Vile Atheist
Loud and Obnoxious
How am I making her prayer any of my business? I merely stated it was an encumberance. I did not actively encourage or discourage her. And I doubt anything I say would, either.yet, it's none of my business (because i'm not a theist and i dont propose to know how others should live) what this moth-person does with hir time or mutterings. and to be fair, prayer has been an effective component of religions that are false for centuries, simply because talking to yourself has incredible psychological results. ever since i stopped praying i just had to shift the conversation to myself in order to reap the benefits of all this "needlessly encumbering" mutterances. if this person would have brought up emerson or socrates i doubt you would have gotten so defensive. please dont succumb to the knee jerk fundamentalism, when you are the one who is free of that.
Furthermore, talking to yourself does have psychological benefits, but it can also be a symptom of some mental illnesses. There is also a huge difference between talking to yourself (which can be a convenient mode of remembering things to do or to vent personal frustration) and talking to an imaginary friend.
Besides, your line of reasoning goes down the road of "If it feels good, do it". Sure talking to yourself (or an imagined deity) may FEEL good. But it might also be psychologically damaging. Drugs can make someone feel good too. Should we all start doing drugs?
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