I am dear friends with people who preach to me for weeks and months on end when a mutual friend dies. Enough that I have to deal with the loss but now I have to politely deal with your supernatural lectures for months?
I know it sucks but your reassurance that we will be in heaven together rubbing shoulders again and your half thought out remarks of making up for past wrongs and joking around again in a fictional afterlife is ridiculous when you know I am an atheist...
Why do people do this? Its not a time to debate religion but its a time for me to shut up and listen to sermon after sermon and say nothing?
Beyond that its religious people who come to my door when I am trying to work and sure I'll invite you in and we can enjoy a tea or a root beer and a healthy debate but how many people are unemployed right now? Five a month? Are you preaching or casing my house?
Walking from my downtown office to get a coffee I get stopped by religious people... Not the usual people I would imagine but still... such a random time... its a 4 minute walk and I have headphones on and am purposefully avoiding eye contact... blocking my path to chit chat... Sure so politely remove headphones and they know less about their random christian religion then I do but feel inclined to stop me to tell me they really want me to go to their church this Sunday? Why? To support that women should follow god and have a baby even if having the baby will kill them or if the baby will be still born. (And they have pictures...)
Anti-theism is a joke? Your ability to derive valuable lessons from theism seems to be rare among theists. I often thank my religious upbringing for my values but some of those values were formed only by rejection of my upbringing.
As a side note have you read the god delusion? Dawkin's argues in Chapter 8 for why he sees religion as hostile. I can quote the intro but its a decent read nonetheless:
Dawkins said:
Chapter 8, one of the truly bad effects of religion is that it teaches us that it is a virtue to be satisfied with not understanding. Admissions of ignorance and temporary mystification are vital to good science. It is therefore unfortunate, to say the least, that the main strategy of creation propagandists is the negative one of seeking out gaps in scientific knowledge and claiming to fill them with 'intelligent design' by default.
He is making specific and not general claims. Chapter 8 begins with a quote by George Carlin:
Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man - living in the sky - who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time . . . But He loves you!
Beyond that Dawkins makes many specific claims you could argue against. One point I agree with because I am highly against tricking people into thinking that if they die they will live on in a better world then they can imagine is also from chapter 8:
Dawkins said:
Suicide bombers do what they do because they really believe what they were taught in their religious schools: that duty to God exceeds all other priorities, and that martyrdom in his service will be rewarded in the gardens of Paradise.
There are many other points Dawkins makes but looking at america today it seems the theists delight in terrorizing or minimizing the non-theists. Most of the forerunners for the republican party don't even believe in evolution.
Perry thinks the texas school system teaches creationism.
I am a crazy tolerant and patient person. What I would hope you would do is to read up on the non-theist position and then reply to your own post with updates. I don't think your mind will be changed by any means but I think your disagreements may be more clarion and easier to address.
I would suggest the God Delusion by Dawkins, Why god is not great by hitchens and Losing Faith In Faith: From Preacher To Atheist by Dan Barker. If you want to get crazy I can suggest an expanded reading list but I am not sure why one would state to not look at religion but rather to look at humans who are by percentage mostly religious. They have to rationalize their choices based on their beliefs and their beliefs may not be serving them well or might be serving them well but not those around them or any combination of those possibilities. Ultimately most people are religious and don't know much about why they are religious but devoutly religious all the same. Questioning people sure.... but why not religion? Is it sacrosanct or something in your opinion?