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Why believe the Bible?


Obviously, this question is for those that do, or did. Why do you believe the Bible to be the unfallible and inspired word of God? I used to believe that, because growing up I was taught that it was so and not to question it.
Years down the raod, and I decided to investigate it on my own. My question was simply "why do we believe the bible is Gods word?" The Bible itself certainly doesn't say so, since it was not written as a single book and could therefore make no such claim.
Jesus made no mention of a book that would contain the words of God,and be 100% accurate and true. You'd think if he had wnated this to be, he'd have taken the time to write it himself so that there was no dispute over authorship,timeline,authenticity etc.
We don't know who wrote th bible,or even when, and yet we are to believe thsi is the one true word of God? All we know is that it was written and edited by men. How many things have men gotten their hands on that they didn't screw up or corrupt in some way? Many will claim that God protected the word so that is was not corrupted. Yet today we ahve many translations of the bible, and since they are different they can't all be right. How come Gods power no longer protects the Bible now?
Also, since we're speaking of holy scripture, what makes the Bible more reliable,true and trustworthy than the Jewish books, the Qur'an, or any of the other religions texts?
Perhaps I'm missing something, but fail to see how the Bible stands up under scrutiny as teh one true word of God. I think this could probably be applied to any book(s) that claim to be Gods one true word, I'm just more familiar with the bible
I wonder sometimes if perhaps everyone of the different cultures/religions got a little piece of the puzzle,and instead of examining everything to try to solve the mystery,everyone clings to their little piece as the whole and unvarnished truth.


Done here.
Obviously, this question is for those that do, or did. Why do you believe the Bible to be the unfallible and inspired word of God?
I was brought up believing that. My mother -- and, later, my father -- and my mother's side of the family in general took that pretty literally. My paternal grandmother believed it, too, but she thought you had to look at much of it as being allegorical, and not as factual.

I guess the first thing I noticed was that the overall historical narrative -- the part I was most interested in -- was beyond tendentious. It was presented in such a way as to give the impression that the history of religion among the Israelites was not at all what it had clearly actually been. For instance, the people in the book of Judges and the books of Samuel clearly had no inkling of the Torah. The patriarchs of Genesis and the Israelites generally didn't seem to be the kind of thoroughgoing monotheists, or even monolators, that I had been led to believe. It was pretty clear that something was up, but I wasn't sure what.

I didn't have much access to modern scholarship. We had books like the Reader's Digest guide to the Bible, and I could get my parents to drive me to the Bible bookstore to get books like Strong's concordance and Unger's Bible Dictionary, but it would never have crossed my mind to go to a university library or a seminary library, and I wouldn't have known what to look for if it had. I wasn't aware of scholars like Baur and Schaff, much less the likes of Dever and Finkelstein.

Finally, about the time I turned fifteen, Herschel Schanks started publishing Biblical Archaeology Review. I'll be grateful to him as long as I live. He opened up a whole new world to me. I was still a believer for many years after that, but finally I began to see that it was possible to understand the Bible, or at least to have a better understanding of it than I did. I learned that there were brilliant scholars -- historians, archaeologists, epigraphers, palaeographers, and others -- who had asked all of the same questions I had asked, and more I hadn't even thought of. What's more, in many cases they were coming up with fascinating answers and compelling theories.

The Bible only really came alive for me when I lost the illusion that it was the word of God and the illusion that it was nothing but unconvincing religious propaganda. Freed from the demands of faith and the insults of reflexive skepticism, the Bible is a fascinating puzzle. It tells us far more than the editors and redactors ever meant to tell us. You don't have to have "faith" in it to love it.


Very interesting answer Smoke, thanks for replying. I agree that there is much in the bible that is true,good, and accurate. I just don't see it as being the one and only true word of God. I also think it doesn't need to be,we can still learn a lot from it.


