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Who voted for Bush


Well-Known Member
Buttercup said:
Ahhhh, nope. Not in a million years would I have voted or would vote for that Chimp. :D

Wait a minute.....did I just dis myself?
No I DID NOT vote for him! I DID vote for Kerry and was very upset that he didn't win, VERY!


Veteran Member
spacemonkey said:
I was onboard the USS Enterprise in the Persian Gulf for this military action, the media was allowed on for one day and the only thing they could think to ask us is if we felt that Clinton was trying to divert attention away from his "extracurricular activities"(for lack of a better way to put it). The vast majority stood behind Clinton's actions, the bombing of the USS Cole still fresh in every ones mind. This is one of the only times I can recall anyone in the military supporting Clinton.
No offense to folks in the military, but they live in an authoritarian environment. They are trained not to think for themselves, but to do what they're told without question. It's no surprise, then, that people in the military tend to be and to vote conservatively, as authoritarianism has and will always appeal to the conservative mentality. Meanwhile, liberalism generally tends to encourage freedom of thought and independent decision-making, the decentralization of power, and the idea that politicians are representatives of the people, not rulers or dictators. And these are not ideas commonly appreciated or practiced in a military environment.

So when I hear that the people in the military tend to distain Clinton, or liberalism in general, I'm neither surprised nor impressed. One does not have to be smart to be a soldier. All he has to do is be willing and able to obey orders without question, and that kind of authoritarian mind-set tends to be much more prevalent among conservatives.


Deviled Hen
PureX said:
So when I hear that the people in the military tend to distain Clinton, or liberalism in general, I'm neither surprised nor impressed. One does not have to be smart to be a soldier. All he has to do is be willing and able to obey orders without question, and that kind of authoritarian mind-set tends to be much more prevalent among conservatives.

I think you're missing something here, PureX. There's a difference between the guys who sign on because they want to make the military a career and those who sign on because they don't have a lot of other options or aren't sure what to do next. A goodly bunch of our military is comprised of the latter.

Most of the guys I know who went into the military did so only for one stint. They were working class guys who weren't going to go to college, and went into the military to get some training in *something* they could use for getting a job later.

My wargaming buddies who are ex-military are mostly all career guys.

These groups are *very* different in their political outlook.


Active Member
MaddLlama said:
Besides, isn't there a law against more than one person in the entertainment industry being a politician at one time?

One way or the other aren't all politicians in the entertainment industry!:pen:


Obstructor of justice
kateyes said:
One way or the other aren't all politicians in the entertainment industry!:pen:

I suppose, but if that's true we need waay more top hats and canes to go around. I am certianly not entertained. ;)


New Member
It brings me great grief and pain to hear someone refering to St. Albert Gore as annoying and made of plastic. Please be civil and considerate of the fact that St. Albert has illuminated our earth with his Good and his Light. Let's keep this discussion focused on Bush and his evil ways and not Gore and his saintly conduct. Thank you. May Albert be with you.


Veteran Member
MarinaVanylovna said:
It brings me great grief and pain to hear someone refering to St. Albert Gore as annoying and made of plastic. Please be civil and considerate of the fact that St. Albert has illuminated our earth with his Good and his Light. Let's keep this discussion focused on Bush and his evil ways and not Gore and his saintly conduct. Thank you. May Albert be with you.


Gore is anything but a saint, and Bush is not all evil. :areyoucra


Veteran Member
FeathersinHair said:
I may be mistaken, but I think they were being sarcastic.

I think they are a spammer. Same person said something about Gore in a different thread.


Done here.
beckysoup61 said:
Bush is not all evil. :areyoucra
Close enough, though. We could conceivably have a worse president, but we never have.

(BTW, Marina was indulging in a little sarcasm.)


Veteran Member
MidnightBlue said:
Close enough, though. We could conceivably have a worse president, but we never have.

(BTW, Marina was indulging in a little sarcasm.)

Are you sure she's not a spammer? Check out the Jesus/Vegetarian thread.:yes:

I caught the sarcasm, but I thought she might be spamming.

We had someone do this with Frankie Munz once.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Eeeep! I just noticed that this is in the 'discussion' section! I'm sorry if I did any debating!

