or a congregation.
The origin of the word "church" is kuriakon or kyriakon in Greek. The meaning is a building (the house of Kurios, or Lord).
Dictionaries give the origin of "church" as the Anglo-Saxon root, circe. Circe was the goddess-daughter of Helios, the sun-deity. The word circe is related to "circus," "circle," "circuit," and "circulate."
Circe was originally a Greek goddess whose name was written and pronounced as Kirke. The word "church" is known in Scotland as kirk, in Germany as Kirche, and in Netherlands as kerk.
End of quote.........
I believe that a True Assembly would need to use the Sacred Names as well as a translation from the Hebrew as part of their standards. I also believe that such a True Assembly would also have to observe the seventh day as the Shabbat and observe the new covered moons as well as all seven of the Feast and High Holy Days. I believe that it would need to teach and follow the Faith along with the Law.