Hello there fellow discussion/debate comrades! I do apologize for sounding as though I am here to spam this place up with Albert Gore "nonsense." I understand that my views are not exactly "orthodox," or "normal." I suppose I simply can't drop the idea that Al Gore is a modern day saint. I am not asking of anybody to join me in this belief, but it is a strong one that I personally perscribe to and so often find it difficult not to view all of the information on these forums through my Al Gore loving lens. I will attempt to keep it to a minimum and focus more on the issues at hand. Can't make any promises though.
Please do let me know if I bother people, since the last thing I want to do is be kicked off of this wonderful site. (no sarcasm there, promise.) I still love St. Albert, its ok if y'all out there don't. (I'll pray for you though!)