(Marina's two posts are.... Hmm...)


The Devil's Advocate
MarinaVanylovna said:
It brings me great grief and pain to hear someone refering to St. Albert Gore as annoying and made of plastic. Please be civil and considerate of the fact that St. Albert has illuminated our earth with his Good and his Light. Let's keep this discussion focused on Bush and his evil ways and not Gore and his saintly conduct. Thank you. May Albert be with you.
But Al didn't even start any holy wars. How could he possibly be considered as holy as George? :p


New Member
beckysoup61 said:
Are you sure she's not a spammer? Check out the Jesus/Vegetarian thread.:yes:

I caught the sarcasm, but I thought she might be spamming.

We had someone do this with Frankie Munz once.

Hello there fellow discussion/debate comrades! I do apologize for sounding as though I am here to spam this place up with Albert Gore "nonsense." I understand that my views are not exactly "orthodox," or "normal." I suppose I simply can't drop the idea that Al Gore is a modern day saint. I am not asking of anybody to join me in this belief, but it is a strong one that I personally perscribe to and so often find it difficult not to view all of the information on these forums through my Al Gore loving lens. I will attempt to keep it to a minimum and focus more on the issues at hand. Can't make any promises though. :pen: Please do let me know if I bother people, since the last thing I want to do is be kicked off of this wonderful site. (no sarcasm there, promise.) I still love St. Albert, its ok if y'all out there don't. (I'll pray for you though!)


Through the Looking Glass
MarinaVanylovna said:
I suppose I simply can't drop the idea that Al Gore is a modern day saint.

Welcome. I love the avatar!

Perhaps you could start a new discussion thread based on the things you find so inpsiring about Al Gore? I didn't like him much in 2000, but the I find the re-invented Al Gore to be quite a different person from the unispiring politico of those days.


The Devil's Advocate
MarinaVanylovna said:
Hello there fellow discussion/debate comrades! I do apologize for sounding as though I am here to spam this place up with Albert Gore "nonsense." I understand that my views are not exactly "orthodox," or "normal." I suppose I simply can't drop the idea that Al Gore is a modern day saint. I am not asking of anybody to join me in this belief, but it is a strong one that I personally perscribe to and so often find it difficult not to view all of the information on these forums through my Al Gore loving lens. I will attempt to keep it to a minimum and focus more on the issues at hand. Can't make any promises though. :pen: Please do let me know if I bother people, since the last thing I want to do is be kicked off of this wonderful site. (no sarcasm there, promise.) I still love St. Albert, its ok if y'all out there don't. (I'll pray for you though!)
Man, avatar and all, what kind of hatred does it take to go to that much trouble?


Obstructor of justice
MarinaVanylovna said:
Hello there fellow discussion/debate comrades! I do apologize for sounding as though I am here to spam this place up with Albert Gore "nonsense." I understand that my views are not exactly "orthodox," or "normal." I suppose I simply can't drop the idea that Al Gore is a modern day saint. I am not asking of anybody to join me in this belief, but it is a strong one that I personally perscribe to and so often find it difficult not to view all of the information on these forums through my Al Gore loving lens. I will attempt to keep it to a minimum and focus more on the issues at hand. Can't make any promises though. :pen: Please do let me know if I bother people, since the last thing I want to do is be kicked off of this wonderful site. (no sarcasm there, promise.) I still love St. Albert, its ok if y'all out there don't. (I'll pray for you though!)

St. Al Gore and his pet Manbearpig?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
shaktinah said:
But Al didn't even start any holy wars. How could he possibly be considered as holy as George? :p

I agree. That's what's been holding me back from voting him a saint: The glaring lack of holy wars.


Deviled Hen
MarinaVanylovna said:
Hello there fellow discussion/debate comrades! I do apologize for sounding as though I am here to spam this place up with Albert Gore "nonsense." I understand that my views are not exactly "orthodox," or "normal." I suppose I simply can't drop the idea that Al Gore is a modern day saint.

This thread is about who voted for George Bush. If you want to be perceived as not spamming, it would be helpful if you started a NEW thread about Al Gore, and then you would be on topic.

I take it you didn't vote for George Bush?