Well-Known Member
Obviously, this question is for those that do, or did. Why do you believe the Bible to be the unfallible and inspired word of God? I used to believe that, because growing up I was taught that it was so and not to question it.
Years down the raod, and I decided to investigate it on my own. My question was simply "why do we believe the bible is Gods word?" The Bible itself certainly doesn't say so, since it was not written as a single book and could therefore make no such claim.
Jesus made no mention of a book that would contain the words of God,and be 100% accurate and true. You'd think if he had wnated this to be, he'd have taken the time to write it himself so that there was no dispute over authorship,timeline,authenticity etc.
We don't know who wrote th bible,or even when, and yet we are to believe thsi is the one true word of God? All we know is that it was written and edited by men. How many things have men gotten their hands on that they didn't screw up or corrupt in some way? Many will claim that God protected the word so that is was not corrupted. Yet today we ahve many translations of the bible, and since they are different they can't all be right. How come Gods power no longer protects the Bible now?
Also, since we're speaking of holy scripture, what makes the Bible more reliable,true and trustworthy than the Jewish books, the Qur'an, or any of the other religions texts?
Perhaps I'm missing something, but fail to see how the Bible stands up under scrutiny as teh one true word of God. I think this could probably be applied to any book(s) that claim to be Gods one true word, I'm just more familiar with the bible
I wonder sometimes if perhaps everyone of the different cultures/religions got a little piece of the puzzle,and instead of examining everything to try to solve the mystery,everyone clings to their little piece as the whole and unvarnished truth.

The Bible is a living book. I have found no reason not to believe what is written therein.


Agnostic Theist
I don't think it was ever intended to be read literally. I grew up in a home that took the Bible as the infallible word of God, but eventually noticed that they had to try to explain too much to make that fit. Also, historically and scientifically speaking, there were errors. So I couldn't believe that it was infallible.

I believe most people who do believe such though do so because they were raised that way. Any serious study into the Bible (especially if one were to go to seminary), will show that the Bible is not to be taken literally. Even the Jewish people, the people who wrote the Old Testament, for the most part, do not take it literally. Which I think says something very important.

Since the Bible is considered Holy though, and inspired by God, the idea that it was infallible just took over. It was simply a man made tradition that kept going on. Historically looking at it though, it was never intended that way. Even looking at just the Gospels, they were never intended to be an actual historically accurate biography. They were written for certain audiences.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it was ever intended to be read literally. I grew up in a home that took the Bible as the infallible word of God, but eventually noticed that they had to try to explain too much to make that fit. Also, historically and scientifically speaking, there were errors. So I couldn't believe that it was infallible.

I believe most people who do believe such though do so because they were raised that way. Any serious study into the Bible (especially if one were to go to seminary), will show that the Bible is not to be taken literally. Even the Jewish people, the people who wrote the Old Testament, for the most part, do not take it literally. Which I think says something very important.

Since the Bible is considered Holy though, and inspired by God, the idea that it was infallible just took over. It was simply a man made tradition that kept going on. Historically looking at it though, it was never intended that way. Even looking at just the Gospels, they were never intended to be an actual historically accurate biography. They were written for certain audiences.

What errors?


Admiral Obvious
What errors?


Agnostic Theist
What errors?
We could start with one of the more obvious, that there was a world wide flood, which simply never happened. The evidence against a world wide flood is staggering. We have the story of Herod having all new born babies killed in an attempt to kill Jesus, which never happened. Those are quite major ones and I think two should suffice in this case. If not though, there is always the passage that claims that the bat is a bird.


Well-Known Member
We could start with one of the more obvious, that there was a world wide flood, which simply never happened. The evidence against a world wide flood is staggering. We have the story of Herod having all new born babies killed in an attempt to kill Jesus, which never happened. Those are quite major ones and I think two should suffice in this case. If not though, there is always the passage that claims that the bat is a bird.

Those errors where brought up in another thread. Using fundie logic the answer was basically "mistranslation" the bible is always perfect and right, no matter what.
Just a quick note: there a many ways to "believe the Bible."

Do you think that there are many ways to believe the same book? Or simply different ways to interpret the same thing?

Some people say they "believe", while others will die for a faith, yet they both profess the same thing. Talk is cheap, and I think that faith or beliefs are shown by the way you live your life.


