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Why believe in the bible?


Well-Known Member
beckysoup61 said:
I'm a Christian and I don't believe in the Bible beccause the Catholic Church tells me, nor do most. Most believe it's true, because they know it's true.

How would you know if its the truth when there are no facts that would show any evidence about the truth in the bible?


Veteran Member
ProfLogic said:
How would you know if its the truth when there are no facts that would show any evidence about the truth in the bible?

I don't need facts to confirm the truthfullness of God's word. Is it really that hard to understand?


Through the Looking Glass
ProfLogic said:
How would you know if its the truth when there are no facts that would show any evidence about the truth in the bible?

Wouldn't that depend on what an individual considers "the truth in the Bible"?


Well-Known Member
doppleganger said:
Wouldn't that depend on what an individual considers "the truth in the Bible"?

True...That was my point in earlier threads. In the bible there is no right or wrong if you are just reading it line for line because it is up to your interpretation. People who say they are wrong or right without actually experiencing it are full of themselves. But some people do experience it (not a feeling but an actual occurence - reality playing in front of one self) would have a better insight in what the truth is. People have these experiences and are afraid to share it because of 2 things. One is they are afraid to be labeled as insane. The other because they think that they are possessed by the evil that the bible preaches. In reality it is a form of control so that they would not spread the truth about what actually inspired the authors to write such stories..the bible.


Veteran Member
MidnightBlue said:
But how do you know it's God's word?

My own experieneces. No one else but God himself can convince me that the Bible is His word, and He has done that for me. I've not met Him personally, but He has shown me throught the many experiences I've had in my lifetime.


Pneumatic Spiritualist
Exactly what expieriance have you had in your life that makes you believe that the Bible is the word of God beside people telling you it is.


You know I checked myself a few times before deciding whether to enter this discussion..

I'm a Baha'i and in our Faith we believe the Bible is inspired and a Holy Scripture...

Personally speaking for myself I've studied the Bible for many years from my childhood and studied it in some of it's original languages (Greek and Hebrew) though not in a formal sense...but I would recommend to people that it is very worthwhile to do this because you can then appreciate the different meanings in Scripture.

To me the Bible is a collection of records of divine revelation over a thousand year period..and by many people representing a wide variety of cultures and traditions.

It is a remarkable book! really a library that contains wisdom, poetry, history, culture that is remarkable.

Is the Bible a science text book? The answer for me is a resounding NO...but that's a good thing in my view because when I studied in school...the science textbooks were the most boring and they have to be constantly revised!

The Bible to me is part of the great spiritual heritage of the human race...

- Art


Well-Known Member
beckysoup61 said:
My own experieneces. No one else but God himself can convince me that the Bible is His word, and He has done that for me. I've not met Him personally, but He has shown me throught the many experiences I've had in my lifetime.

Your statements are contradictory in a sense since you stated that your god is the only one that can convince you but you have not interacted with your god. So how would you know that your experiences is with the god that you mentioned. As Midnight had asked how would you know its your god who really instructed humanity to write what it wanted.

Using your own belief in the bible, what if it is the demons or satan who actually inspired the bible in humanities minds because it is searching for humans that can easily be controlled, because once you trully believe you are susceptible. Once you show that you believe in all the scriptures then you are doomed to be its slave for eternity. What if ithis is the case, are you prepared and also your children to be prepared for your eternal bondage since more than likely you would teach them the way to your faith?


Well-Known Member
arthra said:
The Bible to me is part of the great spiritual heritage of the human race...

- Art

Isn't the spiritual concept really just a journey in someones mind? If it is the heritage of the human race, why only focus on one particular group of people (Hebrews), this implies that the people who never believed in the bible before the conquistadors were not part of the human race. Explorers called them savages, which is untrue.


ProfLogic said:
Isn't the spiritual concept really just a journey in someones mind? If it is the heritage of the human race, why only focus on one particular group of people (Hebrews), this implies that the people who never believed in the bible before the conquistadors were not part of the human race. Explorers called them savages, which is untrue.

Well thank you "ProfLogic" for your reply!

I think the spiritual journey is in the heart and soul of mankind as well as in the mind and to me they are not easily separable....so I see man as an integrated spiritual being.

The Bible doesn't just focus on the Hebrews I believe but on the Midianites, Cu****es, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Persians, Parthians, Libyans, Accadians, Sumerians, Assyrians and all the other peoples I have not mentioned for the sake of the brevity of this post.

To me the Bible focuses on man's response to God and how that has transformed societies from ancient Ur to more recent times up to the time of Jesus in the Middle East and Mediterranean area. It also is the spiritual background and in some ways the foundation for later revelations such as Islam and my own Faith.

I'm unsure why you focused on the "Conquistadores" and your analogy about "explorers" and "savages" to me has little to do with the subject.

But hey...what the heck.. nice to hear from you anyway!

- Art



Veteran Member
spacemonkey said:
Exactly what expieriance have you had in your life that makes you believe that the Bible is the word of God beside people telling you it is.

Do I have to hit you people upside the head with my answer?

I've said, my own experieneces and I will not cast my pearls before swine, if someone has a serious question and would like to seriously know with condeming my beliefs, without thinking i'm or my religion is an idiot or false PM me, go ahead, but right now, I don't see any of you really doing that.


Veteran Member
ProfLogic said:
Your statements are contradictory in a sense since you stated that your god is the only one that can convince you but you have not interacted with your god.

Yet I have, if you actually understood the Godhead, you might understand this.

ProfLogic said:
So how would you know that your experiences is with the god that you mentioned. As Midnight had asked how would you know its your god who really instructed humanity to write what it wanted.

I just do, is that a problem?

