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Why Didn't the Universe Always Exist?


Veteran Member
It's consistent with something that we don't have any experience of.

Sure, sure... I also don't have any experience of undetectable dragons, but I don't consider that to be a point in favor of undetectable dragons.

Maybe you think that only things that we have experience of can exist.

No and that's not even remotely close to what I said.

Maybe that is why you want scientific evidence for the existence of God before you will accept other evidence for the existence of God.

What "other" evidence?

Science has all the answers for you.
The materialist worldview faith is fairly closed and exclusivist like that.
Yeah.... *I* am the closed minded one, because I don't see any reason to consider claims of entities that are indistinguishable from non-existance.


Well-Known Member
Sure, sure... I also don't have any experience of undetectable dragons, but I don't consider that to be a point in favor of undetectable dragons.

No and that's not even remotely close to what I said.

What "other" evidence?

Yeah.... *I* am the closed minded one, because I don't see any reason to consider claims of entities that are indistinguishable from non-existance.

You are closed minded because you have convinced yourself that, in spiritual matters, anything you have no experience of is not worth considering. It’s fine that you have no interest in pursuing a spiritual awakening of your own; it’s perverse that you actively deny the experience or aspirations of others.


The Lost One
I have been trying to open your eyes to another possibility, so don't be ungrateful.

No, you continue to play the “nothing“, even though I told you dozens of times that weren’t the case with the Big Bang models.

And it was the same with continuously you falsely stating there are “outside the universe” for “the Universe TO EXPAND INTO”, which i told number of times that BB cosmology don’t “expand into” anything.

Then there are matter of Universe being eternal or not. I know that some hypotheses have proposed the age of universe being infinite…but I also told you repeatedly, none of the BB models say yah or nay on it, as there are not enough evidence & data to support it.

I don’t need to keep my eyes open, because I know various models - with BB & alternatives - but the differences between you and me, is that I am not ready to acce anything that are untested - “untested” as in not enough evidence & data, or no evidence & data.

If you want to accept untested models, philosophy or religious belief, then you are free to do so…but as untested, it is merely speculation, or worse wishful thinking, particularly when you equating the Universe with “God”.


My own religion
No, you continue to play the “nothing“, even though I told you dozens of times that weren’t the case with the Big Bang models.

And it was the same with continuously you falsely stating there are “outside the universe” for “the Universe TO EXPAND INTO”, which i told number of times that BB cosmology don’t “expand into” anything.

Then there are matter of Universe being eternal or not. I know that some hypotheses have proposed the age of universe being infinite…but I also told you repeatedly, none of the BB models say yah or nay on it, as there are not enough evidence & data to support it.

I don’t need to keep my eyes open, because I know various models - with BB & alternatives - but the differences between you and me, is that I am not ready to acce anything that are untested - “untested” as in not enough evidence & data, or no evidence & data.

If you want to accept untested models, philosophy or religious belief, then you are free to do so…but as untested, it is merely speculation, or worse wishful thinking, particularly when you equating the Universe with “God”.

What is the actual test as per evidence that the universe is in effect everything?
If you have to use a link, please actually quote the relevant text from the link.


Veteran Member
You are closed minded because you have convinced yourself that, in spiritual matters, anything you have no experience of is not worth considering.

This is not true.
I have no experience with Australia, but I don't doubt its existence.
I have no experience with space travel, but I don't doubt its existence or possibility.

It's just that I don't consider things for which I have exactly zero reasons to consider them.
This is why I don't wear a tin foil hat to protect me from undetectable mind reading dragons just in case they exist.

Give me good reason to consider something, and I will.

It’s fine that you have no interest in pursuing a spiritual awakening of your own; it’s perverse that you actively deny the experience or aspirations of others.
I don't doubt people's experiences or sincerity.
I doubt their explanations of it.

To quote prof Dawkins: We should have an open mind, but not so open that our brains are falling out

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
No, you continue to play the “nothing“, even though I told you dozens of times that weren’t the case with the Big Bang models.

