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Why are Christians so sexually insecure?


Active Member
"Physicians for life" as a source. I think iam going to quote something like "murderers for death" or "child molesters for rape" as a source in a future discussion. :D

Also dear OP, there is something outside of the USA. You know the not prude part of the world. ;)

I was waiting for that. Yes, they've put a collection together of other resources and I used it as a source. [sarcasm]How dare they put together a collection of statistics from other resources! It can't possibly be accurate or anything! [/sarcasm]


Active Member
Call me crazy but I seem to recall him having bigger goals and issues at the time than teaching his disciples about sex ;) He did teach them about joy and how to find true joy, if you truly have that in your heart it will extend to other areas of your life. :) Keep in mind Jesus' ministry only lasted 3 yrs, and his goal was saving lost souls, not really making sure his men were happy in bed with their women :D

Everything revolves around SEX (ISKCON).


Premium Member
seeming that Christianity developed from Paganism why are most Christians so hung up on the sex issue? Correct me if I"m wrong but I'm sure this isn't the case with Paganism.

For instance, pre-marital sex is NOT banned in Paganism, right?

I know you can interpret the Bible in many ways but the general consensus among most Christians is that Pre-marital and homosexuality is a big no no (even though Jesus certainly never directly mentions pre-marital).

This is a big turn-off (excuse the pun) to Christianity for me which is a shame as some of the philosophy is good.

Surely men and women were made with biological instincts so what's the problem with the Christians and what are they scared of?

I didn't realize that not wanting to have sex before you are married was insecurity. That is news to me. What the heck is wrong with someone not wanting to have sex before they are married anyway? It doesn't affect anyone outside of the couple.


Let's go racing boys !
I've never been sexually insecure but I've met many men who should be, I don't think being a Christian had anything to do with the fact of their disabilities. :D

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
  • AIDS, and other STDs
  • Unwanted pregnancies, many ended by aborting the unborn child
  • Single parent families, with children often raised in poverty
  • Parents unready for the responsibility of child-rearing, resulting in child neglect and abuse
  • Emotional distress,Depression, and Suicide
  • Harm to the family of those committing such acts

Yes, all these reasons are why I practice sexuality with mindfulness, moderation, compassion, and humility.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Responsible sexual behavior "breeds" physical and emotional health, not insecurities.


Well-Known Member
You can blame Paul for the prudishness.

If it's just their own genitals, I wouldn't say it is insecurity I can respect wanting to wait till marriage. It's when they try to tell society what to do with its genitals that I have the problem.


Premium Member
You can blame Paul for the prudishness.

If it's just their own genitals, I wouldn't say it is insecurity I can respect wanting to wait till marriage. It's when they try to tell society what to do with its genitals that I have the problem.

If you are not a Christian, you really don't need to listen. It hasn't stopped people. I am not going to tell anyone what they should do, but I certainly agree with Kathryn on this one.


Well-Known Member
If you are not a Christian, you really don't need to listen. It hasn't stopped people. I am not going to tell anyone what they should do, but I certainly agree with Kathryn on this one.

If certain Christians would stop trying to legislate morality then I would agree.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
seeming that Christianity developed from Paganism why are most Christians so hung up on the sex issue? Correct me if I"m wrong but I'm sure this isn't the case with Paganism.

For instance, pre-marital sex is NOT banned in Paganism, right?

I know you can interpret the Bible in many ways but the general consensus among most Christians is that Pre-marital and homosexuality is a big no no (even though Jesus certainly never directly mentions pre-marital).

This is a big turn-off (excuse the pun) to Christianity for me which is a shame as some of the philosophy is good.

Surely men and women were made with biological instincts so what's the problem with the Christians and what are they scared of?

I don't know about that. I've known some pretty sexually loose Christians in my day, mostly preacher's daughters. They're probably reacting to the strict ethical code imposed onto them their whole lives. Then there are the truly insecure ones at the opposite end of the spectrum, because they've never been properly educated about sex from their parents or taught to hate their own natural urges rather than understand and pursue them responsibly. Unfortunately, they tend to feel very uncertain and possibly terrified at the notion of sexual intimacy. I'm sure there are plenty of Christians in the healthy and happy middle ground as well.


Premium Member
If certain Christians would stop trying to legislate morality then I would agree.

I am not responsible for them.

