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Why are you proud of being?


New Member
Hi All,

My question is that why are you proud of being what you are(Muslim, christan, hindu, sikh)?.

I am a Sikh and I am proud because for me its the true way to attain god, no caste system, no hatered for anyone,no animal sacrifices, no rituals, no demi god, best simran(sikh hymes) etc Why are you?

the Kid

New Member
I'm proud of being someone who tries to follow in Jesus Christ's example. I'm not usually proud of being lumped in with other Christ followers, but I love them all anyway for trying. I just wish they'd busy themselves in living for the important message not busy themselves in consequences that are out of their jurisdiction.


godless wonder
Because I exemplify that at 47 you can still play hard and be hard! And no need to be macho man since I'm a stay at home dad and am not intimidated that my wife makes WAY more than I do and supports the family financially.
And of course that I am not swayed by dogma of most religions and have no need for an imaginary god to follow a good path through life!


Outstanding Member
Hi All,

My question is that why are you proud of being what you are(Muslim, christan, hindu, sikh)?.

I am a Sikh and I am proud because for me its the true way to attain god, no caste system, no hatered for anyone,no animal sacrifices, no rituals, no demi god, best simran(sikh hymes) etc Why are you?

You are so silly.
I am not proud of anything. :D


I am just proud to be alive.to learn explore and love,and my religion takes a back seat to my God,people,animals and plants and life itself:
religion is just dogma concepts/ritual after all................

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I am proud of my academic standings, and gaining the respect of my teachers and other students. I am proud that I do not let society dictate my actions and life, and that I control which direction my life goes in. I am proud that I do not need the stars, cards, spirits, or God for guidance, but rather my own will. And I am proud enough that I am proud enough to stand and fight, rather than passively submit to others.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Out of the things that led to where I am today, most of them were probably not in my control, so I don't usually consider it prudent to be proud of achievements or positions of myself. It's probably useful as a way to think about things when it comes to psychology, but I don't think it's particularly accurate.


Active Member
Hi All,

My question is that why are you proud of being what you are(Muslim, christan, hindu, sikh)?.

I am a Sikh and I am proud because for me its the true way to attain god, no caste system, no hatered for anyone,no animal sacrifices, no rituals, no demi god, best simran(sikh hymes) etc Why are you?

I am a proud Scotsman but truth be told I was born such. I am a proud father but that is down to my children. I am ashamed of many of the things that I have done (but only in the wee small hours where forgiveness hides). Ultimately we should only be proud when others give us reason to be so and then only when that reason is for you and not them by association. Am I proud to be a nonbeliever? Why would I be, it costs me nothing. Does it define me? God forbid.
It has to be said that I am strangely proud of my facial hair but then vanity and pride are very close bedfellows and both are massaged by those wanting to curry favour.
On the other hand...your pride in Sikhism seems almost a relief - on your part -from reading your post. Do you believe because its nice and you expect religion to be so? You must attain god and therefore the easiest path is the one for you? What exactly is the source of your pride? What if there were no god, there well might not be, where then your pride? Since you have stated that your pride is in your religion and not your god are you denigrating those who don't follow?...It would seem so to me since you said that the true way precludes the rituals of others. Have pride by all means but don't confuse it with arrogance. Otherwise....define god.



Active Member
Because I exemplify that at 47 you can still play hard and be hard! And no need to be macho man since I'm a stay at home dad and am not intimidated that my wife makes WAY more than I do and supports the family financially.
And of course that I am not swayed by dogma of most religions and have no need for an imaginary god to follow a good path through life!

47? Forty f''''ing seven!!! You're still but a girl, mate. (though I do tend to wear a hat more, nowadays!!!).


Higher and Higher
Hi All,

My question is that why are you proud of being what you are(Muslim, christan, hindu, sikh)?.

I am a Sikh and I am proud because for me its the true way to attain god, no caste system, no hatered for anyone,no animal sacrifices, no rituals, no demi god, best simran(sikh hymes) etc Why are you?

I am a Jew, and I am proud of being Jewish because we have a vast body of stunningly beautiful sacred literature that we produced, and beautiful ritual music; we have lovely liturgy and ritual for prayer; we have a tradition that teaches us thoughtfulness, and to value learning and being educated; we have a tradition that encourages multiple viewpoints, and civilized debate of religious issues; we have laws that encourage us toward caring for others and pursuing social justice; we have a complex and elegant system of ritual observances that help us bring meaning into every moment and action; and we have a covenant we share with God, the observances of which can help us draw closer to Him, and experience more of His presence.


Active Member
I am a Jew, and I am proud of being Jewish because we have a vast body of stunningly beautiful sacred literature that we produced, and beautiful ritual music; we have lovely liturgy and ritual for prayer; we have a tradition that teaches us thoughtfulness, and to value learning and being educated; we have a tradition that encourages multiple viewpoints, and civilized debate of religious issues; we have laws that encourage us toward caring for others and pursuing social justice; we have a complex and elegant system of ritual observances that help us bring meaning into every moment and action; and we have a covenant we share with God, the observances of which can help us draw closer to Him, and experience more of His presence.
Were you born Jewish?


Active Member
Yes. But why would that matter?
Well, if you were born down the road you would be just as likely to be proud of a different tradition, god, belief system, world view. I don't really like to quote Richard Dawkins as his views are not mine but; " No doubt soaring cathedrals, stirring music, moving stories and parables, help a bit. But by far the most important variable determining your religion is the accident of birth" is very relevant nonetheless, so why the pride?


