@Epic Beard Man sorry for derailing your thread!
This will be my last post because there isn't much of a dialogue.
I personally don't think every person that speaks for the rights of Palestinians is a Hamas supporter, and not every person that speaks for the rights of Israelis is a anti-Arab Zionist.
It's important to find a middle ground in this discussion. Here are a few points that I think are important.
- Hamas rockets must stop. We should condemn Hamas violence,and their indiscriminate firing that puts civilians at risk. Yes Israeli forces have killed many civilians but two wrongs don't make a right.
- The conflict is a lot older than Hamas. The constant focus on Hamas as the reason for Israel’s self-described acts of self-defense is misleading.This position pretends we are talking about a recent conflict (about 27 years) and not a 65 year one. The Israeli governments actions against Palestine (specifically Gaza) goes back far before Hamas even existed. Any dialogue that ignores before 1987 is insincere and incomplete . Hamas is a symptom of this conflict, but not the root cause.
- Muslim leaders must take more ownership over their actions. Israel and Palestine must hold themselves accountable to justice otherwise peace is just a fantasy.
- Some say that Palestine is inherently anti-Semetic. This is untrue and Palestine’s historical actions before the creation of Israel prove this.
- The pro-Israel side say that the UN created Israel by deomcratic vote so they are there to stay. The reality is Israel has a point they are here to stay,and no amount of arguing or fighting will undo that. But a country born by the UN must live by the UN. Since Israel’s creation, the United Nations has passed at least 42 Resolutions against Israel for violating international law ( 17 were passed before Hamas existed).
Sad thing is that Israel has asked and the United States has agreed to veto all 42 of these UN Resolutions. Israel cannot have it both ways. It cannot on one hand claim legitimacy by citing the United Nations decision to create Israel, and then ignore UN enforcement to hold Israel accountable to international law. If UN decisions are invalid now, then they were invalid at Israel’s creation. And if UN decisions were valid upon Israel’s creation, they must also be valid now and Israel must maintain justice according to international law.
- There is no justification for civilian deaths. Any action by either side that ignores this principle is a violation of human rights and it only derails the peace process.
- Governments should be hold accountable for war crimes. Hamas firing rockets indiscriminately is a war crime. Israel’s collective punishment of all of Gaza is a war crime,Israel’s bombing of hospitals is a war crime.
Conclusion..Peace is only possible by ensuring the sanctity and dignity of all human life..Jewish, Muslim or the minority Christian Palestinian.
And Peace can't really exist without justice..this includes recognizing factual history.