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Why are you here on this forum?


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
Why am I here?

I'm a cult leader recruiting members for my cult. I mean seriously, outside of Starbucks, where else am I going to go to do this? Plus, I get to throw ideas around and have some thrown at me.


Premium Member
Because religion is too much of a taboo subject in the local pub, even much more so than sex and politics. They would rather talk about boring stuff like sport instead. So I have to leave any discussing about religion confined to these forums instead.
This is it exactly. If I went around the community talking like I do here I would get mobbed.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
I joined because I wanted to know more about certain topics related to religion and philosophy. What made me stay is how respectful and civil these forums are compared to some others I had found.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Last forum I called "home" was shut down by the owners, so I settled in here. I like religion as a topic in general.


Do you 'know' or believe?
I like discussing (and yes even debating) theology and philosophy; however IRL, the people around me do not particularly like doing so, with the exception of my brother (whom I am careful about discussing such matters with as he has the occasional 'issue' with such things). I am also careful about debating (or heck - even DISCUSSING) such positions with those people who have strongly held positions and who are not used to rational discussions about their beliefs as I feel that such a thing can identify significant limitations with many people's belief systems - in particular those who are religious. Mainly because I am really quite good at picking apart people's (il)logical positions or arguments.

I come here in the (what often seems unsuccessful) attempt to stumble across some sort of interesting discussion, and perhaps some interesting company if I am lucky.