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Why did God create evil?

Isaiah 45:7

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Why would the Lord create evil? I'm sure Christians can explain this; I'm not looking for an argument, I'd just like to understand. Is this quote taken out of context?


Lonesome Religionist
God is infinite and perfect. We are finite and imperfect which have potential to be evil (or to choose between good and evil). This enable the use to be perfect even as God is perfect. If the finite reality were perfect, we would have no potential to perfect ourselves. Finite itself contains three possibilities: perfect finite, perfected finite(which is our existence) and neither perfect nor perfected finite. All of them are within the potential of infinite.
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Lonesome Religionist
God does not create evil. the Creation of perfecting finite contains the potential of evil which can be chosen by immature will creatures.


Well-Known Member
Why would the Lord create evil? I'm sure Christians can explain this; I'm not looking for an argument, I'd just like to understand. Is this quote taken out of context?

I think we should keep in mind that we're reading in modern English, with a modern understanding of evil. There's really no telling how an ancient contemporary of Isaiah might have understood the quote you've presented.

I guess a modern Christian might say that since God created everything, then He created evil, too. Why didn't He just leave evil out of the mix? I dunno. I'd say that since evil seemed to exist in Isaiah's world, then the only explanation for it had to be God.

For myself, I can't imagine a world without evil. It means 'doing something I don't like, with a selfish motivation.' That has to happen in any physical world inhabited by non-angels, I think, and even an angel might care more for his own comfort than for yours.

Can you define 'evil' in your own words? Maybe that will help with your question.


Veteran Member
I think we should keep in mind that we're reading in modern English, with a modern understanding of evil. There's really no telling how an ancient contemporary of Isaiah might have understood the quote you've presented.
Kind of puts the interpretation of everything in the Bible up in the air. If X might not mean @, then A might not mean %, C might not mean &, etc.


Not your average Mormon
Isaiah 45:7

Why would the Lord create evil? I'm sure Christians can explain this; I'm not looking for an argument, I'd just like to understand. Is this quote taken out of context?
It would help me personally to know exactly what you consider to be evil? Are you talking about malicious, sociopathic people? Are you talking about forces of nature? Are you talking about cancer? Give me some examples of things you believe are evil, and I'll try to answer your question.


Well-Known Member
Isaiah 45:7

Why would the Lord create evil? I'm sure Christians can explain this; I'm not looking for an argument, I'd just like to understand. Is this quote taken out of context?

Did you check commentaries?
Isaiah 45:7 I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.

"these words are directed to Cyrus king of Persia, and must be understood as spoken in reference to the Persian sect of the Magians; who then held light and darkness, or good and evil, to be the supreme Beings, without acknowledging the great God as superior to both;''


Well-Known Member
James 1:13-17:

13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:
14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
16 Do not err, my beloved brethren.
17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

That evil exists in creation is due to creature choice. Since creatures are originated from God, it is not totally wrong to say God created evil.

There is not the slightest shred of evidence God, even if it exists, had anything to do with the evoluntionary process.
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Lonesome Religionist
There is not the slightest shred of evidence God, even if it exists, had anything to do with the evoluntionary process.

Please do not generalize your own experiences as truth. The process of evolution is necessary for man to be created, for man to know God progressively and for man to perfect himself. The perfecting finite creation is evolutionary.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
That evil exists in creation is due to creature choice. Since creatures are originated from God, it is not totally wrong to say God created evil.

choice that god allowed us to have i.e. garden of eden


Premium Member
Isaiah 45:7

Why would the Lord create evil? I'm sure Christians can explain this; I'm not looking for an argument, I'd just like to understand. Is this quote taken out of context?

My understanding would be the same as Why did God create the sun, Why did god create sharks, Why did god create man.

In other words why did god create anything. I don't have the answer, I don't believe any bible to spell it out. If you could understand any reason for creation you could understand evil.


Premium Member
According to the Abrahamic texts we are created in Gods image. Based on that I can come up with only 3 reasons for creation.

Entertainment - We are like a big TV set for the lord and Evil is good drama once the show is over everyone is fine(much like the actors on the show)

Need - Like food or water and evil is our spice.

Ease - Some how our creation has made things easier for God. For this you need to know how we made things easier and I have no answer.


Well-Known Member
Kind of puts the interpretation of everything in the Bible up in the air. If X might not mean @, then A might not mean %, C might not mean &, etc.

Alas, we have no assurance that X ever means @ -- but most especially not in ancient, foreign writings.

Well... unless we're reading infallible scripture and interpreting it infallibly, I guess.