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Why Adam's Sin Became the Downfall for Us All


Well-Known Member
One of the most unfair things we hear is Adam's sin causing us to lose paradise and have all of humankind marked with original sin. That is, we are born of sin not of our doing.

Today, I want to discuss what Adam's sin did. We have paradise which God had created for us. If Adam was able to avoid his temptation, then we would all be living and experiencing paradise today. What was disappointing is it did not appear Adam and Eve was able to hold out for very long.

First and foremost, we find that God's nature is to hate and despise sin. He is holy, so he cannot be with sin. Thus, it wasn't just Adam and Even who was cast from the Garden of Eden, but God the Father himself. He left this universe and Earth and had to return to heaven. He could not stay. This meant we had become without God. Holy guacamole! Is there any way to fix this?

It also meant that Adam lost his dominion over Earth. He had given it to Satan who became "god of the Earth and prince of the power of the air."

Thus, this was a huge problem and the only future we had was a future without God and hell which was designed for Lucifer and his angels who rebelled against God. They had the free will to do so just like us.

It sounds to me like the true 'original sin' was god creating Adam so naive and gullible that he could easily be lured into doing something so terrible. Just because someone has free will doesn't mean that they don't require guidance and education. A toddler has free will, but that doesn't mean that a good parent doesn't closely regulate that free will to ensure that their child doesn't run out into traffic. This seems far more like god being a negligent parent and then blaming it on the child.


Well-Known Member
I just checked, and that is definitely not how the site defines it.
Definition of atheism | Dictionary.com
the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.
rejection of belief in God or gods
Denial that there is a God.

Just like atheists do not get to define what God means then theists don't get to decide what atheism means.

"Atheism is one thing: A lack of belief in gods.
Atheism is not an affirmative belief that there is no god nor does it answer any other question about what a person believes. It is simply a rejection of the assertion that there are gods. Atheism is too often defined incorrectly as a belief system. To be clear: Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods."

What is Atheism? | American Atheists

I think the American Atheists organization is probably more qualified to define what atheism means than dictionary.com.

Besides, anyone with half a brain knows you cannot prove a negative. You can't prove God doesn't exist so there's no reason to deny it. Although I have heard some atheists make the argument over the last 200 years science has been wildly successfully in proving many silly superstitions to be wrong why not just interpolate and include God also. I tend to believe the atheists claims that ritual where you slit the throat of goat in order to gain favor with God is probably silly superstition.


How free is your will if you are punished for using it?

What was Adam's sin really? It's not like he killed/tortured anyone. What did Adam do that was so bad to lose "dominion" which he never really had anyway. God "Hey Adam, you have dominion over paradise, just don't use any of that free will I gave you".
Free will was given to Adam so he could choose between the love and truth offered by God the Creator or lies and deceptive hatred presented by the enemy. Adam was not punished for using his free will, rather for choosing to believe lies instead of trusting God who had lovingly provided for all his needs. It was not punishment as much as the reality that lies always lead to destructive consequences and situations.


Veteran Member
One of the most unfair things we hear is Adam's sin causing us to lose paradise and have all of humankind marked with original sin. That is, we are born of sin not of our doing.

Today, I want to discuss what Adam's sin did. We have paradise which God had created for us. If Adam was able to avoid his temptation, then we would all be living and experiencing paradise today. What was disappointing is it did not appear Adam and Eve was able to hold out for very long.

First and foremost, we find that God's nature is to hate and despise sin. He is holy, so he cannot be with sin. Thus, it wasn't just Adam and Even who was cast from the Garden of Eden, but God the Father himself. He left this universe and Earth and had to return to heaven. He could not stay. This meant we had become without God. Holy guacamole! Is there any way to fix this?

It also meant that Adam lost his dominion over Earth. He had given it to Satan who became "god of the Earth and prince of the power of the air."

