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Why did we go over there?


Well-Known Member
Ciscokid said:
:clapThese days I see things a lot differently. I'm not against war...It's just that I've realized that we went about this the wrong way. Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911.:clap

So who do you think that has something to do with 9/11? Still Osama bin Ladin, I supposed?


Through the Looking Glass
Even the Uber-Creepy Richard Perle (he of the "Project for a New American Century") now has to face facts and admit the invasion was a bad idea. Although in Perle's fantasy, it was only a bad idea because Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld are so incompetent.


"I think if I had been delphic, and had seen where we are today, and people had said, 'Should we go into Iraq?,' I think now I probably would have said, 'No, let's consider other strategies for dealing with the thing that concerns us most, which is Saddam supplying weapons of mass destruction to terrorists.' … I don't say that because I no longer believe that Saddam had the capability to produce weapons of mass destruction, or that he was not in contact with terrorists. I believe those two premises were both correct. [dopp edit: against the great weight and preponderance of the evidence] Could we have managed that threat by means other than a direct military intervention? Well, maybe we could have."

Of course, it wasn't the lives of his family at stake. What a *******.

Simon Gnosis

Active Member
Because the USA likes to bully weak little countries, I would love to see the MIGHTY USA invade China, go on I dare you....

But in fact I believe oil is was the main reason for the US invasion of Iraq...


Proud to be a Sinner.
I am against war, it is pointless.

Unless you force a surrender, you never defeat your enemy, just destroy them.

Diplomacy is not the peaceful solution, it is another means of fighting and it is more effective as you can defeat your enemy not just crush them.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Ciscokid said:
From my perspective I was so angry with whomever attacked us. I had no idea who they were but I entrusted the Bush administration with their "intelligence". I more than happy that we were going to war because I wanted someone to pay.

These days I see things a lot differently. I'm not against war...It's just that I've realized that we went about this the wrong way. Iraq didn't have anything to do with 911.

I think any president, Democrat or Republican, would have had to go into Afghanistan. The decision to go into Iraq was a mistake that only Bush could make.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Simon Gnosis said:
Because the USA likes to bully weak little countries...

LOL! You're so right! Every American I knows wakes up in the morning with but one thought on his or her mind: "What weak little country should we bully today?"

I think we went into Iraq because we were told it was necessary to stop Saddam and his WMDs. That we were misled has not sat well with millions of Americans.


Through the Looking Glass
BTW, the U.S. public was "sold" on the Iraq war with claims that Sadaam had WMD and imminently intended to use them against the U.S. and that he supported Al Quaeda and was somehow linked to 9.11.

To suggest otherwise at this point is just doublethink.

Simon Gnosis

Active Member
Sunstone said:
LOL! You're so right! Every American I knows wakes up in the morning with but one thought on his or her mind: "What weak little country should we bully today?"

I think we went into Iraq because we were told it was necessary to stop Saddam and his WMDs. That we were misled has not sat well with millions of Americans.

Americans have thoughts?

Well you learn something new every day.....


Well-Known Member
Simon Gnosis said:
Americans have thoughts?

Well you learn something new every day.....

And the administration would have you believe we can juggle as well.

Simon Gnosis

Active Member
gnomon said:
And the administration would have you believe we can juggle as well.


I am sorry I am being unfair..some of the smartest people I have ever met have been americans..

Its just when you hear your boss 'Dubya' saying man and fish can co exist peacefully its hard not to laugh...


Well-Known Member
Simon Gnosis said:
Because the USA likes to bully weak little countries, I would love to see the MIGHTY USA invade China, go on I dare you....

But in fact I believe oil is was the main reason for the US invasion of Iraq...

USA already invaded China in 1900, but during that time it was again the willing coalition, a total of 8 foreign country:D
Thus the International Force led by General Alfred Gaselee quickly and badly defeated the Boxers and Chinese Imperial Army; there had been no popular Chinese support for the Boxers, who were poorly equipped and trained for war, especially against the might of the leading international army's. Following the taking of Peking troops from the international force, except British and American [This article must be written by British American, or American British:monkey: ], looted the capital city and even ransacked the Forbidden City, with many Chinese treasures finding their way back to Europe. During this late period of the Uprising the empress dowager Tz'u Hsi fled from Peking to Sian, and although she returned to Peking one year later the power of the Ch'ing dynasty had been destroyed forever. Knowing that armed resistance to the foreign powers (who forces where now garrisoned in Northern China) was useless the empress dowager called Li Hung-chang to Peking in an attempt to reach a settlement with the foreigners. After much negotiation a peace was finally established and a protocol was signed on the 7th September 1901 between China and the Powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Spain, United States, France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, and Russia.​


Well-Known Member
On August 4, 1900, approximately 20,000 Allied Forces marched toward Beijing from Tianjin, They defeated the Chinese troops in succession and captured Beijing on August 14. After they entered the city, the Allied Forces plunged into a massacre. There were countless occurrences of bloodshed, looting and rape. A Frenchman published a book entitled The End of Peking after he returned to France. He wrote: "The solitude and desolation were the same in and outside the city. There was nothing except rubble everywhere¡­.The city of Peking, which was full of splendid buildings in the past, is now a wildness."