I agree you can't really force your morals onto other people, this is true for anything that doesn't harm a child or another person. As long as no one is harmed, then I don't see why it would concern anyone else. I think things of that nature fall into the category "between them (and God, if they believe)". I sometimes wonder about the harming of oneself (I am not saying that premarital sex is harmful, I am just speaking generally). "Should it be unlawful to harm oneself" is a whole other question in a whole other thread.


Active Member
Is insecurity really such a bad thing all the time?

I don't know about that. I've known some pretty sexually loose Christians in my day, mostly preacher's daughters. They're probably reacting to the strict ethical code imposed onto them their whole lives. Then there are the truly insecure ones at the opposite end of the spectrum, because they've never been properly educated about sex from their parents or taught to hate their own natural urges rather than understand and pursue them responsibly. Unfortunately, they tend to feel very uncertain and possibly terrified at the notion of sexual intimacy. I'm sure there are plenty of Christians in the healthy and happy middle ground as well.

Don't most people feel uncertain and possibly terrified the first time they had sex? Or does that somehow only apply to those who wait til they're married?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I don't know about that. I've known some pretty sexually loose Christians in my day, mostly preacher's daughters. They're probably reacting to the strict ethical code imposed onto them their whole lives. Then there are the truly insecure ones at the opposite end of the spectrum, because they've never been properly educated about sex from their parents or taught to hate their own natural urges rather than understand and pursue them responsibly. Unfortunately, they tend to feel very uncertain and possibly terrified at the notion of sexual intimacy. I'm sure there are plenty of Christians in the healthy and happy middle ground as well.

Just to clarify - "sexually loose" does not necessarily equate to "sexually secure." In fact, it's often quite the opposite scenario.

And throughout all my adventures, I've met some non Christians who are just as "hung up" (as opposed to h...oh never mind...!), and full of sexual anxiety.

I think it's a large stretch - and probably an unprovable charge - to claim that most Christian, or Christians in general, are sexually insecure, or more sexually insecure than non Christians.


Why are pagans so Sexually......ummm....well...I don't even have the word for this:

The dark side of sexual freedom: American 'zoophiles' take on the language of equality – Telegraph Blogs

The push for the normalisaton of bestiality is astonishing for its candour. Animal sex advocate Malcolm Brenner (who is also, predictably, a Wiccan), is republishing a memoir he wrote about a nine-month sexual relationship with a theme park dolphin. Brenner asks, “What is repulsive about a relationship where both partners feel and express love for each other? I know what I'm talking about here because after we made love, the dolphin put her snout on my shoulder, embraced me with her flippers and we stared into each others' eyes for about a minute.”


Sugar and Spice
Why are pagans so Sexually......ummm....well...I don't even have the word for this:
You don't seriously think this is typical of most Pagans do you?? :rolleyes:
Mr Brenner would be kicked out of all the Wiccan covens I know.
You know anyone can call themselves wiccan or christian but that doesn't make it so...


New Member
So, I'm not sure that I would still classify myself as a Christian or not, but either way.
When I was in my mid teens, I definitely had a hang-up about sex. No one had ever taught me anything (through my church groups or otherwise) about what sex is other than "BAD" so not only was I ashamed of thinking about it, I was completely uneducated. And I was too ashamed to ask anything. Now that I've gotten a bit older, I understand what it is; I get that sex is a good thing, it's not this dirty unmentionable that my elders mad made me think (whether they did that on purpose or not, I don't know). But I also know that away from the Christian setting, my biological family was pretty screwed up and their sexual mistakes are what led to it. Even now, I'm pretty scared of men. I don't think sex is a bad thing; quite the contrary I think it's a wonderful thing, and even though I've made (what I consider to be) mistakes in regards to it, I think it's one of those things that is so wonderful that I only WANT to share it with one person. That could be more based on my personal experience that my childhood faith.


Self-appointed Lunatic
I remember how Christianity scarred my sexual life; it created it.

Before I started masturbating a couple years ago, my physical sex drive was virtually nonexistent, and my attraction to women was mainly emotional (at least as far as I could tell). The reason I started masturbating was an attempt to circumvent that emotional desire, which I thought was possible because being raised a Christian (I was still a Christian at this time) taught me that love and sexual desire were meant to be synonymous. So, I thought, an activity that would relieve physical desire must relieve emotional desire.

This belief, as any non-conservative must realize, was patently absurd, and now I still unfulfilled emotionally and I've created a new desire that repeatedly demands appeasement.

And, I don't know if this comes from Christianity, but I find that I feel deeply uncomfortable being sexually aroused when I'm around other people. I'm not sure if this will interfere with a hypothetical relationship or not.