And it was the same with continuously you falsely stating there are “outside the universe” for “the Universe TO EXPAND INTO”, which i told number of times that BB cosmology don’t “expand into” anything.

Then there are matter of Universe being eternal or not. I know that some hypotheses have proposed the age of universe being infinite…but I also told you repeatedly, none of the BB models say yah or nay on it, as there are not enough evidence & data to support it.

I don’t need to keep my eyes open, because I know various models - with BB & alternatives - but the differences between you and me, is that I am not ready to acce anything that are untested - “untested” as in not enough evidence & data, or no evidence & data.

If you want to accept untested models, philosophy or religious belief, then you are free to do so…but as untested, it is merely speculation, or worse wishful thinking, particularly when you equating the Universe with “God”.
Dear gnostic, I know BB storyline is, it is nonsense, you have drank their cool aid. There is no outside the BB universe because the BB expansion is akin to the increased distance between the spots on a balloon surface being blown up, and you can't look outwards, only sideways model, c'mon.


Well-Known Member
Not if it is invented on the spot out of thin air with nothing at all to back it up or otherwise justify it, for the only purpose to "defend" a priori unfalsifiable beliefs.
You've just described not only every single advancement for 4000 years but every original thought.

Believe it or not all thinking is individual. It might seem, especially to outsiders, that Peers think alike with one mind but it is not true.

What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Yes. I'm merely pointing out that you have no evidence. Not even physicists claim to know what existed a moment before the big bang. Your extrapolations are merely that.

Strawman and doesn't follow

I certainly agree it is a nonsequitur.

Perhaps you can do a better job summing up my beliefs about life and reality in a single sentence. I know you can't and will not try despite the fact I've done it many times.

There's no strawman here. Darwin's work all boils down to survival of the fittest and pure malarkey. Right or wrong the big bang reduces to nothing or something more incomprehensible to us than any concept of Gods.


Well-Known Member
What "other" evidence?


How can anyone not see any evidence for "God"?

Of course the answer is simple; we each see what we believe and some believe they already have every answer. We all should have more questions than answers. To whom or what do you turn to answer the practical questions in life? You know those really important questions that can't be reduced to equations or that can't be quantified.

Why does water have such strange and unique properties? Of course we couldn't ask this question if these properties were different any more than we could ask if there were never a big bang or some other origin. Just as the unfolding of reality is impossibly complex the "laws" that govern it are strange and inexplicable. Perhaps time is running backward and in enough time on this trajectory we'll see how it all started.

I'm sure glad I don't have all the answers. I wouldn't know what questions to ask.


Well-Known Member
There is no outside the BB universe because the BB expansion is akin to the increased distance between the spots on a balloon surface being blown up, and you can't look outwards, only sideways model, c'mon.

Did ya' notice how they didn't even break stride when we discovered that the expansion is accelerating? They just blow ever more hot air ever faster.

People will do anything to maintain their beliefs. It certainly seems to this layman that this is a case of exactly that. I asked quite a few believers what effect they thought that would have on the theory and every one said there's no reason it should have an effect! So the universe won't collapse or fly apart ever more slowly forever. Big deal. Nobody cares. And here I worried about it for years.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Did ya' notice how they didn't even break stride when we discovered that the expansion is accelerating? They just blow ever more hot air ever faster.

People will do anything to maintain their beliefs. It certainly seems to this layman that this is a case of exactly that. I asked quite a few believers what effect they thought that would have on the theory and every one said there's no reason it should have an effect! So the universe won't collapse or fly apart ever more slowly forever. Big deal. Nobody cares. And here I worried about it for years.
What's always had me beat is how big the giant must be who is blowing up the balloon. OMG, could the giant actually be God?


Veteran Member

How can anyone not see any evidence for "God"?

