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Who Or What Is Israel?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It does, but even worse is Israel's acting in
concert with USA, England, & many the west.
Evil has tentacles.
All you need to see is the heart of the dragon (Satan) and you are under your way of guidance and joining the truthful in the conflict between good and evil.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
All you need to see is the heart of the dragon (Satan) and you are under your way of guidance and joining the truthful in the conflict between good and evil.
I don't blame sky fairies for the actions of humans.
I blame people for their choices. Israel chooses
genocide, & USA's Christian & Jewish communities
choose to support Israel's genocide.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I don't blame sky fairies for the actions of humans.
I blame people for their choices. Israel chooses
genocide, & USA's Christian & Jewish communities
choose to support Israel's genocide.
What you say makes sense. But don't you find it odd? Talk about human rights yet the most sacred right to live is not supported. Talk about freedom, yet they support dictators (such as in Bahrain). There is something in the water. Must definitely be something in the water.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
And you should research into freemasons and sister groups and groups linked to them. This **** is real bro. It's not just Christains and Jews deciding, there are hidden societies working for a goal.

And if you want to know evil for what is, talk to the Natives (Aboriginals) about human trafficking. I mean, for people who have a passion and not their "official" leaders who are bought by money.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
If you bring up freemasons in any politics in academic setting, they say conspiracy theory linked to being antisemitic to silence academic research into it. It's easy way to dismiss all the historical freemasons that have created havoc on earth and are found in many places historically.

It's easy way to make people blind to what has obviously taken over.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
There is a sorcery at work to blind people to them. And people are afraid to talk about them due to black magic as well.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
What you say makes sense. But don't you find it odd? Talk about human rights yet the most sacred right to live is not supported. Talk about freedom, yet they support dictators (such as in Bahrain). There is something in the water. Must definitely be something in the water.
It's in their upbringing, their culture,
their religion, & their bigotry.
It's not odd. It's worse than that,
ie, it's common.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It's in their upbringing, their culture,
their religion, & their bigotry.
It's not odd. It's worse than that,
ie, it's common.

It's not natural in my view. There is unnatural corruption and if you find about the degree freemasons have influenced history and are in power and you see how afraid people are or how much people hate talking about them, you can detect the unnatural Satanic magic that keeps them protected.

The same dark magic that blinds people to the family of Mohammad (s) in the Quran and seeks to separate the family of the living reminder from the written reminder.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It's not natural in my view. There is unnatural corruption and if you find about the degree freemasons have influenced history and are in power and you see how afraid people are or how much people hate talking about them, you can detect the unnatural Satanic magic that keeps them protected.

The same dark magic that blinds people to the family of Mohammad (s) in the Quran and seeks to separate the family of the living reminder from the written reminder.
Belief in magic & fairy tales is
fine for children. But adults
should move beyond such.


Veteran Member
This God character has yet to make an appearance.
The 'God character' appears in every Bible.
As Jesus said the Bible's words are what judges - John 12:47-48
There is also besides the appearance of the Bible there is the appearance of Bible people.
Just as Jesus said the Bible would be proclaimed in all nations - Matthew 24:14; Acts 1:8 - and it is.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The 'God character' appears in every Bible.
In a book that's about Jesus, I'd
expect him to make an appearance
or two in every edition.
As Jesus said the Bible's words are what judges - John 12:47-48
There is also besides the appearance of the Bible there is the appearance of Bible people.
Just as Jesus said the Bible would be proclaimed in all nations - Matthew 24:14; Acts 1:8 - and it is.
It is indeed popular. But it's not
even on the NYT's Best Seller List.
A question....
Is popularity the measure of truth?


