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Why are religious people more disgustingly stupid, barbaric, and evil?


Please don't cannibalise people... a possible god possibly cares about what you do and will possibly do something about it... but probably not in this life.
This only deserved a copy and paste. You are a product of western civilization that is based in large part in Christianity. You have Godly ideas that a small southern pacific islander might not. In an actual Godless vacume (and that is not where you live) things like voo doo, cannabalism, zombies (yes they are real just different and rare) ritual sacrifice, etc... were rampant not to many years ago. Things as stupid as mass suicide, and the rape of Nanking commited by Japanese soldiers who were raised seperated from western (Christian) society happened not too long ago. In Christian influenced areas people have a belief in the sanctity of life that is only justifiable by religion and prevents cannabalism.


You understand that when we're discussing evolution we're talking about populations and not individuals, right? Survival is about whats best for the population and not whats best for an individual. Together as a species we typically want whats best for our survival, and we can say that if we permitted others to kill and eat us, that our survival rate would drop substantially.
In non-thistic evolution what Hitler did is a part of it. In fact everything that is done is a part of that system because there is nothing whatsoever outside that system. Every action taken is part of evolution. If you except a theory have the guts to stick with all of it. Evolution in a broad sence encompasses anything that happens. Especially anything that effects survivability (which is everything).


Woke gremlin
In non-thistic evolution what Hitler did is a part of it. In fact everything that is done is a part of that system because there is nothing whatsoever outside that system. Every action taken is part of evolution.
What are you talking about? That makes no sense whatsoever.

If you except a theory have the guts to stick with all of it. Evolution in a broad sence encompasses anything that happens. Especially anything that effects survivability (which is everything).
Again, you're babbling. Evolution is the process by which variation in gene frequency result on changes in populations over time, so how, exactly, does it encompass "anything that happens"?


Well-Known Member
In non-thistic evolution what Hitler did is a part of it. In fact everything that is done is a part of that system because there is nothing whatsoever outside that system. Every action taken is part of evolution. If you except a theory have the guts to stick with all of it. Evolution in a broad sence encompasses anything that happens. Especially anything that effects survivability (which is everything).

Thats utter nonsense. If I drop a pen and it falls to the floor, thats evolution? If you walk into a super market and shoot everyone in there and kill them, thats also evolution? If your answer to these questions is yes, then you my friend need to study what the theory is, or your just being dishonest.


Well-Known Member
Well I ain't going to post that stuff for a third time. For something so obvious and well known it shouldn't have been necessary the first time.
Your reluctance to re-expose your arguments is understandable, I suppose.
What Canaanite scripture? I mentioned a secular tv show that backed up the bibles claims. What do you got? It is not that simple, we also have the most embarassing stories of failure and sin recorded in the same book which renders your point atleast unlikely. You accuse me of not provideing something that I already have twice, then you refuse to it the first time. Where are the scriptures that prove these groups were wiped out for thier race alone?
It's true, all we have is uncorroborated winners' testimony - one barbarian tribe's self-righteous justification for slaughtering another.
Even if and it's a big if they were slaughtered to prevent them from being sacrificed think of all the children born over the hundreds of years that were prevented from suffering that same sacrifice. However that wasn't the reason, these children would have been raised by this completely evil society and would have become as evil or worse and would have infected Israel with it...
OK, you buy into the Old Testament's "the kids we killed were irredeemably evil" propaganda and I don't. This exchange is becoming pointless and sterile, and I propose we leave it there. The last word is yours if you want it.


What are you talking about? That makes no sense whatsoever.
When you look back at one type of animals destruction and the rise of another. It is not said that the giand beaver dissapeared because of drought and so that wasn't evolution. When the dinosaurs were wiped out by possibly a comet or volcano that was included as evolution. (in the unquestionable scholarship of Jurrasic park) malcome says they were chosen by nature for extenction. The method doesn't matter its all NATURAL selection.

Again, you're babbling. Evolution is the process by which variation in gene frequency result on changes in populations over time, so how, exactly, does it encompass "anything that happens"?
Hitlers actions were as natural any other animals wipeing out another type. He just employed more advanced methods. Are you suggesting Hitlers race superiority and everything it justified as being outside the parameters of a theory referred to as. "On the origin of species by means of natural selection or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life."* What does the method matter.