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
FeathersinHair said:
True. Bush's press tried to link Saddam and 9/11, though I doubt one might be able to find a quote wherein they actually go so far as to do so. Instead, they deliberately worded several statements in order to imply that, but I think they were aware of how they could get trounced if they did anything more than imply.
Well, as a matter of fact...

The regime has longstanding and continuing ties to terrorist groups, and there are Al Qaida terrorists inside Iraq.
George W. Bush Delivers Weekly Radio Address, White House (28/9/2002).

We know that Iraq and al Qaeda have had high-level contacts that go back a decade. Some al Qaeda leaders who fled Afghanistan went to Iraq. These include one very senior al Qaeda leader who received medical treatment in Baghdad this year, and who has been associated with planning for chemical and biological attacks. We've learned that Iraq has trained al Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases.
Source: President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat; Remarks by the President on Iraq, White House (7/10/2002).

And I also mentioned the fact that there is a connection between al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein.
Source: President Condems Attack in Bali, White House (14/10/2002).

This [Saddam Hussein] is a person who has had contacts with al Qaeda.
President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat; Remarks by the President on Iraq, White House (28/10/2002).

Saddam Hussein is a man who told the world he wouldn't have weapons of mass destruction, but he's got them . . . . And not only that, [he would] like nothing more than to hook up with one of these shadowy terrorist networks like Al Qaeda, provide some weapons and training to them, let them come do his dirty work, and we wouldn't be able to see his fingerprints on his action.
Source: Iraq Must Disarm Says President in South Dakota Speech, White House (3/11/2002).

He's [Saddam Hussein] had contacts with Al Qaida. Imagine the scenario where an Al Qaida-type organization uses Iraq as an arsenal, a place to get weapons, a place to be trained to use the weapons. Saddam Hussein could use surrogates to come and attack people he hates.
Remarks by the President at Arkansas Welcome, White House (4/11/2002).

This is a man [Saddam Hussein] who has had Al Qaida connections. I want you to think about a scenario in which he becomes the arsenal and the training grounds for shadowy terrorists so that he can attack somebody who (sic) hates and not leave any fingerprints behind. He is a threat.
Remarks by the President at Missouri Welcome, White House (4/11/2002).

He's [Saddam Hussein] a threat because he is dealing with Al Qaida. In my Cincinnati speech I reminded the American people, a true threat facing our country is that an Al Qaida-type network trained and armed by Saddam could attack America and leave not one fingerprint.
President Outlines Priorities, White House (7/11/2002).

Before September the 11th, many in the world believed that Saddam Hussein could be contained. But chemical agents, lethal viruses, and shadowy terrorist networks are not easily contained. Imagine those 19 hijackers with other weapons and other planes -- this time armed by Saddam Hussein. It would take one vial, one canister, one crate slipped into this country to bring a day of horror like none we have ever known.
President Delivers "State of the Union", White House (28/1/2003).

One of the greatest dangers we face is that weapons of mass destruction might be passed to terrorists who would not hesitate to use those weapons. Saddam Hussein has longstanding, direct and continuing ties to terrorist networks. Senior members of Iraq intelligence and al Qaeda have met at least eight times since the early 1990s. Iraq has sent bomb-making and document forgery experts to work with al Qaeda. Iraq has also provided al Qaeda with chemical and biological weapons training. And an al Qaeda operative was sent to Iraq several times in the late 1990s for help in aquiring poisons and gases. We also know that Iraq is harboring a terrorist network headed by a senior al Qaeda terrorist planner.
President's Radio Address, White House (8/2/2003).

He [Saddam Hussein] has trained and financed al Qaeda-type organizations before, al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.
President George Bush Discusses Iraq in National Press Conference, White House (6/3/2003).

The regime . . . has aided, trained and harbored terrorists, including operatives of al Qaeda. The danger is clear: using chemical, biological or, one day, nuclear weapons, obtained with the help of Iraq, the terrorists could fulfill their stated ambitions and kill thousands or hundreds of thousands of innocent people in our country, or any other.
President Says Saddam Hussein Must Leave Iraq Within 48 Hours, White House (17/3/2003).

The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September the 11, 2001 -- and still goes on.
Source: President Bush Announces Major Combat Operations in Iraq Have Ended, White House (1/5/2003).

The liberation of Iraq is a crucial advance in the campaign against terror. We've removed an ally of al Qaeda, and cut off a source of terrorist funding.
Source: President Bush Announces Major Combat Operations in Iraq Have Ended, White House (1/5/2003).


Veteran Member
Great Calgarian, I'd prefer if you'd not fill up my thread with consipracy theories like your other one. Please discontinue from doing that.


Well-Known Member
beckysoup61 said:
Great Calgarian, I'd prefer if you'd not fill up my thread with consipracy theories like your other one. Please discontinue from doing that.

Those are not conspiracy theory. Some one challenges the US to invade China, and I just post proof that US has already invaded China in 1900 with 7 other countries, occupied China capitol Peking or Beijing for more than one year. I shall delete those posts off as you requested.:D


Veteran Member
greatcalgarian said:
Those are not conspiracy theory. Some one challenges the US to invade China, and I just post proof that US has already invaded China in 1900 with 7 other countries, occupied China capitol Peking or Beijing for more than one year. I shall delete those posts off as you requested.:D

Make your own thread for the things that you posted.