New Member
The Bible is completely inconsistent. Christians are so hipocritical because they pick and choose what they want to believe out of the bible. God is actually a jealous, insecure, murdering, mean spirited being in the bible. That is why most churches focus on Jesus. He is the only good guy in that book. Ask most Christians if they can recite the 10 commandments and most cannot! If you work on Sunday you should be put to death. Do Christians really believe that? And if not, why not? It IS IN THE BIBLE, many times.


Agnostic Theist
The Bible is completely inconsistent. Christians are so hipocritical because they pick and choose what they want to believe out of the bible. God is actually a jealous, insecure, murdering, mean spirited being in the bible. That is why most churches focus on Jesus. He is the only good guy in that book. Ask most Christians if they can recite the 10 commandments and most cannot! If you work on Sunday you should be put to death. Do Christians really believe that? And if not, why not? It IS IN THE BIBLE, many times.
This is very misleading. If taken literally, yes, God is horrible. However, the Bible was not intended to be taken literally.

During the time of being written, the world was a very different place. God, as we know him today was not the first incarnation. God started out as a tribal deity, among many. From there, he grew, and changed quite drastically. Karen Armstrong has a wonderful work on this subject.

One must understand the history of God to really understand who God is. Trying to pick out certain verses out of the Bible, without understanding the history simply does not work. History, in this case, is very important. If history is actually looked for, the God that is currently worshipped would be seen as very different from the one in the Old Testament.

As for most Christians not being able to name the 10 commandments, that is also misleading. Sure, they can not quote them, but that means absolutely nothing, so I don't see where you are trying to go with that. How many Americans can name the 10 Amendments?

Finally, for your idea of being put to death for working on the Sabbath is simply ridiculous. It shows a clear misunderstanding of the Christian faith.


Admiral Obvious
This is very misleading. If taken literally, yes, God is horrible. However, the Bible was not intended to be taken literally.
Says you.
However there are millions upon millions of Christians who state otherwise.

During the time of being written, the world was a very different place. God, as we know him today was not the first incarnation. God started out as a tribal deity, among many. From there, he grew, and changed quite drastically. Karen Armstrong has a wonderful work on this subject.
that is fine unless of course you are talking one of the millions of Christians who believe that God is never changing.

One must understand the history of God to really understand who God is. Trying to pick out certain verses out of the Bible, without understanding the history simply does not work. History, in this case, is very important. If history is actually looked for, the God that is currently worshipped would be seen as very different from the one in the Old Testament.
And we still end up with several hundred, if not thousands or more, "understandings" of god...

As for most Christians not being able to name the 10 commandments, that is also misleading.
What a load.
Fact is that most Christians do not know the Ten Commandments.
It is my thought that that is why they want the ten commandments erected all over the place.
Easier reference....

Sure, they can not quote them, but that means absolutely nothing, so I don't see where you are trying to go with that. How many Americans can name the 10 Amendments?
I don't see anyone proclaiming that the ten amendments are rules to live by or that if you break one of said amendments you will roast in hell for all of forever.

Not even close to the same thing...

Finally, for your idea of being put to death for working on the Sabbath is simply ridiculous. It shows a clear misunderstanding of the Christian faith.
I see.
So you merely pick and choose from the Bible.
Thanks for clearing that up.


Agnostic Theist
Says you.
However there are millions upon millions of Christians who state otherwise.
They may state otherwise, but there is more than enough evidence that shows that the Bible was not meant to be taken literally. Using that same logic, there are millions upon millions of people who say evolution is false; however, that does not make it so. If the evidence shows otherwise, then that is what one must conclude. In this instance, the evidence points to a nonliteral look at the Bible.

that is fine unless of course you are talking one of the millions of Christians who believe that God is never changing.
Again, if one is to simply take their belief as faith, then that is alright. However, we are not dealing with simply faith. The evidence shows that God is changing, as can even be seen in the Bible itself. Belief is one thing, but if the evidence all points the other way, then one must conclude that the belief is incorrect.

Out of those millions of Christians though, they may believe that God is never changing, but at the same time, many will also tell you that his methods are now different. They didn't change per se, but it was his divine will that he no longer has to act the same way he did in the Old Testament. Really, their belief is a catch 22, if one were to really delve into it.

