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Why are you gay, bi, or lesbian?


Glass half Panda'd
According to Freud (and many other developmental psychologists) children are born psychologically androgynous. Sexual identity is then "imposed" on the child by the parents.

I don't know how this fits in with homo/bi-sexuality just stating somehting i learnt in class on Wednesday night.


So if the same parents have four kids, two boys and two girls, and one boy and one girl each turn out to be gay or bi, but the others are straight... it's because they were raised differently? I mean, each kid does get slightly different attention, but I doubt that sexual identity is entirely imposed on the child. There could be any number of reasons, but it would be unwise to take Freud's advice on this matter. I mean, if you are a gay guy would you secretly want to screw your dad? He explains that if you're a boy you secretly want to do your mom.... I find it farfetched.


Well-Known Member
So if the same parents have four kids, two boys and two girls, and one boy and one girl each turn out to be gay or bi, but the others are straight... it's because they were raised differently? I mean, each kid does get slightly different attention, but I doubt that sexual identity is entirely imposed on the child. There could be any number of reasons, but it would be unwise to take Freud's advice on this matter. I mean, if you are a gay guy would you secretly want to screw your dad? He explains that if you're a boy you secretly want to do your mom.... I find it farfetched.

Personally I think a lot of Freud's theories were attempts to come to terms with his own issues...

Having said that, I don't think that sexuality is purely chemical/genetic or pure conditioning, I think there is an element of both involved. Me and my brother didn't have any gender typical activities forced on us, we were allowed to decide what we wanted to do for ourselves. As a toddler, I had both toy dinosaurs AND dolls.
As an adult I'm what you would call "genderfluid". Basically I am a heterosexual male, but my mentality shifts between male, female and androgynous. My brother is completely "metrosexual", but I don't know if he also considers himself genderfluid (brothers don't talk about these things ;)).
Considering upbringing can influence gender roles/mentality I do think that it could certainly impact sexuality as well, but I seriously doubt that it's the only factor.


Well-Known Member
Freud was a nutter. Seriously, his work is only of any value in a historical context. His theories were unscientific and pretty damn out there. Please, never cite Freud's theories as even plausible.

Sorry, psych student.


Freud was a nutter. Seriously, his work is only of any value in a historical context. His theories were unscientific and pretty damn out there. Please, never cite Freud's theories as even plausible.

Sorry, psych student.

Psychology in entireity is a pseudo-science.

Prove me wrong! :rolleyes:
I am what I am because that is the course my life took. I felt attraction to things that are uncommon in most civilized society but my sexuality no more defines me than my favorite color, it is what it is and you may disagree with it.


Well-Known Member
Freud was a nutter. Seriously, his work is only of any value in a historical context. His theories were unscientific and pretty damn out there. Please, never cite Freud's theories as even plausible.

Sorry, psych student.

Definitely messed up was Mr Freud, though I do think a lot of his ideas have been useful as bedrock for some modern treatments. He at least got people to sit down and discuss their problems, which is a huge leap from some of the barbaric treatment of patients in previous years. I also think he was onto something when he placed an importance on dream analysis (I know, I know it's controversial even among psychologists, but I think there's a lot of potential in it). It's a shame that he was so... perverted.


Well-Known Member
Yes, psychology is all about predicting Xafwak's mood. Psychologists are just like weathermen, but with moods rather than weather.


Well-Known Member
So do you think back in the days thousands of years ago homo/bi relations were looked down upon or t was just part of nature? Anyone know the answer to that?

Actually in Ancient Greece the men did it as a sign of masculinity. :yes:


Well-Known Member
Actually in Ancient Greece the men did it as a sign of masculinity. :yes:

I'm not sure about masculinity but only the guy receiving is looked down upon (apparently even today in a lot of Latin countries this is still the norm) In Greece or whatever you only poked someone below your station and it was shameful for two equals or someone higher to be poked.

You do see this in nature but it's only a sign of domination not anything sexual I'm sure with humans it evolved that way.

Not that any of this has anything to do with homosexual relations but only homosexual acts. I think there are a couple of places in history where it was accepted but they are extremely rare.

I'm sure at some point in our history even heterosexual marriage was strange, the bigots will be dragged kicking and screaming into it eventually as they always.
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E Pluribus Unum!!!
So do you think back in the days thousands of years ago homo/bi relations were looked down upon or t was just part of nature? Anyone know the answer to that?

Firstly, depended on the culture. Some Mediteranian people saw no trouble with it. In ancient China as long as a man produced sons to carry on the family line, they didn't care. In the pre-European 1st Nations people, they were thought of as very powerful for having a foot in each world. In anceitn Celtic society, homsoexuality was perfectly acceptable. Even the Kama Sutra has a section devoted to gays and lesbians.

Secondly, peer reviewed science states that all three sexual orientations, homo-, bi-, and heterosecuality, all share the same mechanisms, nd that gay isn't a "chioce" any more than straight is.


Well-Known Member
Secondly, peer reviewed science states that all three sexual orientations, homo-, bi-, and heterosecuality, all share the same mechanisms, nd that gay isn't a "chioce" any more than straight is.

Sshhhh! that kind of talk attracts the fundies...

*ahem* so yes there is no evidence at all to suggest homosexuality isn't a choice, while there is plenty of strong evidence to suggest that it kind of rubs God the wrong way... No, wait, I didn't mean that the way it sounded!



E Pluribus Unum!!!
Sshhhh! that kind of talk attracts the fundies...

*ahem* so yes there is no evidence at all to suggest homosexuality isn't a choice, while there is plenty of strong evidence to suggest that it kind of rubs God the wrong way... No, wait, I didn't mean that the way it sounded!


Is there a wrong way to rub someone? Really? ;)

Seriously though, it never fails to amaze me how some can think it is a choice, a statement usually uttered by the same type of person who is either supporting, or actively participating in, the oppression and persecution of gays.

Do these bible thumpers really think "it's a choice" when people face that oppression and persecution, or even murder, at the hands of scripture-screamers?

No, ladies and gentlmen, gay is not a choice. Religion is.


Well-Known Member
It always seems to be the case nowadays that a lot of these hardcore bible-bashing Priests and owners of the mega-church complexes are all coming out as Gay now! I think it's hilarious! xD

It wouldn't suprise me if Fred Phelps turned out to be Gay.