If you devote ANY time towards prayer that's time wasted where you can be doing something useful. Thus, you are needlessly encumbered.
yet, it's none of my business (because i'm not a theist and i dont propose to know how others should live) what this moth-person does with hir time or mutterings. and to be fair, prayer has been an effective component of religions that are false for centuries, simply because talking to yourself has incredible psychological results. ever since i stopped praying i just had to shift the conversation to myself in order to reap the benefits of all this "needlessly encumbering" mutterances. if this person would have brought up emerson or socrates i doubt you would have gotten so defensive. please dont succumb to the knee jerk fundamentalism, when
you are the one who is free of that.
as for my own choice to deny god's existence it actually came as a bit of disappointment when i found out he wasn't really there. it's like finally building the courage to avenge a lover's death only to find that the one responsible is already in prison. i spent an incredible amount of my life addicted to the god-concept. i loved the church because it gave me control, the bible gave me an answer to every question i had. i was unstoppable and i had god backing me up. nobody could tell me i was wrong because i knew my scruptures back and fourth, knew all the apologies, spent countless nights up reading church history and clever hebrew translations. i isolated myself from anyone who didn't buy into my dogmatic rule and created a comfort zone of brainwashed, awe-struck, impressionable friends who would never question my ability to use god to my every advantage. being in control was everything to me and i knew that god was proud of my arrogance. it was only when i realized that my control-addiction was what was driving my religious devotion and not actual facts that the whole sweater started to unravel. when i found out that god was not who i wanted him to be; all benevolent, all caring and knowlegeable, completely in control and never losing his temper or getting pushed around by his followers- that the scales began to fall from my eyes. reading parts of the bible i had only skimmed (as a merit badge to win over approval from other christians) i learned more and more about who my god was and i became disgusted. then i saw how his influence had changed my life and ripped it out of my own hands. how in an effort to gain control i forfeited the only control i had which was my own choices. i began to hate him and the more i learned, once i was out of the umbrella of his 'grace', the more my anger built. now free from the blindfold, history and science began to take a new shape, the atrocities done in the name of god and by those who claimed they worked for him marred the scape of my world and nothing could stop the anger that was growing in me. the things that this earth produced all on it's own were majestic in ways that he could never have imagined in his vain scope of human slavery. i promised god that i would tear him down brick by brick and save as many as i possibly could from his cage of a world. that all those who i had converted in my tour-of-duty with the l-rd would be back in the arms of their loved ones again and out of the world of shackles and crosses. but then the deathblow happened- and i learned that he's never been there. and more importantly that i will never get to hurt him, because he just doesnt exist. the mounting information that flooded into my library after that has helped cure me of my devotion to killing god and has taught me that living in a life without a giant father or giant enemy in the sky is better than the alternative. having someone to fight is not as good as having no one to answer to, and the life i lead now is one i would never change.