And we still end up with several hundred, if not thousands or more, "understandings" of god...
Different people need different understandings to fit them. However, the majority of those understandings do not come from a historical research on God. They come from what they want, and there own personal interpretations of the Bible. So it is no wonder there are thousands of different understandings, because people simply do not take the time to actually look into the history. Which was pretty much my exact point.

What a load.
Fact is that most Christians do not know the Ten Commandments.
It is my thought that that is why they want the ten commandments erected all over the place.
Easier reference....
That is still misleading. What commandment don't they know? Are they unaware that it is wrong to steal, murder, lie, etc? Are they unaware that they shouldn't have any other gods? Are they unaware that they should respect their parents? Sure, they may not be able to quote off hand the ten commandments, but that is of very little importance. They still know what they command just the same way that I cannot quote the Bill of Rights, but I know what they entail.

I don't see anyone proclaiming that the ten amendments are rules to live by or that if you break one of said amendments you will roast in hell for all of forever.

Not even close to the same thing...
The idea is the same thing. Also, you are misrepresenting the 10 commandments. They are not rules that if you break you are going to roast in hell. If that was true, then everyone would roast in hell. Some may believe that you have to repent of your sins (which could be a one time deal, or multiple time deal), others believe that you are simply saved. There is a gray area that you simply did not even try to discuss.

If one were to take an actual look at the Bible though, the argument that no one goes to hell, as all sin is forgiven is the most logical argument. So even with a purely Biblical view, which teaches that the punishment of sin is death, and that everyone has sinned (so they will die), there is no fear of burning in hell.

I see.
So you merely pick and choose from the Bible.
Thanks for clearing that up.
How am I picking and choosing? New Testament law superseded Old Testament law. There was a new covenant with Jesus, so the verse about killing those who do not keep the Sabbath is simply ridiculous. If one is going to try to insult a faith, and understanding of that faith must first be had. The idea that someone can be put to death because they do not keep the Sabbath is not a Christian idea, and is not in the Christian faith. It may be in the Old Testament, but again, that is superseded by the New. So yes, it is ridiculous, and I am not merely picking and choosing. I actually understand the religion.


Veteran Member
Obviously, "why do we believe the bible is Gods word?" The Bible itself certainly doesn't say so, since it was not written as a single book and could therefore make no such claim.
Jesus made no mention of a book that would contain the words of God,and be 100% accurate and true. You'd think if he had wnated this to be, he'd have taken the time to write it himself so that there was no dispute over authorship,timeline,authenticity etc.
We don't know who wrote th bible,or even when, and yet we are to believe thsi is the one true word of God? All we know is that it was written and edited by men. How many things have men gotten their hands on that they didn't screw up or corrupt in some way? Many will claim that God protected the word so that is was not corrupted. Yet today we ahve many translations of the bible, and since they are different they can't all be right. How come Gods power no longer protects the Bible now?
Also, since we're speaking of holy scripture, what makes the Bible more reliable,true and trustworthy than the Jewish books, the Qur'an, or any of the other religions texts?
Perhaps I'm missing something, but fail to see how the Bible stands up under scrutiny as teh one true word of God. I think this could probably be applied to any book(s) that claim to be Gods one true word, I'm just more familiar with the bible
I wonder sometimes if perhaps everyone of the different cultures/religions got a little piece of the puzzle,and instead of examining everything to try to solve the mystery,everyone clings to their little piece as the whole and unvarnished truth.

Please look at 2nd Timothy 3:16,17 because the Bible's words are saying that the 'Bible is inspired by God' and beneficial for all............

At John 17:17 Jesus absolutely believed the Scriptures were religious truth.
When Jesus said '"It is written" where was it written but written in the already existing Hebrew Scriptures that Jesus already knew well by age 12?
People value a well-rounded secular education. Jesus had a well-rounded Biblical education in order teach as he did. What do you find wrong with Jesus teachings in his Sermon on the Mount?

The Bible was written on fragile paper and although it has many enemies over the centuries from without and within no one can get rid of it , and no one has been able to stop[ Matthew 24:14] the good news of God's kingdom being proclaimed world wide until the end of badness on earth comes.

One can easily compare translations. Which verse or passage do you have in mind that is different? We are in the best position today to compare with the oldest manuscripts.