ProfLogic said:
Using your own belief in the bible, what if it is the demons or satan who actually inspired the bible in humanities minds because it is searching for humans that can easily be controlled, because once you trully believe you are susceptible. Once you show that you believe in all the scriptures then you are doomed to be its slave for eternity. What if ithis is the case, are you prepared and also your children to be prepared for your eternal bondage since more than likely you would teach them the way to your faith?

That's nice honey. Keep on talking circles around yourself, it'll be sure to get you somwhere.

Like I stated in the previos post, if you have a serious inquiry, PM, if not don't keep asking me questions, I don't have time to entertain people who really don't care.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
The truth of the Bible does not depend upon empirical data. Again, Where's the empirical proof that I love my wife? Yet, I do love her, whether I can provide empirical data to that effect, or not.


Well-Known Member
sojourner said:
The truth of the Bible does not depend upon empirical data. Again, Where's the empirical proof that I love my wife? Yet, I do love her, whether I can provide empirical data to that effect, or not.

That is the problem in the bible, thus too many arguments between religions too. If we say what is a giraffe. Becky should know what it is, she keeps tripping it, poor giraffe. Most people know what a giraffe is because the definition had been standardized, backed by facts and also numerous pictures have been shown around the world to show what a giraffe is. Have you ever heard of people arguing what a giraffe is? I haven't except if they were small children. Have you seen people arguing about the bible? Yes, scholars, humanity. People might argue about loving one's life that if you show public affection on what society deems as love then the facts can be observed and documented and if you say you do, it solidifies your intent. None can read your mind so it might be an act buit through observation it will eventually be known.


Well-Known Member
beckysoup61 said:
I just do, is that a problem?
If might not be a problem for you since you can decide your own fate, but if you decide to bombard your child with your own beliefs instead of letting them decide for themselves then it is a form of brain washing and control. You can show them waht you think is good but if you decide to say believe in my god cause I believe in it, then you be the judge on what you are.

beckysoup61 said:
That's nice honey. Keep on talking circles around yourself, it'll be sure to get you somwhere.

Talking in circles its direct to the point... what if in the end the one you called a god is really just an entity that wanted to test how you can be quickly controlled. Once your physical being is gone then your awareness is still a slave to it for eternity. What if it is really the satan that your bible describes, remeber it has not done anything but through humanities minds.

beckysoup61 said:
Like I stated in the previos post, if you have a serious inquiry, PM, if not don't keep asking me questions, I don't have time to entertain people who really don't care.

Why PM I have nothing to hide about any unique experiences. There is an awareness that comes accross, people think it is a god and a lot had been deceived but challenge it and you will find out what it actually is.


Well-Known Member
arthra said:
Well thank you "ProfLogic" for your reply!

I'm unsure why you focused on the "Conquistadores" and your analogy about "explorers" and "savages" to me has little to do with the subject.

- Art


Its because the focus of the bible is really the hebrew people. it might mentione other races that interacted with them but it is still about Ancient hebrews. The conquistador have a major part since major lands were not included and never knew of this hebrew god until the conquistadors forced religion into these society as a means to steal the cultures treasures. They weren't contented with the treasures, they slaughtered these cultures in the end. These poor beings called savages by explorers with their bibles were part of humanity, now where are they in the bible? This is why when you say the story of humanity, I say not. It is just a story of the ancient hebrews who instead of being slaves where actually banished from Egypt thus needed to unite themselves by inventing the one god. the most powerful, the self proclaimed god, that needs adoration. Pretty vain I might add. Just a friendly response for discussion.


Well-Known Member
MidnightBlue said:
But how do you know it's God's word?

Whats your personal opinion on the subject? From the looks of it Becky will always trust her feelings that it is god's words and would never challenge it even if it communicates with her.


Veteran Member
ProfLogic said:
If might not be a problem for you since you can decide your own fate, but if you decide to bombard your child with your own beliefs instead of letting them decide for themselves then it is a form of brain washing and control. You can show them waht you think is good but if you decide to say believe in my god cause I believe in it, then you be the judge on what you are.

That's nice darling, but if you've done any reading of ANY of my posts then you will see I am nothing like who you think I am.

I study Islam, Buddhism, other forms of Christiniaty and Paganism. My child will have a variety of things to read and study from.

It's rather sad you think so low of me. Take of your blinders and actually read what I write in other threads.

ProfLogic said:
Talking in circles its direct to the point... what if in the end the one you called a god is really just an entity that wanted to test how you can be quickly controlled. Once your physical being is gone then your awareness is still a slave to it for eternity. What if it is really the satan that your bible describes, remeber it has not done anything but through humanities minds.

That's the big question, what if? I know what I believe and know for a fact, and everyone else can decided for themselves.

ProfLogic said:
Why PM I have nothing to hide about any unique experiences. There is an awareness that comes accross, people think it is a god and a lot had been deceived but challenge it and you will find out what it actually is.

It's more then unique, it's sacred, and I am not going cast my pearls before swine.
If you understood what sacred actually meant, then you would understand why I greatly hesitate to share it.


Veteran Member
ProfLogic said:
Whats your personal opinion on the subject? From the looks of it Becky will always trust her feelings that it is god's words and would never challenge it even if it communicates with her.

Are you really going to play the ignorance card again?

How many times have I repeated that I challenege my beliefs, that I research and study other beliefs. Seriously, you have to be...nevermind, I think I might just get banned if I say that.

Get a life and actually read other threads and see what people are actually like instead of forming your own pre-conceived notion of what you think they and their faith are.

You know aboslutley nothing about me and have absolutley no clue how I would react in any of the given situations. You only assume with the pre-conceived notions about how I've responded.