Higher and Higher
Well, if you were born down the road you would be just as likely to be proud of a different tradition, god, belief system, world view. I don't really like to quote Richard Dawkins as his views are not mine but; " No doubt soaring cathedrals, stirring music, moving stories and parables, help a bit. But by far the most important variable determining your religion is the accident of birth" is very relevant nonetheless, so why the pride?

I'm sure I would be just as proud of something else had I been born something else. But why is that an issue? I don't think anything in my phrasing implied that I believed that no other cultures or religions had beautiful texts and liturgies, or that Judaism's were somehow better than anyone else's. But what I said is true: those things are beautiful, and they are Jewish, and as a Jew I am proud of them. There is no reason why people from other religions/cultures should not be proud of their works, and think them uniquely valuable also, and be glad to be what they are. I just don't see why it has to be competitive.

But in any case, I think it is normal and natural for people to be part of what their community has achieved. The phrase "accident of birth" seems kind of meaningless to me. Yeah, sure I could've been born something else. I could've been born a crawdad in the Louisiana bayou. But I didn't. And I enjoy what I am, and the people that I got to be part of. So why not be proud? Or conversely, why try to diminish my pride and enjoyment of my people and community and heritage by speculating that it all could've been different. Yeah, it could've. But it isn't.

That "accident of birth" line of reasoning reminds me of an old joke from the Enlightenment Jewish community: a Hasid and a maskil (Enlightened secularist Jew) are riding a train together in Eastern Europe, and the maskil is trying to explain secular philosophy to the Hasid. "You should always think of how fleeting the experience of your life is. After all, in many philosophically important ways, we are never really alive at all." The Hasid thinks about this for a moment, and then opens the maskil's satchel, removes a bottle of schnapps, and begins sipping at it. "Hey!" The maskil cries, "That's my schnapps!" The Hasid continues to sip, calmly, and replies, "Look, young man. You apparently aren't alive. I am apparently not alive. So who exactly is there to care where the schnapps ends up?"

The point is that arguments that don't reflect reality are of fairly limited use, and are never particularly compelling for dealing with one's actual life.


Veteran Member
Hi All,

My question is that why are you proud of being what you are(Muslim, christan, hindu, sikh)?.

I am a Sikh and I am proud because for me its the true way to attain god, no caste system, no hatered for anyone,no animal sacrifices, no rituals, no demi god, best simran(sikh hymes) etc Why are you?
I don't know why anyone, not only you, would be proud of making a choice. Care to explain?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I'm proud of my children and grandchildren, who are all strong and healthy and inquisitive and independent. I'm proud of my husband, who is the hardest working man I know, and who is a man of integrity. I'm proud of my mother, who is the strongest person I've ever known. I'm proud of my cat, because he's a bad ***.

I'm humbled by the blessings in my life, and I know that it could all be taken away from me in the blink of an eye, so I relish every moment of joy and comfort and health. Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for all He's given me.

I can't really say that I'm proud of particular accomplishments, or of my home or material possessions, and certainly not my particular faith. What I can say is that I'm very grateful for my big, messy, adventurous, interesting life and for a strong mind and body with which to enjoy it all - every delicious morsel of it.
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Active Member
Hi All,

My question is that why are you proud of being what you are(Muslim, christan, hindu, sikh)?.

I am a Sikh and I am proud because for me its the true way to attain god, no caste system, no hatered for anyone,no animal sacrifices, no rituals, no demi god, best simran(sikh hymes) etc Why are you?

it's about feeling peace, not feeling proud.

someone may wonder why am here? who created me? who created universe?

do yoy think if you find answers to these question you will feel peace?


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

My question is that why are you proud of being what you are(Muslim, christan, hindu, sikh)?.

I am a Sikh and I am proud because for me its the true way to attain god, no caste system, no hatered for anyone,no animal sacrifices, no rituals, no demi god, best simran(sikh hymes) etc Why are you?

The Bible tells us to be careful about being PROUD, Prov 16:18, SO, I don't like to use the word Proud.
I am very glad and Happy to be a Christian, because the God of the Bible says that He is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, and all the things in them, Ps 24:1,2, Acts 4:24, Rev 4:12.
I am glad to worship a God who explains why He created the earth, Isa 45:18, and what His Eternal Purpose is, Eph 3:9-11. The Bible explains that the purpose is now to have Jesus rule forever in heaven over the earth, and bring about paradise conditions on earth, by crushing all the governments of the earth and setting up a government that will last forever, Dan 7:13,14, 2:44, Rev 21:3,4, Rev 20:4-6.
The God of the Bible, when mankind found themselves LOST, sent His own son to give his life so that all men who put their trust in Jesus' sacrifice could be resurrected back from death and live forever on a paradise earth, Isa 65:17-25, John 5:28,29.
Because having many different religions on earth there is problems, so the God of the Bible, whose personal name is JEHOVAH, has promised to destroy all non-existent Gods and all who worship them, because there is only ONE TRUE GOD, Ps 115:1-8, Isa 43:10-13, John 17:3. From this God ALL life has come, Ps 36:9
What other god explains his purpose for the earthm why it is such a sorry state, and what He is going to do to bring about paradise. What god is there that would give His own son to save mankind from their own sins, but the ONE ONLY TRUE GOD???, John 3:16, Rom 5:6-10, 1Cor 8:5,6, Ps 86:8,10, 89:6,7.
There is NO FUTURE in the worship of any other god!!!