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Why Christianity is Looked down on


That was hilarious. I wouldn't get him banned - he's too entertaining. I only wish there were more screaming nutters in the world yelling at everyone. I thought the students were very witty too, and seemed to be having a good time.

As far as scary Christian nut jobs go, I'd say he doesn't have a patch on Jack Chick or Fred Phelps.

These guys do make it very difficult for the rest of us to take Christianity seriously.


mrr... there are some very unkind, narrowly-focused Christians at my boyfriend's church. often, their anger is tied into their politics and social views, and it kind of gets mixed up with the Gospel.

one fellow, when asked to preach, thought it was appropriate to bring in a Catholic version of the Bible and mock it. for heaven's sake... it's that kind of attitude that nearly drives me away from churches.


Miss Independent
Why are people looking DOWN on christianity? Because the religious fanatics failed to convince the average mentally sound christian that god is not insane himself.

The rest of mankind looks down on christianity because they can.

But the worst type of christian, is the one that conforms to this world. Who fears confrontation for the sake of being accepted.

If you dont stand up for something you stand for nothing. Christians should not be afraid of confrontation with the world. Dont go looking for trouble, trust me trouble will find you. Your not a light on a hill, if you hide yourself under a bucket. This is why i divorced religion. It was too busy with making money, and getting more church members, and dictating doctrine to people, like god doesnt actually live in their followers, to tell them himself.

I dont look down on christianity...but i find myself not willing to be called by the name any longer. Religion turned god into a muppet.

I could not find any good reason to continue entertaining religion. It had nothing that could awaken me. Once again..not all religions are equilly bad...but i think for me there came a time, when the purpose of religion was no longer purposeful. I suspect more and more christians will leave religion, but not abondon their god.


Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
This is unreal. I think this is the same moron that used to preach on the UofF campus back in the late seventies on the Plaza of the Americas. He would sometimes tote this cross that had wheels on the end. I once had a long talk with the cretin. I told him he was going to hell for not preaching love. Bwahahahahaha! He was so upset at the end of our talk that he was spitting! Then I spent a week preaching beside him and warning others not to listen to him. "This man preaches hate, but Jesus preaches LOVE!" was my chant. He would get so upset that he would physically push me away from him. He even threw his Bible at me with pages ripping out from the heave. He missed, but he was escorted off campus for assaulting a student. Of course, studies beckoned and I could not devote the time to this endeavor. However, I would stop every now and then and do an impromptu imitation of his bombastic preaching style, pointing at him and loudly proclaiming that he was a hater of all men. After a few minutes he would just stop and glare at me with his fists clenched. I have to admit that I derived satisfaction at disrupting his hate filled diatribe.


Admiral Obvious
I've also realized that nothing brings people together like religious fanaticsm. I have laughed and talked with so many people - who started talking about how insane these men are. People really connect when there's something that everyone can agree on. Amazing how that happens.
Perhaps that is his purpose?

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...


Admiral Obvious
Main Entry: intention
Part of Speech:
What one intends to do or achieve.
Synonyms: aim, ambition, design, end, goal, intent, mark, meaning, object, objective, point, purpose, target, view, why

Intention and purpose appear to be synonymous. Perhaps there is a gray area here that I missed. But, since you never have met him, I am sure you know him better than I do. Thanks for playing.
thats it?
Thats all the better you can come up with?

when you are finished dictating to me what I know, think, meant, etc. ...
Though I figure it will be some time before your ego will allow that..

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
thats it?
Thats all the better you can come up with?

when you are finished dictating to me what I know, think, meant, etc. ...
Though I figure it will be some time before your ego will allow that..
Thanks for the condescension and the insult. If you don't want to clarify what you meant then by all means don't. Please understand that I can only go by the words you post: I can not read your mind. When I used a term that is synonymous with a term you used, there is little I can do but to wonder what you are whining about.

So, you have met Jed? What did you think of him?


Its only a Label
friend Buttons,
There is nothing to be perturbed about.
Evrything has an explaination but it needs a different perspective.
The perspective is this:
Life is begingless and endless. We as humans are just in between through evolution. Each individual gets moksha only after he is free of all desires even if it godly kind and this human life continues till one achieves mokasha and so at anytime on the planet there are various categories of people in terms of their time in that evolutionary process and each will be behaving from his own view point which is bound to be differnt to other individual even though they may be blood relatives.
Besides by calling someone a Demon does he become one or is it that is caller is projecting his own self by calling someone a demon?
If one analyses deep down the hurt comes from attachment to particular words which has no REAl meaning or is just skin deep.
Love & rgds


Glass half Panda'd
friend Buttons,
There is nothing to be perturbed about.
Evrything has an explaination but it needs a different perspective.
The perspective is this:
Life is begingless and endless. We as humans are just in between through evolution. Each individual gets moksha only after he is free of all desires even if it godly kind and this human life continues till one achieves mokasha and so at anytime on the planet there are various categories of people in terms of their time in that evolutionary process and each will be behaving from his own view point which is bound to be differnt to other individual even though they may be blood relatives.
Besides by calling someone a Demon does he become one or is it that is caller is projecting his own self by calling someone a demon?
If one analyses deep down the hurt comes from attachment to particular words which has no REAl meaning or is just skin deep.
Love & rgds
I understand :) Thanks


Well-Known Member
We have a lot of this "type" on the campus where I work from North America, I won't mention the exchange university they come. The university I work at is a Buddhist university and we just kind of laugh them off with respect and put it down as ignorance and intolerance.

Jordan St. Francis

Well-Known Member
I watched one video on "forbidden fruit".

I feel sorry for this man. Is he suffering from maybe a kind of mental handi-cap? I mean that in all seriousness, he looks oblivious to the fact that he's really a joke.

I've never heard of him of before. Is he popular among sane people in the USA?