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Why are White People the ones who get called racists?

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Vinlandic Warrior
In my ethics class today, we learned about hate crimes. From a study on the average person who commits a hate crime, the average hate crime-er was described as usually Neo-Nazi or a Skinhead. Why are white people the racists? There are plenty of nonwhites who commit equally heinous crimes.

African Americans have the NAACP. That's not racist. If a white person tried to make an organization like that, it would be racist. There are school African American Clubs, Asian Clubs, Latino Clubs, but no Caucasian clubs. If we tried to make one, we'd probably be taken to court.

When filling out applications or taking standardized tests that ask for your race, they list African American, Native American, Hispanic, Alaskan Native, etc, and then they list White. Why doesn't political correctness apply to white people?

When a White person calls an African American the "N" word, that's racist. But if an African American calls a White person a Cracker, or a Honkey, it isn't racist.

So why are only White People portrayed as racists?

For people who may want to interpret this as me trying to show that it's okay to be racist or whatever, you're wrong. I do not support racism. I will not lie, I am very proud to be a White person. However, if I was of African Descent, Asian, or Hispanic, I'd be equally proud. You should be proud of your ancestry, but not to the point that you think yours is better than another's.
I just think that things shouldn't be applied to only minorities, or only majorities. If that makes sense :p


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
That's just the pecking order. Most white folk love to dis themselves, especially the ones who belong to a different political party.

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
Just to give my view. Being mostly white myself, I have many advantages when I walk in to a store nobody follows me around to see if I am going to steel. When I was a teenager if I was going to have Black people in the car. I would tell my friends to get rid of the pot (I did not use pot I was a christian at the time) because we might be pulled over. I was only pulled over by cops if black people were in the car.

My son gets to walk with as many friend as he wants in to 7/11. If black kids show up no more then 2 kids at a time.

So just look at it as a trade off. You get all the advantages of being white the disadvantage is you might be called a racist and unless your gay your probably a poor dancer.;)
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Well-Known Member
In my ethics class today, we learned about hate crimes. From a study on the average person who commits a hate crime, the average hate crime-er was described as usually Neo-Nazi or a Skinhead. Why are white people the racists? There are plenty of nonwhites who commit equally heinous crimes.

That would just depend on the stats wouldn't it? A hate crime is dependent on the motivation not just race or sexual orientation. There are hate crime laws for military, government, police etc already in place which people never bat an eye about.

African Americans have the NAACP. That's not racist. If a white person tried to make an organization like that, it would be racist. There are school African American Clubs, Asian Clubs, Latino Clubs, but no Caucasian clubs. If we tried to make one, we'd probably be taken to court.
The NAACP was set up at a time when pretty much everywhere was a "whites only" club not to mention in response to the ku klux klan, john birch society, etc. They mostly still operate because it's a historical thing I don't even think you have to be "colored" to join

When filling out applications or taking standardized tests that ask for your race, they list African American, Native American, Hispanic, Alaskan Native, etc, and then they list White. Why doesn't political correctness apply to white people?
That's just the way society has gone.

When a White person calls an African American the "N" word, that's racist. But if an African American calls a White person a Cracker, or a Honkey, it isn't racist.

So why are only White People portrayed as racists?
This is a matter of opinion but mostly it's history. Decades and decades of being oppressed. I'm not saying it's right but it should be understandable. While you or even your parents might not have anything at all to do with it if you are white it's likely your ancestors oppressed and advanced on the blood and misery of someone else even if they did nothing overt.

For people who may want to interpret this as me trying to show that it's okay to be racist or whatever, you're wrong. I do not support racism. I will not lie, I am very proud to be a White person. However, if I was of African Descent, Asian, or Hispanic, I'd be equally proud. You should be proud of your ancestry, but not to the point that you think yours is better than another's.
I just think that things shouldn't be applied to only minorities, or only majorities. If that makes sense :p
It's fine to be proud of what you are no matter what you are but you have to look at history and have a sense of empathy for others.

I mean it's fine to go over how at first some whites where minorities too at first and that Africans enslaved each other and blah blah blah strawman but that dosen't negate the fact that for a large chunk of history minorities where taken advantage of by the white man and that he is the one that turned slavery into a large corporate structure.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
It comes with the territory. Yes, it is a double standard, but that is what life is all about. Who ever told you that life was going to be fair? White folks are held to a higher standard of political correctness. That's not opinion, thats fact.

Looking for racism in this century is akin to a witch hunt IMHO.

It's similar to being accused of a sex crime, you are guilty upon accusation and are required to prove your innocence not the other way around like it is suppose to be.

Everyone knows the white man has a good old boy network. Thats why we make more money than everyone else. Because of our sex and skin color. Being tall helps too.

Minorities have every right to get even every chance they get. We owe them! ;)


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
When I was a teenager if I was going to have Black people in the car. I would tell my friends to get rid of the pot (I did not use pot I was a christian at the time) because we might be pulled over. I was only pulled over by cops if black people were in the car.
My son gets to walk with as many friend as he wants in to 7/11. If black kids show up no more then 2 kids at a time.
There's no doubt that there is racism by some white folk against black folk. But there is also racism by
some black folk against white folk, & some Asians against black folk, & some black folk against Asians.
We just don't publicly acknowledge much of the latter examples.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
There's no doubt that there is racism by some white folk against black folk. But there is also racism by
some black folk against white folk, & some Asians against black folk, & some black folk against Asians.
We just don't publicly acknowledge much of the latter examples.

All above is true IMO but i think the point is that only white people do "bad racism"


Hamburgler Extraordinaire
I've been discriminated against as a white person before. I lived in New Zealand with several asian roomates who assumed I was racist just because I was white.

Quote: "If I yell at you at 2am for playing your guitar and singing loudly, its not because I don't like asians, its because you're inconsiderate jerks."


Well-Known Member
We should have to pay for the sins of our forefathers. :yes:

I'm sure your joking but seeing as it's only been in the last two decades that things have truly been turned around there do need to be laws in place to fix literally centuries of inequality and give people an equal footing.

I know this makes the more conservative people very nervous since next we might want to do something crazy like abolish the caste and class systems that keep poor people in check as slaves.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I know this makes the more conservative people very nervous since next we might want to do something crazy like abolish the caste and class systems that keep poor people in check as slaves.

It is a great deal. It's better than slavery. :yes:

When people owned slaves they had to feed, clothe, and house them. Try doing that on minimum wage.
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