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Why can practical people not handle real debate?


Well-Known Member
To quote the immortal Dr. Timothy Leary, "You are only as old as the last time you changed your mind."
I think that I prefer live, changing mind to set, solidified mind any day.

I do agree. However, I have never heard anyone call someone else an immortal before, but I guess there is a first for everything. Don’t mind the others. I think they are just baffled they couldn’t come up with anything better to say.
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Premium Member
I suppose we theists should listen to all your great wisdom and change our faith accordingly. :D

I don't do debates to change my mind or anyone else's mind, just to give my opinion. I don't do it to win, either. ;)


Well-Known Member
I try to debate people about different religions and it seems to me as if no one really cares what anyone else has to say because they are already stuck on a certain train of thought. In case you don't know what a train of thought is let me provide a definition. It is where someone is so stuck in their ways they cannot possibly think outside the freaking box. Have over known anyone like that?

You can't expect people to just up and drop beliefs they may have held their whole life. You have to give a person time to consider what has been said and let them come to their own conclusions.


Well-Known Member
You can't expect people to just up and drop beliefs they may have held their whole life. You have to give a person time to consider what has been said and let them come to their own conclusions.
Ya i know but usually people don't even want to talk about it. big difference...why even debate

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
The wheels of change turn slowly, but not as slow as many of you imply. Change is a generational thing. If you don't see change in your lifetime, then you have a point.

Oh to be young and impatient.......


Well-Known Member
I try to debate people about different religions and it seems to me as if no one really cares what anyone else has to say because they are already stuck on a certain train of thought. In case you don't know what a train of thought is let me provide a definition. It is where someone is so stuck in their ways they cannot possibly think outside the freaking box. Have over known anyone like that?

Yes, frequently. I am glad you pointed this out. This is why I feel certain one cannot be "brain washed" unwilling into another religion or way of thinking. People seems to be destined in their thoughts.

Also people aren't always here to win a debate (or loose one). I am not in general, I prefer discussion or to learn even if I don't see that the answers are something for me personally. If that requires questions ideas then fine, but it doesn't mean ignoring the answers to somehow prove one is more logical.


Well-Known Member
The wheels of change turn slowly, but not as slow as many of you imply. Change is a generational thing. If you don't see change in your lifetime, then you have a point.

Oh to be young and impatient.......

Change among humans is not necessarily contingent on generation nor must it necessarily move slowly. It comes in all different speeds and patterns for various reasons.
I try to debate people about different religions and it seems to me as if no one really cares what anyone else has to say because they are already stuck on a certain train of thought. In case you don't know what a train of thought is let me provide a definition. It is where someone is so stuck in their ways they cannot possibly think outside the freaking box. Have over known anyone like that?

I'm secure in my beliefs so if someone doesn't agree with them, so what? Of course in a debate both sides should put forth some effort to have a dialog, or else it wouldn't be a debate. Just multiple people trying to talk over everyone else.


Resident Liberal Hippie
'I'm not set in my ways. All you have to do is...'

You just contradicted yourself.
No, he just indicated that he will not change his beliefs without objective evidence of an alternative.
Now, if he ignored that evidence, then he would be dogmatically set in his ways, as is demonstrated daily by many posters in this forum.


... because our culture does not prepare people to interact with others who aggressively disagree with them.


Empirical Curmudgeon
'I'm not set in my ways. All you have to do is...'

You just contradicted yourself.

As Tumbleweed41 pointed out, no, I did not.

My world-view is based upon the best available evidence I can find and I do not allow anything into my view of reality that we do not have evidence for. That means that if our telescopes picked up Russell's teapot and we obtained solid evidence that it is really there, I would from then on include it into what I see as real. But I would not start believing in it should be privately revealed to me by a shining apparition in my living room as it would be a lot more statistically likely that I was simply out of my mind than the alternative.

The difference is objective evidence.


Well-Known Member
No, he just indicated that he will not change his beliefs without objective evidence of an alternative.
Now, if he ignored that evidence, then he would be dogmatically set in his ways, as is demonstrated daily by many posters in this forum.

So his beliefs are f(x)=mx+b
But the rate of change of his beliefs is...b. Constant. Unchanging. Unmoving. Staying the same.
Doesn't matter how elaborate your system of evidence or proofs is, there's always a constant if you derive long enough. That's true of everybody. Everyone has their limit (no pun intended).


Ninja Master
Yeah. I'm like that. I got into the box in the first place for a reason. It's cold out there. And that's where I keep my plastic bags. Get your own box.


Well-Known Member
As Tumbleweed41 pointed out, no, I did not.

The difference is objective evidence.

The difference is that you think this 'objective evidence' is very similar to the holy grail of 'reality'.
It's very difficult for me to not view this way of thinking...er silly, I guess, when it doesn't really matter how much objective evidence you have. You can give a whole bunch of objective evidence to a die-hard creationist, and they will still spout off bible verses until they're blue in the face.
What makes you think that you're any different?


Resident Liberal Hippie
The difference is that you think this 'objective evidence' is very similar to the holy grail of 'reality'.
It's very difficult for me to not view this way of thinking...er silly, I guess, when it doesn't really matter how much objective evidence you have. You can give a whole bunch of objective evidence to a die-hard creationist, and they will still spout off bible verses until they're blue in the face.
What makes you think that you're any different?
The Creationist ignores, dismisses, or reinterprets the objective evidence to fit his/her religious views.
Thus making their belief dogmatic and unchanging.
A Rational persons beliefs will change with the objective and empirical evidence.
I know mine have.