Thats utter nonsense. If I drop a pen and it falls to the floor, thats evolution? If you walk into a super market and shoot everyone in there and kill them, thats also evolution? If your answer to these questions is yes, then you my friend need to study what the theory is, or your just being dishonest.
Please quit hair splitting and address the topic we were discussing, things that effect survival. Thats the context. I don't have time to quibble over semantics. Hitlers actions are just as natural in a Godless world as the comet that killed the dinosaurs. His methods were no different than the purposeful actions of any animal that kills other animals, just more advanced.
How does the methods he used make it inconsistent with: "On the origin of species by means of natural selection or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life."* Favored Races

His actions were as consistent with natural selection as any animals willful act.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Eugenics and social Darwinism have nothing to do with biological evolution and the Theory of Evolution.
Only one ignorant of both sociology and biology would attempt to make such a comparison.

Amazing when you look at the title of this thread.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I'm am glad to hear it. You are a product of western civilization that is based in large part in Christianity. You have Godly ideas that a small southern pacific islander might not. In an actual Godless vacume (and that is not where you live) things like voo doo, cannabalism, zombies (yes they are real just different and rare) ritual sacrifice, etc... were rampant not to many years ago. Things as stupid as mass suicide, and the rape of Nanking commited by Japanese soldiers who were raised seperated from western (Christian) society happened not too long ago.

'Atheist' Nations Are More Peaceful - YouTube

So you are admitting God or Gods exist.

Never said they didn't :shrug:

Gods exist. I pray to a couple of them.


Eugenics and social Darwinism have nothing to do with biological evolution and the Theory of Evolution.
Only one ignorant of both sociology and biology would attempt to make such a comparison.

Amazing when you look at the title of this thread.
Why is an action that is the end result of natures effects on genetics not evolution but a comet wipeing out the dinosaurs is natural. Evolution is a process where by certain organisms are selected by nature includeing (at least a trillion) factors that exist in nature. Hitler exists and was produced by nature. How are his actions any different than a wolverine wipeing out the last beehive. The only difference is the level of sophistication of the acts. Only someone who has clung to a man made definition in an effort to eliminate things that actually are invloved in natural selection that he finds distasteful, instead of the actual processes invloved would doubt this idea.
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Your reluctance to re-expose your arguments is understandable, I suppose.
I am just too busy and lazy.

It's true, all we have is uncorroborated winners' testimony - one barbarian tribe's self-righteous justification for slaughtering another.
It's funny how you God knockers state things so unbiasedly. That book also contains all their mistakes and sins. That is called the principle of embarassment and is used as a factor in establishing reliability in jurice prudence. Another is historical corroberation. There isn't a whole lot but all of it but it all supports the bibles account. Since your opinion comes from nothing but bias and mine has all the actual data on it's side. Well you get it.

OK, you buy into the Old Testament's "the kids we killed were irredeemably evil" propaganda and I don't. This exchange is becoming pointless and sterile, and I propose we leave it there. The last word is yours if you want it.
Since your position is derived from absolutely nothing whatsoever. And mine came from the book where the verse you used is found. Well again you get it. I have simply pointed the flawed and biased positions you have invented to justify unbelief are based on what you want to be true and not facts. So I would stop discussing the matter if I was you to. If you don't watch out all your cleverly created excuses will be destroyed.




Well-Known Member
Eugenics stemmed from a misunderstanding of evolution, not from evolution. Evolution does not support eugenics.

There is no misunderstanding about it. Eugenics came from an understanding of evolution. Darwin himself was the first to mention that unfavourable traits could be bred out of the human race through selection.

