The hopeful or the hopeless?
Its quite clear that mankind is limited in its capacities. That includes thinking. Since mankind is limited, in order to develop and live in advanced civilizations which give mankind the best prospects for successful future endeavors we need to have some form of government. Whether you believe in an existent God or not is irrelevant. Since in theory the concept of God is that it is a being of perfect an ideal, God would be the most perfect being by which we could be governed. A.k.a. a theocracy. ISIS was or is not a theocracy. And for the record I AM appalled by their behavior and right now my damn spelling!No, I just said a cynic might note they seem to be designed that way.
Absolutely not, why would you ask an atheist that? I despite all forms autocracy and totalitarianism, irrespective of whether they are religious or secular form of oppression. Do you really think ISIS was a perfect form of government, that's appalling?
As soon as man can become a perfected being...not likely anytime soon...then that form of government would become superfluous.