Of course the answer is simple; we each see what we believe and some believe they already have every answer. We all should have more questions than answers. To whom or what do you turn to answer the practical questions in life? You know those really important questions that can't be reduced to equations or that can't be quantified.

Why does water have such strange and unique properties? Of course we couldn't ask this question if these properties were different any more than we could ask if there were never a big bang or some other origin. Just as the unfolding of reality is impossibly complex the "laws" that govern it are strange and inexplicable. Perhaps time is running backward and in enough time on this trajectory we'll see how it all started.

I'm sure glad I don't have all the answers. I wouldn't know what questions to ask.
Do you have something besides appealing to ignorance?
I'm not seeing any evidence for any gods here... only admissions of ignorance and there being more questions then answers.


Veteran Member
You've just described not only every single advancement for 4000 years but every original thought.

I most certainly did not.

Yes. I'm merely pointing out that you have no evidence.

I'm not the one who requires evidence as I'm not the one making the assertions. :shrug:
I'm the one dismissing those assertions that have no evidence, for exactly that reason: there's no evidence.

Not even physicists claim to know what existed a moment before the big bang.

Which has nothing to do with the point at hand.

Your extrapolations are merely that.

Me rejecting evidenceless god assertions by no means is an 'extrapolation' of not knowing or understanding the origins of the universe. :shrug:

There's no strawman here. Darwin's work all boils down to survival of the fittest and pure malarkey.
It's a strawman because the point has nothing to with evolutionary biology or physics and everything with evidence-free assertions concerning supposed supernatural entities.
Right or wrong the big bang reduces to nothing or something more incomprehensible to us than any concept of Gods.


Well-Known Member
Do you have something besides appealing to ignorance?
I'm not seeing any evidence for any gods here... only admissions of ignorance and there being more questions then answers.

I did not say it is evidence for God.

I said it is evidence that despite our omniscience we actually know virtually nothing.

I'm not the one who requires evidence as I'm not the one making the assertions.

You are asserting that there is a single way to interpret observation and experiment and suggesting there can be no paradigm shift.

Me rejecting evidenceless god assertions by no means is an 'extrapolation' of not knowing or understanding the origins of the universe

Then how do you know and understand the origin of reality and life?

It's a strawman because the point has nothing to with evolutionary biology or physics and everything with evidence-free assertions concerning supposed supernatural entities.

So what is a strawman of your own position called?


Well-Known Member
What's always had me beat is how big the giant must be who is blowing up the balloon. OMG, could the giant actually be God?
People can't accept their own ignorance. We see what we believe so we believe that we know everything. We can see no gaps in our vision so we must know everything. Theory can be extrapolated ad infinitum so all things are right before our eyes and we never notice we still see only what we believe.

I don't know how it's possible for anyone trained in science to not see the impossible complexity of reality. This was something ancient man saw directly. Even a sparrow knows. Somehow or other training in reductionistic science tends to hide this from many people. More religious people see this complexity and this might be part of the reason they are religious. How can you even look up at the stars at all different distances and not be awed? How can you consider even the most trivial of stars might support quadrillions of individuals and is affecting things here on a real time basis in the here and now?

Reductionistic science and specialization are critical to the needs of modern humans but it is all being misapplied. It is leading us to an extinction or speciation event. Either represents an end to our species and death to all.


Veteran Member
That makes the Bible rather worthless as a source if one can do that.

The Bible isn't meant to be a source for scientific knowledge. imo it should be accurate scientifically however even if it might take humans a long time to discover the science and to show that the Bible has been accurate all along.


Veteran Member
Sure, sure... I also don't have any experience of undetectable dragons, but I don't consider that to be a point in favor of undetectable dragons.

It is not a point in favor or against, it is just something we are ignorant of and some want to use it against a belief in the existence of God.

What "other" evidence?

Human experience, history, prophecy, philosophical.

Yeah.... *I* am the closed minded one, because I don't see any reason to consider claims of entities that are indistinguishable from non-existance.

