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Why are people mean?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
However, in Japan it is very common for women to be treated like slaves, hookers, and on par with animals.

The majority of Japanese women would disagree it seems.


Well-Known Member
I guess it's what they call "human nature".. But I believe not all are mean and that no one can be too good (too or mean) at all times.


Well-Known Member
Erm... what?
It is not uncommon for women to strive to be hostess at restaurants. However, it means something much different than here in the states. They are expected and look for wealthy men to go home with.
Not to mention if women are over say 30 years old, they are often passed up for jobs to much younger women. In other words women are still treated horribly over there.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Don't have a job or gf? You're a loser.
Can't compete, too soft? You're a loser.
Put simply, you aren't successful, wealthy, charming, and sociable. Yup, you're a loser.

Fine, even if you're a loser, it is still only the loser who needs more compassion than the winner. Isn't that obvious? If you have no money or friends or good job, in short you have nothing going for you, surely you deserve more sympathy than those who have all these things.

Yet people do the exact opposite - they mock you when they ought to be holding your hands. They judge you when they ought to be sympathizing with you. And the funny thing is, these people (the ones who mock you) sympathize with some rich celebrity who probably doesn't care they exist. They cry for some stupid celebrity that has the common cold, yet they mock the little guy who really needs a lot of support and sympathy.

Why? Why are people so mean, especially those who call themselves civilized and educated?

It's common now, I see it everywhere.

What causes it? Is it selfishness? Greed? Or just plain fun? Maybe all of the above. I think these people are bullies, and I dislike them very much.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Don't have a job or gf? You're a loser.
Can't compete, too soft? You're a loser.
Put simply, you aren't successful, wealthy, charming, and sociable. Yup, you're a loser.

Fine, even if you're a loser, it is still only the loser who needs more compassion than the winner. Isn't that obvious? If you have no money or friends or good job, in short you have nothing going for you, surely you deserve more sympathy than those who have all these things.

Yet people do the exact opposite - they mock you when they ought to be holding your hands. They judge you when they ought to be sympathizing with you. And the funny thing is, these people (the ones who mock you) sympathize with some rich celebrity who probably doesn't care they exist. They cry for some stupid celebrity that has the common cold, yet they mock the little guy who really needs a lot of support and sympathy.

Why? Why are people so mean, especially those who call themselves civilized and educated?
I've only noticed that a small subset of people are mean. Most people don't seem to be. Those who find that a lot of people are mean might do well to change their circle of acquaintances. Most people I know are pretty nice. The ones that are mean are likely insecure, or have other negative character traits, and would do well to improve.

On the other side of the coin, sympathy can go too far. Sometimes sympathy can feed weakness. Sympathy is something that should come in moderation: acknowledge misfortune and offer physical and emotional support, but expect them to stand on their own two feet.


New Member
Don't have a job or gf? You're a loser.
Can't compete, too soft? You're a loser.
Put simply, you aren't successful, wealthy, charming, and sociable. Yup, you're a loser.

Fine, even if you're a loser, it is still only the loser who needs more compassion than the winner. Isn't that obvious? If you have no money or friends or good job, in short you have nothing going for you, surely you deserve more sympathy than those who have all these things.

Yet people do the exact opposite - they mock you when they ought to be holding your hands. They judge you when they ought to be sympathizing with you. And the funny thing is, these people (the ones who mock you) sympathize with some rich celebrity who probably doesn't care they exist. They cry for some stupid celebrity that has the common cold, yet they mock the little guy who really needs a lot of support and sympathy.

Why? Why are people so mean, especially those who call themselves civilized and educated?

Many have responded that people are mean due to some personal flaws, etc. they suffer from. While this may be true some of the time, I find that many mean people are actually "successful, well educated, etc." and have no more flaws than everyone else...even fewer actually.

I believe it to be more a result of the legions upon legions of fallen angels who would love to corrupt peaceful souls.


Well-Known Member
Don't have a job or gf? You're a loser.
Can't compete, too soft? You're a loser.
Put simply, you aren't successful, wealthy, charming, and sociable. Yup, you're a loser.

Fine, even if you're a loser, it is still only the loser who needs more compassion than the winner. Isn't that obvious? If you have no money or friends or good job, in short you have nothing going for you, surely you deserve more sympathy than those who have all these things.

Yet people do the exact opposite - they mock you when they ought to be holding your hands. They judge you when they ought to be sympathizing with you. And the funny thing is, these people (the ones who mock you) sympathize with some rich celebrity who probably doesn't care they exist. They cry for some stupid celebrity that has the common cold, yet they mock the little guy who really needs a lot of support and sympathy.

Why? Why are people so mean, especially those who call themselves civilized and educated?
I think some cultures are meaner than others.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Don't have a job or gf? You're a loser.
Can't compete, too soft? You're a loser.
Put simply, you aren't successful, wealthy, charming, and sociable. Yup, you're a loser.

Fine, even if you're a loser, it is still only the loser who needs more compassion than the winner. Isn't that obvious? If you have no money or friends or good job, in short you have nothing going for you, surely you deserve more sympathy than those who have all these things.

Yet people do the exact opposite - they mock you when they ought to be holding your hands. They judge you when they ought to be sympathizing with you. And the funny thing is, these people (the ones who mock you) sympathize with some rich celebrity who probably doesn't care they exist. They cry for some stupid celebrity that has the common cold, yet they mock the little guy who really needs a lot of support and sympathy.

Why are people so mean,
especially those who call themselves civilized and educated?

Low self esteem.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Don't have a job or gf? You're a loser.
Can't compete, too soft? You're a loser.
Put simply, you aren't successful, wealthy, charming, and sociable. Yup, you're a loser.

Hey, you left out one other maligned group. Around here, if you are successful, wealthy, charming and sociable, surely you're part of an evil, greedy class who is probably guilty of crimes against humanity.

So it's ok to be mean to them. Surely they deserve it.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Hey, you left out one other maligned group. Around here, if you are successful, wealthy, charming and sociable, surely you're part of an evil, greedy class who is probably guilty of crimes against humanity.
So it's ok to be mean to them. Surely they deserve it.
We sure gots diversity.


Agnostic Pantheist
Hey, you left out one other maligned group. Around here, if you are successful, wealthy, charming and sociable, surely you're part of an evil, greedy class who is probably guilty of crimes against humanity.

So it's ok to be mean to them. Surely they deserve it.
This seems to be the feeling around here lately. I'm starting to feel that there is something truly wrong about just being normal and social. you know, without inventing a completely imaginery alter ego.
usually I come here looking for a decent conversation about interesting topics. some people apparently think they log on to Gotham city, and they embody the ultimate anti hero.


'Meanness' is sometimes a matter of perception, although there are times it's unquestionable.

I believe cruelty, nastiness, meanness, whatever you call it - comes out of fear.

Fear of being weak (or so perceived) can lead to an overreactive attempt to look strong, which comes at the expense of others.

Fear of intimacy can lead to coldness and cruelty toward anyone who attempts to get too close.

Fear of "loserness" being contagious can lead to the strenuous, cruel repulsion of those perceived as losers.

I think the last one in particular is the root of a lot of bullying problems we see, at least in this culture. This fear of 'loser contagion' is ill-defined, and mostly subconscious, but nonetheless a powerful motivator.