Veteran Member
You are not going to "escape death" (Jeremiah 31:30), nor have you escaped sin and its codependent disease. As for treatment of disease, it will be the leaves of trees which will be used for that purpose (Rev 22:2), which would be under the term herbal treatment. You may as well flog yourself, as did the king of France, for Yeshua was a maker of wine of fine quality, yet drank of a lesser variety, as at the last supper.
Not 'escape death' until the coming Glory Time of Jesus as found at Matthew 25:31-34,37.
See Jeremiah 31:34 B; 33:8; Hebrews 10:17 because the time is coming when sin will be remembered No more.
No more sin equals = No more death. - 1st Corinthians 15:24-26; Isaiah 25:8
'Healing' for the nations (Rev. 22:2) means No more sin, No more sickness, and No more death - Rev. 21:4-5


Veteran Member
In a book that's about Jesus, I'd
expect him to make an appearance
or two in every edition.
It is indeed popular. But it's not
even on the NYT's Best Seller List.
A question....
Is popularity the measure of truth?
There is a difference between: Quantity and Quality.
Remember: 'few' would follow Jesus - Matthew 7:13-14 and MANY would prove false - Matthew 7:21-23
So, as Jesus said 'you would be hated' (Matt. 10:22; Luke 21:17) then popularity would Not be the measure of faith.
Rather, having the same self-sacrificing love as Jesus has is the measure of religious truth. - John 13:34-35
In other words, Jesus taught to now love neighbor MORE than the old Golden Rule of Leviticus 19:18.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
There is a difference between: Quantity and Quality.
Remember: 'few' would follow Jesus - Matthew 7:13-14 and MANY would prove false - Matthew 7:21-23
Weren't you just stressing quantity?
So, as Jesus said 'you would be hated' (Matt. 10:22; Luke 21:17) then popularity would Not be the measure of faith.
If atheists are hated, does that mean we have The Truth?
Rather, having the same self-sacrificing love as Jesus has is the measure of religious truth. - John 13:34-35
In other words, Jesus taught to now love neighbor MORE than the old Golden Rule of Leviticus 19:18.
I observe that Christians are no better at loving
their neighbor than are heathens. In fact, Christians
are the ones helping Israel commit genocide.


Veteran Member
It does, but even worse is Israel's acting in
concert with USA, England, & many the west.
Evil has tentacles.
Yes, earth's kings will Not relinquish their power to Christ. - Psalm 2:2
At Matt. 23:38 Jesus informed us that God abandoned that old religious house (of worship)
This is why only divine involvement will secure peace on earth for people of goodwill. - Rev. 19:14-15,19


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Yes, earth's kings will Not relinquish their power to Christ. - Psalm 2:2
At Matt. 23:38 Jesus informed us that God abandoned that old religious house (of worship)
This is why only divine involvement will secure peace on earth for people of goodwill. - Rev. 19:14-15,19
Christianity has been around a couple millennia.
Peace has yet to reign.
Christianity has even been the cause of much woe.
So I'll pursue good governance instead of Christianity.


Veteran Member
Weren't you just stressing quantity?
If atheists are hated, does that mean we have The Truth?
I observe that Christians are no better at loving
their neighbor than are heathens. In fact, Christians
are the ones helping Israel commit genocide.
The world stresses: quantity.
Atheists are Not hated for preaching and teaching about God's Kingdom ( thy kingdom come.... ) - Matt. 24:14
Which Christians? The genuine or so-called? Remember Jesus words at Matthew 7:21-23 about the MANY.
The genuine have the same self-sacrificing love that Jesus has - John 13:34-35; John 15:12-13
The genuine are on the narrow road, the narrow path - Matthew 7:14
Jesus and his 1st-century followers were politically neutral in world affairs.
They did Not even get involved in the issues of the day between the Jews and Romans.


Veteran Member
Christianity has been around a couple millennia.
Peace has yet to reign.
Christianity has even been the cause of much woe.
So I'll pursue good governance instead of Christianity.
To me Jesus did pursue good governance aka God's Kingdom ( Daniel 2:44 ) - ' thy kingdom come.......'
The political (such as Constantine) made way for Christian labels to be put on non-Christian teachings.
Thus, what you observe is Not the 1st-century teachings of Christ but a mixture of men's teachings mixed in.
Even in Jesus' day the religious leaders were corrupted - Matthew 15:9; Mark 7:7
This is why Jesus pronounced many ' woes ' against them with his reasons why at Matthew chapter 23