The claims of history make spirits and God distinguishable from non existance.


The Lost One
Human experience, history, prophecy, philosophical.

Philosophies and prophecies are not evidence.

Human experiences are only evidence, are dependent on the experiences. Some may be evidence, others would be not.

Define or give example as to what "human experience" are you talking about?
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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The Bible isn't meant to be a source for scientific knowledge. imo it should be accurate scientifically however even if it might take humans a long time to discover the science and to show that the Bible has been accurate all along.
There are parts of it that have failed beyond redemption.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Why didn't the universe always exist? Because since God is supposed to be outside of time and is supposed to have always existed, then how could God have used a point in time to start creation? Any thoughts on this?
Good question. The idea of something existing outside of time is incongruent. To exist or to be real or actual means to occupy a series of consecutive instants in some space and to interact with other existing things, the sum of all such objects and processes comprising reality. For a god to exist, think, or act implies the passage of time - of will be becoming is and is becoming was, with before and after states. They talk about a god existing, thinking, and acting outside of time, but that's incongruent as I said. To think, for example, requires a before and after state.
The problem with trying to prove God using logic and reason, is that you are trying to prove with the intellect, something which can only truly be grasped with the spirit.
I understand that to mean that we can't demonstrate that a god exists, so if we are to believe, we have to believe that by faith and intuition, and you call that spirit.
The expanding universe showed that the universe had a beginning.
No, it didn't. It shows that the expansion had a beginning. What began expanding could have been a region of a multiverse that existed before the expansion began.
the BB agrees with what we find in the Bible.
Not at all. The Bible describes a six-day creation event.
it isn't helpful to go off on a tangent about semantics and the difference between "believing" something and "lacking a belief" in the opposite thing.
Not helpful to you, perhaps, which implies either that you can't make a distinction between "I don't have a reason to believe it" and "It's untrue," or you prefer to not deal with it and dismiss it as semantics. It is semantics, but not in the way you mean. Semantics is about word meaning: "the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning."
If you want to say that you just lack a belief, that is fine. If you want to believe that you should keep an open mind and not commit one way or the other, that is your choice. In all practical ways it comes down to the same thing.
Disagree. Thise are not the same thing. You do one and I do the other, and our lives are very different as a result.
I would say that the problem is that Hebrew, afaik, has no word for "spherical".
Hebrew has a word for ball.

The BB universe is derived from the Abrahamic concept of God saying "Let there be light". But the BB universe start is no more scientific then the Abrahamic God saying "Let there be light.
No. The Big Bang hypothesis derives from science, not scripture. The biblical account has been falsified by science. As far as we can tell, nobody said or needed to say let there be light. The universe began expanding and as soon as there were photons, it was glowing more or less like inside the sun, but much hotter and denser.
there is no before the BB.
Not from the perspective of within the expanding universe, but we can easily imagine a multiverse timeline within which our universe's T=0 occurred, like the conception and birth of a new life, whose T=0 occurred in an existing earth timeline.
Existence is infinite, and eternal, that is reality. If anyone thinks otherwise, just try and prove that nothing can exist
That's your declaration, and it's based in an intuition. Nobody needs to "prove" that you are wrong. You haven't given any evidence that you are correct.
Science would have to be able to prove nothing exists for there to be a finite universe
Disagree again. Even if it seems counterintuitive to you, there may well have once been nothing, and nobody need and possibly nobody can "prove" either possibility.
nothing is an impossibility because it does not exist.
There you go again, sharing your irresistible intuitions. You may be correct, but even if you are, you can't know it.
The logical deduction is that the universe is eternal and infinite.
No, that's your leap of faith. There remain two logical possibilities: even though we can't conceive of infinite time into the past, that might be the case. And even though we can't conceive of something coming from nothing, that might be the case. I think that covers all logical possibilities, and both are inconceivable and counterintuitive. To pick either in a guess because of a feeling is a logical error. Your feeling is that is one way and another's equally irresistible intuition is that it is the other way, and neither of you has the better case. The mistake is to consider only half of this, notice that the suggestion seems impossible, and say it must be the other without noticing that it is equally "impossible."
It is the assumption of the non-believers that G-d doesn't exist
Not most of us. Most atheists are agnostic atheists.
I know One G-d exists for sure.
You may be certain, but others know that you cannot know that a god exists however certain you feel. Gods have become an irresistible intuition for you. You are unable to not hold that belief now, yet you very well may be incorrect.
Every person, even the Atheist (et al) has to assume "some thing always existed"
Nope. I just contradicted that.
they sit pretty and ask others to prove, while theirs is the most meritless claim, right, please??
What claim is more meritless than asserting gods exist without sufficient evidentiary support