Thus, this was a huge problem and the only future we had was a future without God and hell which was designed for Lucifer and his angels who rebelled against God. They had the free will to do so just like us.
I think this story is mega-obvious nonsense.
Even more so then the Noah story.

james bond

Well-Known Member

Man as a species Day Six....male and female
no names ...no garden ….no law
go forth be fruitful and multiply
dominate all things

but we would have overrun the planet before the spirit of man could gel

so...Chapter Two
the garden event

alteration of body and mind of a chosen specimen
and Adam was given his twin sister for a bride
Eve is not born of woman....no navel

years of training and then the test
was Man that creature curious?...….even if death is the pending consequence


release into the environment
and the garden dismantled having served it's purpose

and here we are

Today's population fits Noah's family history:

The population has to double thirty times from 8 people in order to reach today's population of over 8 billion people. It has grown exponentially

Population growth since Flood - creation.com.

The population does not fit 200 years old human kind with no huge natural disasters.


One of the most unfair things we hear is Adam's sin causing us to lose paradise and have all of humankind marked with original sin. That is, we are born of sin not of our doing.

Today, I want to discuss what Adam's sin did. We have paradise which God had created for us. If Adam was able to avoid his temptation, then we would all be living and experiencing paradise today. What was disappointing is it did not appear Adam and Eve was able to hold out for very long.

First and foremost, we find that God's nature is to hate and despise sin. He is holy, so he cannot be with sin. Thus, it wasn't just Adam and Even who was cast from the Garden of Eden, but God the Father himself. He left this universe and Earth and had to return to heaven. He could not stay. This meant we had become without God. Holy guacamole! Is there any way to fix this?

It also meant that Adam lost his dominion over Earth. He had given it to Satan who became "god of the Earth and prince of the power of the air."

Thus, this was a huge problem and the only future we had was a future without God and hell which was designed for Lucifer and his angels who rebelled against God. They had the free will to do so just like us.

The way I view the story of the Bible is like this:

God is a creator first and foremost. His creation has to serve the purposes that he wants. Much like when we make machines we want them to serve the purpose we made them for. Serving the specific purpose that God made us for is holiness.

In this case, man by his actions became a faulty machine. A faulty machine is no more holy but "misses the mark", which is the meaning of sin.

When a creation that a creator makes is faulty then he can do three things:

1) leave it as is in which case it doesnt serve the purpose that he created it for.

2) destroy the creation and make a new one.

3) fix the creation he created.

In the Bibles narrative, God is actually attached to the creation that he created, he loves it, so he tries to fix it. Because the first creation Adam was messed up he couldnt produce humans that served God purpose. So God created a plan which determined which humans could be fixed and which ones had to be destroyed.

james bond

Well-Known Member
Sorry, but my search of Dictionary.com turned up no such definitions. Either you're making it all up, you're citing another dictionary, or something else is amiss. How about a direct link to these ridiculous definitions?

It's definition for religion. We see atheism fits the definition. If the suit fits, then you should wear it. Atheism meets the criteria. If it isn't a religion, then all atheist groups should immediately start paying back taxes and put its leaders in prison for tax evasion.. The USG agrees that it is a religion.

Atheism Is Religion

This is a done deal.

Atheism is a religion - Conservapedia

Second, you don't know Michael Ruse?

"“Evolution is promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion—a full-fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality. I am an ardent evolutionist and an ex-Christian, but I must admit that in this one complaint—and Mr [sic] Gish is but one of many to make it—the literalists are absolutely right. Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today.

“… Evolution therefore came into being as a kind of secular ideology, an explicit substitute for Christianity.”National Post, pp. B1,B3,B7 May 13, 2000.">1

Michael Ruse was professor of philosophy and zoology at the University of Guelph, Canada (recently moved to Florida), He was the leading anti-creationist philosopher whose (flawed) arguments seemed to convince the biased judge to rule against the Arkansas ‘balanced treatment’ (of creation and evolution in schools) bill in 1981/2. At the trial, he and the other the anti-creationists loftily dismissed the claim that evolution was an anti-god religion."

Michael Ruse: Evolution is a religion - creation.com

Thus, the laugh's are on your atheistic arguments

james bond

Well-Known Member
I think this story is mega-obvious nonsense.
Even more so then the Noah story.

