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Why did we go over there?


Veteran Member
From what I remember, about 5 or so years ago, we went over there because of WMD. As to my current knowledge we never found any.

So why did we really go over there? (I know it isn't for those pesky WMD's that like to runaway and hide when we come!)


Well-Known Member
how long has the presadancy wanted sadom out of office... for a very long time... i never agreed that we should go over there and my friend has a interesting prospictive; she believes that the war is about a vendeta the bush family vs. sadom and they found a way to do it though the whole intelagents meeting and the war on terror, no idea if any of it is true. but i would like to thank that we went over there to stop people from being raped tourcherd and murdered... which i believe is the right thing to stop wheather or not how we did it is who knows...


I thought most Americans were given the impression Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11?

Then it changed to WMD's, vaguely - the Bush administration still seemed to hint Iraq was involved in 9/11.

Then it changed to helping the Iraqi people who were going to welcome US soldiers with flowers, even in the south where they credit the United States with their suffering as much as they do Saddam Hussein (note the British were installed there pretty quick? Hahaha).

Now it seems to be you're there because... you're there? And if you leave, things could get... hmmm... bad? You know, more so. Or something.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Djamila said:
I thought most Americans were given the impression Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11?

Then it changed to WMD's, vaguely - the Bush administration still seemed to hint Iraq was involved in 9/11.

Then it changed to helping the Iraqi people who were going to welcome US soldiers with flowers, even in the south where they credit the United States with their suffering as much as they do Saddam Hussein (note the British were installed there pretty quick? Hahaha).

Now it seems to be you're there because... you're there? And if you leave, things could get... hmmm... bad? You know, more so. Or something.

True. Bush's press tried to link Saddam and 9/11, though I doubt one might be able to find a quote wherein they actually go so far as to do so. Instead, they deliberately worded several statements in order to imply that, but I think they were aware of how they could get trounced if they did anything more than imply. I believe that, at one point, the majority of Americans were convinced that Iraq had ties to That Day, but I imagine that part of people wanting to believe that was out of a kind of mental self-protection mechanism. ('The government says so, and they wouldn't do something to hurt or mislead the country after something so horrible happened, would they?')

If one wishes to take a cynical view, the government's ties to Halliburton makes one think that there were financial reasons why we went to war. I do not think very highly of Bush, but I hope I never think so lowly of someone to assume that they'd go to war over a profit.


Wonder Woman
Djamila said:
I thought most Americans were given the impression Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11?

Then it changed to WMD's, vaguely - the Bush administration still seemed to hint Iraq was involved in 9/11.

Then it changed to helping the Iraqi people who were going to welcome US soldiers with flowers, even in the south where they credit the United States with their suffering as much as they do Saddam Hussein (note the British were installed there pretty quick? Hahaha).

Now it seems to be you're there because... you're there? And if you leave, things could get... hmmm... bad? You know, more so. Or something.

We went over to the Middle East originally for Osama and then just dropped that and went after Hussein. Why? The cover story was WMD and ties to 9/11 terrorists. Neither were true. Why then? Because Dubya saw the perfect opportunity to do what his daddy couldn't and make a name for himself in the history books. At least that's how I see it. Well, Dubya's made it into the history books...as a dumb***.:areyoucra


Well-Known Member
I'd like to point out that many liberals agreed with Bush at the time so you could all quit the finger pointing.


Veteran Member
nutshell said:
I'd like to point out that many liberals agreed with Bush at the time so you could all quit the finger pointing.

Me? I haven't pointed the finger at anyone. :no:
Bush vendetta sounds like a likely candidate for the true purpose of why it was Iraq and not any other violent oppressive dictatorship that practices genocide against its own people. It isn't our job to be international police but since the UN seems to be sort of ineffective and the time was up for Saddam. I think he had like 13 years to show evidence that he had destroyed his illegal weapons and he couldn't produce it. The UN should have done something at that point but didn't. America had a window of opportunity and took it. The reasons why are only important on an individual basis in my opinion. I do think the Government lied to us but what else is new? I don't think we should or could get involved in every evil dictator situation. That being said I'm glad we are rid of Saddam. The real issue now is how to pull out without a civil war or America going bankrupt.
beckysoup61 said:
You can't blame the whole country on one man's descion to go and do that.

Sure he can, It just won't get him very far. I don't think America has any more or less idiots than any other place, percentage wise anyways. The global spread of stupidity is generous and even all over the world.


Proud to be a Sinner.
beckysoup61 said:
You can't blame the whole country on one man's descion to go and do that.
I thought you had a democracy?

One man's decision is a dictatorship/monarchy.
Yeah, he sorta went over congresses head if I remember correctly. I'm not sure how that works. That or congress was so ****** when the towers came down that they gave him the go ahead and changed their minds later. They're politicians, they can do that you know.


Veteran Member
Pardus said:
I thought you had a democracy?

One man's decision is a dictatorship/monarchy.

We do, and after our country voted him in, HE decided without a vote from the country to do this.

If you ask any citizen, we weren't given a vote.
I think Bush found some way to bypass congress or they OK'ed the war then changed their mind later. Either way I'm sure it wasn't one man's decision. The whole country was out for blood sad as it is.


Proud to be a Sinner.
beckysoup61 said:
We do, and after our country voted him in, HE decided without a vote from the country to do this.

If you ask any citizen, we weren't given a vote.

"He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent." - V


Pneumatic Spiritualist
beckysoup61 said:
From what I remember, about 5 or so years ago, we went over there because of WMD. As to my current knowledge we never found any.

So why did we really go over there? (I know it isn't for those pesky WMD's that like to runaway and hide when we come!)

Because war is big buisness, and republicans work for the corporations. Haliburtion gets no bid contracts to provide supplies, large contracting companies get no bid contracts to rebuild Iraq (they then sub-contract the work out to local construction companies for much less and get money for nothing), Exxon gets oil, military contractors get money to make weapons, basically the wealthiest people in the country divy up our taxes among themselves.