You misunderstand if you think that anybody is asking you to prove that your god exists. They know you can't. I know you can't.

They're telling you that while you might believe without sufficient evidentiary support, they won't.


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Well-Known Member
Good question. The idea of something existing outside of time is incongruent. To exist or to be real or actual means to occupy a series of consecutive instants in some space and to interact with other existing things, the sum of all such objects and processes comprising reality. For a god to exist, think, or act implies the passage of time - of will be becoming is and is becoming was, with before and after states. They talk about a god existing, thinking, and acting outside of time, but that's incongruent as I said. To think, for example, requires a before and after state.

I understand that to mean that we can't demonstrate that a god exists, so if we are to believe, we have to believe that by faith and intuition, and you call that spirit.

No, it didn't. It shows that the expansion had a beginning. What began expanding could have been a region of a multiverse that existed before the expansion began.

Not at all. The Bible describes a six-day creation event.

Not helpful to you, perhaps, which implies either that you can't make a distinction between "I don't have a reason to believe it" and "It's untrue," or you prefer to not deal with it and dismiss it as semantics. It is semantics, but not in the way you mean. Semantics is about word meaning: "the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning."

Disagree. Thise are not the same thing. You do one and I do the other, and our lives are very different as a result.

Hebrew has a word for ball.
View attachment 96213

No. The Big Bang hypothesis derives from science, not scripture. The biblical account has been falsified by science. As far as we can tell, nobody said or needed to say let there be light. The universe began expanding and as soon as there were photons, it was glowing more or less like inside the sun, but much hotter and denser.

Not from the perspective of within the expanding universe, but we can easily imagine a multiverse timeline within which our universe's T=0 occurred, like the conception and birth of a new life, whose T=0 occurred in an existing earth timeline.

That's your declaration, and it's based in an intuition. Nobody needs to "prove" that you are wrong. You haven't given any evidence that you are correct.

Disagree again. Even if it seems counterintuitive to you, there may well have once been nothing, and nobody need and possibly nobody can "prove" either possibility.

There you go again, sharing your irresistible intuitions. You may be correct, but even if you are, you can't know it.

No, that's your leap of faith. There remain two logical possibilities: even though we can't conceive of infinite time into the past, that might be the case. And even though we can't conceive of something coming from nothing, that might be the case. I think that covers all logical possibilities, and both are inconceivable and counterintuitive. To pick either in a guess because of a feeling is a logical error. Your feeling is that is one way and another's equally irresistible intuition is that it is the other way, and neither of you has the better case. The mistake is to consider only half of this, notice that the suggestion seems impossible, and say it must be the other without noticing that it is equally "impossible."

Not most of us. Most atheists are agnostic atheists.

You may be certain, but others know that you cannot know that a god exists however certain you feel. Gods have become an irresistible intuition for you. You are unable to not hold that belief now, yet you very well may be incorrect.

Nope. I just contradicted that.

What claim is more meritless than asserting gods exist without sufficient evidentiary support

You misunderstand if you think that anybody is asking you to prove that your god exists. They know you can't. I know you can't.

They're telling you that while you might believe without sufficient evidentiary support, they won't.
Just saying.