You have no physical evidence for your religious beliefs while I have the physical evidence of the Earth being 3/4 covered with water from Noah's Flood.

With Adam and Eve, the evidence is we have the human nature of good and evil. We have the genetic evidence -- Dr Michael G Strauss: Adam and Eve: Genetic Evidence. What do you have for abiogenesis? Spontaneous generation was proven pseudoscience already by Dr. Louis Pasteur. and the same applies for abiogenesis. When are the real science deniers going to give up on Miller-Urey and primordial soup? We've been show by the scientific method that it's not scientific at all. Water is a universal solvent, so while it's necessary for life, one doesn't want it for abiogenesis. We also don't want O2 (oxygen) for Miller-Urey. The atheists and their scientists make up crap just to fit their religion.


Veteran Member
You have no physical evidence for your religious beliefs while I have the physical evidence of the Earth being 3/4 covered with water from Noah's Flood.

With Adam and Eve, the evidence is we have the human nature of good and evil. We have the genetic evidence -- Dr Michael G Strauss: Adam and Eve: Genetic Evidence. What do you have for abiogenesis? Spontaneous generation was proven pseudoscience already by Dr. Louis Pasteur. and the same applies for abiogenesis. When are the real science deniers going to give up on Miller-Urey and primordial soup? We've been show by the scientific method that it's not scientific at all. Water is a universal solvent, so while it's necessary for life, one doesn't want it for abiogenesis. We also don't want O2 (oxygen) for Miller-Urey. The atheists and their scientists make up crap just to fit their religion.

Adam and Eve, Noah's flood, the Exodus and Joshua are all fiction.. There is zero evidence for a flood and no Canaanite cities were destroyed. Israel couldn't field a large army. The Israelites were just another Canaanite tribe.


Well-Known Member
Thus, this was a huge problem and the only future we had was a future without God and hell which was designed for Lucifer and his angels who rebelled against God. They had the free will to do so just like us.

It's a matter of Law. Law existed before the creation of humans. Angels who broke the Law will have to leave the realm of God. They are chained in Abyss till the Final Judgment. The Final Judgment serves the purpose of defining who is qualified to enter the final Heaven and to live with God eternally.

Another establishment is that humans will be created with an intelligence much lower than the capable angels such as Satan. That's how the story goes with the cunning snake which is Satan. Thus this establishment is set up in Eden, on earth and will remain the same even in the future Heaven. To put it another way, by the freewill of the more intelligent angels, they can cast their influence to the less intelligent humans for good or bad.

God's purpose for Eden is to demonstrate that under this establishment, humans stand no chance not to break the Law under the deliberate effort of the much more intelligent angels. Satan's plan on the other hand is that, he knows whoever breaks the Law will have to leave God's realm. Subsequently after leaving God's realm and under the influence of his fallen angels, no man can stand a chance to pass the judgment of Law to enter the final heaven, not even one.

Instead of teaching Adam and Eve about good and evil such as what murdering is or what raping is, God's effort on Adam and Eve is to keep them as innocent as possible thus not to break and Law. The result as anyone knows, is that both Satan as an angels and Adam as a man broke God's Law. Humans after that will have to live outside God's realm. We are said to be in a realm where Satan is the god in terms of his influence. We stand no chance to abide by God's Law, the same Law will be used to judge the angels on the Judgment Day.

In terms of science/mathematics/statistics. Angel behavior and human behavior can be treated as a bell shape normal distribution. Law is to make a cut on the angels such that 2/3 of them can pass the Final Judgment. The same cut however will exclude humans as a whole. No humans can be saved by Law. God has to sort out another solution in order to save even a single human. Of course the solution is our Lord Jesus Christ.
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james bond

Well-Known Member
The way I view the story of the Bible is like this:

God is a creator first and foremost. His creation has to serve the purposes that he wants. Much like when we make machines we want them to serve the purpose we made them for. Serving the specific purpose that God made us for is holiness.

In this case, man by his actions became a faulty machine. A faulty machine is no more holy but "misses the mark", which is the meaning of sin.

When a creation that a creator makes is faulty then he can do three things:

1) leave it as is in which case it doesnt serve the purpose that he created it for.

