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Why believe in the bible?


Well-Known Member
The bible are compilation of books that were selected by a group of individuals 300 years after the original text was written. Through out the years scholars and even some religion who believe in the bible had their own interpretation of this book. People say authors were inspired, then the people who compiled it were they also inspired. The bible seem to date humanities existence to 5000 years but there are granaries that are 7000 years old, there are bacterias older and they were never mentioned in the bible. There are no solid proof that the contents were all accurately depicting a chosen people who comes from one region who desired the attention of a god. Why believe in it with all these flaws? Are you afraid of it wrath? A self proclaimed god that says adore it sounds fairly arrogant.


Oldest Heretic
It is better to Believe in God,
And learn from the teachings of Jesus in the bible.
I think believing in the bible and questioning God is puting the cart before the horse.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
ProfLogic said:
The bible are compilation of books that were selected by a group of individuals 300 years after the original text was written. Through out the years scholars and even some religion who believe in the bible had their own interpretation of this book. People say authors were inspired, then the people who compiled it were they also inspired. The bible seem to date humanities existence to 5000 years but there are granaries that are 7000 years old, there are bacterias older and they were never mentioned in the bible. There are no solid proof that the contents were all accurately depicting a chosen people who comes from one region who desired the attention of a god. Why believe in it with all these flaws? Are you afraid of it wrath? A self proclaimed god that says adore it sounds fairly arrogant.

That's kind of like saying, "Why do you like this piece of music? Look at all those ugly, little black dots! What average person could decipher what they mean? How do we know that the composer was really inspired to write this piece of music? I could never like a piece of music where those who play it are compelled to wear tuxedos!"


Active Member
THe Oldtestament existed thousands of years before Jesus was born to mary. The Prophecies of the Old Testament fare fulfille din the New Testament. Many prophecies of the New and Old Testament have come to pass. Many, we are still waiting on, many are happening now, while some may be in the future.

P.S.- Don't get too deep into the dating the age of the earth stuff, no one knows it's age but God. God created time, the earth didn't have time until the sun was created(that's how we measure it). Therefore A day before then could've been anything. PLus the ages of poeple is not important(Besides Jesus). What they did is important.


jewscout said:
why believe that the cable in the elevator won't break sending you to your death?


That's not faith. We know with absolute certainty that elevators are built with cables, and there is usually a certificate of inspection inside the elevator certifying that qualified people have recently examined the safety of the elevator.

We are not certain that God exists, and we have no certificate. No qualified person has examined God and certified God's existence and promise like our elevator experts. Unless, of course, we want to place our trust in a religious teacher like Jesus or (insert religious writing/leader) someone else.


Religious Zionist
angellous_evangellous said:
That's not faith. We know with absolute certainty that elevators are built with cables, and there is usually a certificate of inspection inside the elevator certifying that qualified people have recently examined the safety of the elevator.

We are not certain that God exists, and we have no certificate. No qualified person has examined God and certified God's existence and promise like our elevator experts. Unless, of course, we want to place our trust in a religious teacher like Jesus or (insert religious writing/leader) someone else.

but we are certain that the Bible exists as well as the words that are on the page and qualified people spend entire lifetimes studying its words and messages.....whether or not you choose to trust or believe the words contained within or the opinion of theologians is a matter of faith and trust....

an elevator can have a certificate of inspection...doesn't mean that the elevator is ACTUALLY up to safety specifications...we trust that whoever did the inspection knows what they were doing when they did it and not just trying to breeze through something so they could get home early on a friday afternoon...


Well-Known Member
jewscout said:
but we are certain that the Bible exists as well as the words that are on the page and qualified people spend entire lifetimes studying its words

Since you mentioned qualified people, there was no evidence that these people actually spoke to a god. The only qualified and righteous people that can explain the bible are the people who actually had communication with the self procalimed god. Otherwise, its purely an interpretation. That is the issue on today's bible, no one will ever be able to interprete it and no one can ever prove that the things in it are truthful. I can say evens in the bible never happen because there is no solid evidence to the contrary.

It says there is one god, who proclaimed itself as the creator of everything. It claims it can destroy humanity if it likes. It says it has a chosen people. it claims to have sent a son designated to die. It claimed that there is something better than existing in humanities current state. It claims that it has an enemy the devil. It claims a lot but it has not proven anything. All it does is confuse humanity so that they would fight amongst themselves in the name of religion and not focus on the issue at hand. The bible is another way to create separations in humanity. As they say never blame the messenger.. blame the creator of the message......


