I personaly dont resist prayer(I converse with God many times a day )..But if the Bible is complete and the instruction book it realy doesnt matter what I hear in a prayer....That is if I take it litteraly ...(everything the Bible says)
Like offer the other cheek if you are struck on one side..Sure...if I size it up and thats the right thing...But if I took that to mean litterally 100% of the time I'de be a doormat..Maybe even dead..
This isn't necessary to you Dallas, but I do have some more thoughts.
When we, as LDS, suggest to others
to simply ask God, through prayer; the typical response communicates that they don't need to because they have the Bible. They
seem to say answers to prayers can be misinterpreted, too subjective, or it may just BE a feeling, which can't be trusted. It makes me wonder about their experience with prayer and with the Holy Ghost. The scriptures are an invaluable resource to find our answers, but they aren't the only source.
Do they know what an answer to prayer is? What it's like? How to recognize it? If they did, maybe they wouldn't be so resistant to it. In our religion, we use prayer for everything. Prayer is two-way communication, and every sincere prayer is always answered sooner or later. I mean with all the confusion over doctrinal differences, asking God just seems like the logical solution.
What if you feel your answer from God was different than my answer from God? Then go with your answer (as long as it doesn't break any basic moral, ethical or legal laws). Test it. See if it works for you. Over time you will know if it was truly from God or not. (We believe that God will never give you an answer that violates gospel-standards.) Keep praying as you go, never stopping, and
sincerely following what you feel are your answers. This process will save you from a lot of mistakes.
Anyway, it works for me.