2) destroy the creation and make a new one.

3) fix the creation he created.

In the Bibles narrative, God is actually attached to the creation that he created, he loves it, so he tries to fix it. Because the first creation Adam was messed up he couldnt produce humans that served God purpose. So God created a plan which determined which humans could be fixed and which ones had to be destroyed.

I think we agree. According to the bible, God did 2 with Noah's Flood.

I agree God didn't do 1 because death came into existence through Adam's sin. We also lost the dominion over the Earth.

As for 3, it is prophecized God is going to do 3. This time, instead of a negative test as with Adam and Eve, i.e. do not eat the forbidden fruit, we have a positive test with John 3:16. It is also prophecized that he will do 2 again, but this time not make a new one. Only those who believe will be saved.

Thus, all of us only live twice. The first time we are given a chance. The others didn't make it.


Veteran Member
It's a matter of Law. Law existed before the creation of humans. Angels who broke the Law will have to leave the realm of God. They are chained in Abyss till the Final Judgment. The Final Judgment serves the purpose of defining who is qualified to enter the final Heaven and to live with God eternally.

Another establishment is that humans will be created with an intelligence much lower than the capable angels such as Satan. That's how the story goes with the cunning snake which is Satan. Thus this establishment is set up in Eden, on earth and will remain the same even in the future Heaven. To put it another way, by the freewill of the more intelligent of the angels, they can cast their influence to the less intelligent humans for good or bad.

God's purpose for Eden is to demonstrate that under this establishment, humans stand no chance not to break the Law under the deliberate effort of the much more intelligent angels. Satan's plan on the other hand is that, he knows whoever breaks the Law will have to leave God's realm. Subsequently after leaving God's realm and under the influence of his fallen angels, no man can stand a chance to pass the judgment of Law to enter the final heaven, not even one.

Angels don't have free will. That's why man is higher than the angels.


Well-Known Member
Angels don't have free will. That's why man is higher than the angels.

Whoever has the freewill can break the Law. Whoever can break the Law has freewill. We don't have the same degree of freewill though. That's actually one of the reasons how 2/3 angels can pass the judgment of Law but no humans can.
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Angels don't have free will. That's why man is higher than the angels.

The Bible says that man was made lower than angels though..... and Satan and the angels went against God so it seems like angels do have free will according to the bible.


Veteran Member
The Bible says that man was made lower than angels though..... and Satan and the angels went against God so it seems like angels do have free will according to the bible.

Confusing, isn't it?

Angels: A Study in the Scriptures
VII. What rank or place in God's creation do angels hold? A. Angels are not greater than man. 1. They are ministering servants of the elect of God. Psalms 104:4 Hebrews 1:7, 14 2. They will be judged by men. 1 Corinthians 6:3 3. Man was created a higher order than the angels. Psalms 8:4-5 (Actually, the word here translated "angels" is the Hebrew


Veteran Member
One of the most unfair things we hear is Adam's sin causing us to lose paradise and have all of humankind marked with original sin. That is, we are born of sin not of our doing.

Today, I want to discuss what Adam's sin did. We have paradise which God had created for us. If Adam was able to avoid his temptation, then we would all be living and experiencing paradise today. What was disappointing is it did not appear Adam and Eve was able to hold out for very long.

First and foremost, we find that God's nature is to hate and despise sin. He is holy, so he cannot be with sin. Thus, it wasn't just Adam and Even who was cast from the Garden of Eden, but God the Father himself. He left this universe and Earth and had to return to heaven. He could not stay. This meant we had become without God. Holy guacamole! Is there any way to fix this?

It also meant that Adam lost his dominion over Earth. He had given it to Satan who became "god of the Earth and prince of the power of the air."

Thus, this was a huge problem and the only future we had was a future without God and hell which was designed for Lucifer and his angels who rebelled against God. They had the free will to do so just like us.

Too much is made of Adam's "original sin" IMHO. We are all like Adam and Eve, have a free will, and would have eventually rebelled in the Garden. Thanks be to the new Adam, Jesus, for salvation!