Galton built upon Darwin's ideas whereby the mechanisms of natural selection were potentially thwarted by human civilization. He reasoned that, since many human societies sought to protect the underprivileged and weak, those societies were at odds with the natural selection responsible for extinction of the weakest; and only by changing these social policies could society be saved from a "reversion towards mediocrity", a phrase he first coined in statistics and which later changed to the now common "regression towards the mean (Source)

If that doesn't convince you then perhaps from the same source you might also see that Charles Darwins son was heavily involved in Eugenics through this quote:

Eugenics was widely popular in the early decades of the 20th century.[5] The First International Congress of Eugenics in 1912 was supported by many prominent persons, including: its president Leonard Darwin, the son of Charles Darwin; honorary vice-president Winston Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty and future Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; Auguste Forel, famous Swiss pathologist; Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone; among other prominent people.[6]

Jesus Pipes

Religious activists argue that sectarian and fundamentalist Christianity is at war with secular
institutions, and particularly embattled with secular education. This perception has some merit,
since higher educational attainment is predictive of defection from fundamentalist Christian beliefs and sectarian religious organizations (Sherkat 1998; Sherkat & Wilson 1995). Beginning in high school, sectarian Protestants and biblical fundamentalists have been shown to be less likely to take college preparatory coursework. Predictably, students who avoid taking courses like biology,
chemistry, calculus, and British literature in high school are less likely to successfully complete
college (Darnell and Sherkat 1997).

I based my statement on stories from a few of my friends who grew up as Jehovah's Witnesses and Church of God.

I don't doubt there are many many smart Christians, and I am sure that the major denominations wouldn't look down on you for getting an education, but there are others out there that want to keep you from making your own opinions.


Well-Known Member
Please quit hair splitting and address the topic we were discussing, things that effect survival. Thats the context. I don't have time to quibble over semantics. Hitlers actions are just as natural in a Godless world as the comet that killed the dinosaurs. His methods were no different than the purposeful actions of any animal that kills other animals, just more advanced.
How does the methods he used make it inconsistent with: "On the origin of species by means of natural selection or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life."* Favored Races

His actions were as consistent with natural selection as any animals willful act.

Whether or not the world is godless is irrelevant to the issue of whether hitler's actions were "natural." What hitler employed was called artificial selection, not natural selection, there's a difference. Artificial selection is intentional breeding for certian purposes, while natural selection is the gradual, non-random, process by which biological traits become either more or less common in a population.


Active Member
Why is an action that is the end result of natures effects on genetics not evolution but a comet wipeing out the dinosaurs is natural. Evolution is a process where by certain organisms are selected by nature includeing (at least a trillion) factors that exist in nature. Hitler exists and was produced by nature. How are his actions any different than a wolverine wipeing out the last beehive. The only difference is the level of sophistication of the acts. Only someone who has clung to a man made definition in an effort to eliminate things that actually are invloved in natural selection that he finds distasteful, instead of the actual processes invloved would doubt this idea.
How are his actions different from Noah's flood except in terms of success?


Do you 'know' or believe?
This only deserved a copy and paste. You are a product of western civilization that is based in large part in Christianity.
You have Godly ideas that a small southern pacific islander might not. In an actual Godless vacume (and that is not where you live) things like voo doo, cannabalism, zombies (yes they are real just different and rare) ritual sacrifice, etc... were rampant not to many years ago. Things as stupid as mass suicide, and the rape of Nanking commited by Japanese soldiers who were raised seperated from western (Christian) society happened not too long ago. In Christian influenced areas people have a belief in the sanctity of life that is only justifiable by religion and prevents cannabalism.
Given that 'christian' god also used 'voo doo' like mind manipulation and other deceptions to force people to sin so he could punish them, punished others by making them cannibalise their family members (on several separate occasions including among others in Leviticus 26:27-29), has people being brought back from the dead (zombies man, zombies oooooooo), ritual sacrifice... committed and commanded genocides and murders, condoned rapes, made bets with the one whom he supposedly protects his followers from about how far his faithful could be tortured and still profess their love for him... well your case isn't really that solid except to suggest that the God of the bible does not "have a belief in the sanctity of life that ... prevents cannabalism"

I think I will look to other sources of moral guidelines rather than the 'God' encapsulated in the bible. A being portrayed as so deeply, irrevocably immoral has absolutely no right by which to judge my morality.

Hmn I don't think I have ever had the chance to use that cannibalism example before; kudos to youtube for pointing out parts of the bible I had missed (then I went and researched them myself)
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