Pneumatic Spiritualist
My major problem with the Bible is how the OT and NT are lumped togeather even though they have little to do with each other. Even the deities described within each body of work are completely differant. One destroyed the world out of rage with a flood, the other promises salvation and forgiveness. I believe that the God of the NT is NOT the same as the one in the OT, in fact I believe the God of the OT is refered to in the NT as Satan. The God of material and creation, who tried to tempt the messanger of the True God by promising him wealth and power here on his creation. That messanger, Jesus, was sent here to help guide us to freedom from the Demiurge's (creator) imprisonment here on this rock were we must suffer pain, hunger, thirst, and all of the other woe's released by Pandora (Sophia). It was the work of the Demiurge that eventually twisted the message of the Logos and equate it with the God of the OT.


Well-Known Member
spacemonkey said:
Even the deities described within each body of work are completely differant...
Maybe God has multiple personality disorder. We should be sympathetic and compassionate towards his special needs.

jewscout said:
why believe that the cable in the elevator won't break sending you to your death?

That's a bad analogy. The assumption that an elevator cable won't break has to do with a level of REASON that is not found in the faith that one needs to believe in the supernatural. There is no logical comparison here. It would have been better to say something like, "Hashem is the elevator cable that lifts you up to the floor of happiness. Satan is gravity trying to pull you down to the furnace in the basement" etc. etc. (See? I would have made a good Jew)


Well-Known Member
Why believe the Bible? Cuz its true. Archeology, prophecy, science, and a host of other things prove it so. But if you do not want to believe it, its your choice, good luck.


Religious Zionist
Faint said:
That's a bad analogy. The assumption that an elevator cable won't break has to do with a level of REASON that is not found in the faith that one needs to believe in the supernatural. There is no logical comparison here. It would have been better to say something like, "Hashem is the elevator cable that lifts you up to the floor of happiness. Satan is gravity trying to pull you down to the furnace in the basement" etc. etc. (See? I would have made a good Jew)

except that jews don't believe in a furnace in the basement;)


Well-Known Member
jewscout said:
except that jews don't believe in a furnace in the basement;)
Haha...my bad.

joeboonda said:
Why believe the Bible? Cuz its true. Archeology, prophecy, science, and a host of other things prove it so. But if you do not want to believe it, its your choice, good luck.
Please list for a us a few of these prophecies that have come true, as well as the Bible's version of "science".


Well-Known Member
Why believe in the bible? Well that would be very difficult to do anyways because there are so many different interpretations of what the bible says that it's like ....WELLL.....WHAT IS THE TRUTH???
Some people belive in hell, some don't, so how can WE or OTHERS think that they are right. For example, one person would SWEAR that he/she was correct about a bible versue and in THIER mind that's what they believe the truth to me but the other person on the other hand will disagree so each person believes in their own truth but who is to say that it s the truth, so just cause I believe in something doesn't make it correct and vice versa.​
The Truth said:
There is NO contradictions in the Quran because it's the pure words of God 100%.
This is a perfect example, Truth really believe this to be the truth! I'm not trying to dispute that, but how does HE know??
SO why believe it? It seems to me it's how YOU want to believe it, which does not ultimately make a conclusion of what the truth is...and it makes me wonder how people think that their truth IS the truth...how do they know?? We can say faith..yes...but look at how many different beliefs there are. It boggles my mind. So Profologic, I would have to say...it's based on faith, one's upbringing, OR what makes sense to them.​


Well-Known Member
jewscout said:
why believe that the cable in the elevator won't break sending you to your death?


I wouldn't call that faith. Most people won't even consider the possibility of an elevator breaking, or they don't care about the possibility and would rather take their chances with an elevator than :shudder: take the stairs.


Well-Known Member
jewscout said:
but we are certain that the Bible exists as well as the words that are on the page and qualified people spend entire lifetimes studying its words and messages.....whether or not you choose to trust or believe the words contained within or the opinion of theologians is a matter of faith and trust.....

Ah but I see what you're saying here. :D


Well-Known Member
hmmmm....Actually most Christians believe in the bible because the Catholic church tells them so. St Augustine in the 5th century could attest to this as well as the reformer Martin Luther. this is becuase It was the Catholic church that historically recognized and authoritatively proclaimed the closed canon that we have. This was done in 382 A.D. att eh council of Rome under the guidence of Pope Damasus I, then ratified in the councils of Hippo 393 ad, Carthage 397 Ad, Florence 1438 ad, and Trent 1545 ad.


Veteran Member
athanasius said:
hmmmm....Actually most Christians believe in the bible because the Catholic church tells them so. St Augustine in the 5th century could attest to this as well as the reformer Martin Luther. this is becuase It was the Catholic church that historically recognized and authoritatively proclaimed the closed canon that we have. This was done in 382 A.D. att eh council of Rome under the guidence of Pope Damasus I, then ratified in the councils of Hippo 393 ad, Carthage 397 Ad, Florence 1438 ad, and Trent 1545 ad.

I'm a Christian and I don't believe in the Bible beccause the Catholic Church tells me, nor do most. Most believe it's true, because they know it's true.