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Why Did Ukraine Allow Itself to Become Nato's Pawn?


Well-Known Member
Do you really think Putin would invade another (most are now in NATO) country, considering how hard things are in eastern Ukraine? I hear Biden and others in his administration claiming that if he takes Ukraine he (Putin) would not stop and roll into the rest of Europe. You don't really believe that, do you? Unless China came to his aid, it would be suicidal and Putin knows that. I urge you to please stop the fear-mongering, brother.

With all due respect, you and the others on the hawkish left seem to have no sense of history; you do not seem to understand the role of the land that is Ukraine has on the psyche of many Russians

Yes....that's why countries are assisting Ukraine.
And why Ukraine is fighting Russia.
Because military industrialists are behind it all.
They control all governments in capitalist countries.
While they don't admit it, they did respond....
I thought it was Soros or Biden? One of them two is definitely to blame for me never getting enough pieces of brownie in my Ben & Jerry’s.


Woke gremlin
Why would I believe a word of what you post?
You're right. You only have my word for it that the first Chechan war, the second Chechan war, the Russian invasion of Georgia, the Russian separatist annexation of the Donbas, the Russian annexation of Crimea and the invasion of Ukraine happened.

I am literally the only person who has ever talked about those things. I apologise. I guess you just have to take my word for it?
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unknown member
You're right. You only have my word for it that the first Chechan war, the second Chechan war, the Russian invasion of Georgia, the Russian separatist annexation of the Donbas, the Russian annexation of Crimea and the invasion of Ukraine happened.

I am literally the only person who has ever talked about those things. I apologise. I guess you just have to take my word for it?
No one buys into your revisionist history along with the propaganda that everything Russia is evil, which in turn allows you to pretend we are the good guys. You can live out your good vs evil mythology in your mind all you like but I'm not buying it. I love the U.S. but their propaganda machine doesn't affect me, Russia is not the evil empire because western corporate media says so. You believe Biden et al did not provoke this "unprovoked" border dispute because you are nothing but a product of western corporate media, parroting their little catch phrases such as, "unprovoked." Now go ahead and repeat, "unprovoked" like a good little parrot.


Woke gremlin
No one buys into your revisionist history
Ah yes, my revisionist history of "acknowledging that very widely reported events happened."

What do you call it when instead of claiming something OTHER than what was claimed to have happened happened, all you're doing is claiming what is already claimed to have happened happened? I'm not sure... There must be a name for this new, perplexing and radical form of revisionist history...

Perhaps it's... Just...


along with the propaganda that everything Russia is evil,
Not something I have literally ever implied or claimed.

which in turn allows you to pretend we are the good guys.
Also something I have literally never implied or claimed. Believe it or not, not as many people as you'd think subscribe to your simplistic vision of history.

You can live out your good vs evil mythology in your mind all you like but I'm not buying it. I love the U.S. but their propaganda machine doesn't affect me,
It doesn't affect me, either. I'm British. As far as I'm concerned, we're still at war with them.

We'll reclaim the colonies someday!

Russia is not the evil empire because western corporate media says so.
You're right. It's an evil empire because they bully and annex their neighbours, deny their citizens basic rights, strictly control elections, oppress minority groups, pump out huge amounts of propaganda and commit war crimes with impunity.

Lemme guess, your response will be something along the lines of "BUT AMERICA DOES ALL THOSE THINGS TOO LOL". But if you seriously want to make the claim that America is as bad as Russia is in any of those fields, I have a vast stock of NATO warheads to sell you.

You believe Biden et al did not provoke this "unprovoked" border dispute because you are nothing but a product of western corporate media, parroting their little catch phrases such as, "unprovoked." Now go ahead and repeat, "unprovoked" like a good little parrot.
It must be extremely gratifying to think you're the one true soldier in a war against propaganda while you spread propaganda for a fascist tyrant like Putin.

This is why you defer to rhetoric over facts. You can't acknowledge any of the historical events I listed, because doing so would mean acknowledging the reality that GASP sometimes countries can have good reasons to join NATO and GASP Russia does bad things that warrant opposition and GASP America isn't always the bad guy.

Try reading a history book for once.
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Staff member
Premium Member
But it's true.
They were dragged into a trap. The Germans of Danzig were persecuted by the Polish Government, and the Nazi Government invaded Poland.
:facepalm: Are you openly a fascist yet or are you just apologizing for them as a side gig?

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
:facepalm: Are you openly a fascist yet or are you just apologizing for them as a side gig?
Honestly I don't see history as either all black or all white.
The Nazi became an uncontrollable death machine that needed to be stopped.
But that doesn't mean that the Germans or the Italians who voted for them were in bad faith.
The Italians just wanted to take back the control of the Mediterranean which had become a British lake.


Well-Known Member
Why did Russia invade an independent nation and why is Russia planning on invading other nations and why is Russia threatending nuclear war and why is Russia convincing people with lying propaganda and why is Pootin a murdering tyrant .


What about the victims of the Azov Nazi's and the famous Nazi Propaganda .. why is the west convincing people with lying propagandas .. and why is Genocide Joe a murdering tyrant threatening nuclear war ?

So many questions .... so few answers :)


Active Member
Americans became convinced that communism was a grave danger to the U.S. and the American way of life. That's how they got hornswoggled into supporting wars as in Vietnam. There's also very strong peer pressures to the degree that anyone who doesn't support a given military action is a traitor.


This is how the tactic works, and from what I can tell, with slight variations, it's still effective today.

It's all about control and power. If it can be attained through lies and manipulation, that's the cheapest way. Bribery is a bit more expensive, but not as expensive as brute force and total warfare.
Are those criticisms of JFK Valid and true ?


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Are those criticisms of JFK Valid and true ?

Most of them, probably not. I suppose from a certain point of view relevant to that time period, many might have thought all of that was true. JFK was certainly not perfect, although he was certainly no Communist. It's just that anyone deemed threatening to the status quo in America was considered "communist."

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Why did Ukraine allow itself to become Nato's pawn, and what did Ukraine hope to accomplish?
If I understand what I have been watching since Russia began their invasion, I don't think the Ukraine had much say in the matter.