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Why do Christians believe that Jesus is God?


Veteran Member
ProfLogic said:
Let me put it this way, if a person picks and choses parts of the bible, then they are not true believers.

And le me put it this way. What a ridiculous statement, how are you to say they aren't a true believer. What I meant by that statement is that some think the Bible was not translated correctly.

ProfLogic said:
If you are a true believer you need to accept the good and bad things written in the bible since the original intention of the bible was for a book that should not be questioned since it is the world of the self proclaimed god for all to be adored.

That's nice honey...keep on dreaming.

ProfLogic said:
Well no one knew the authors personally so I would believe that no one knew the names of the real authors.

What about faith that they wrote it? Ever think of that?


Veteran Member
ProfLogic said:
Explain why?

What is there to explain ProfLogic?

Not all Christians beleive in the Council of Nicea. Why, because they don't. How's that confusing?


Pneumatic Spiritualist
Well, for one, to not believe in the Council of Nicaea means that you believe that Constantine never called all of Christian bishops togeather and decided on things like the nature of the Trinity or the date of Easter. That means you are just in denial of historical fact. Now you can chose not to believe the Nicene Creed, but that is not the same as not believing in the Council of Nicaea (do you observe Easter on the same day as other christians?). As for the part about making up the religion, come over to my house and I'll translate the word of God for you off of some plates you'll never see out of my hat, will you then call me a prophet or a con man?


Veteran Member
spacemonkey said:
Well, for one, to not believe in the Council of Nicaea means that you believe that Constantine never called all of Christian bishops togeather and decided on things like the nature of the Trinity or the date of Easter.
Quite the contrary spacemonkey. I was leaning towards the theological precepts that were put forth there.

spacemonkey said:
That means you are just in denial of historical fact.
That's nice, keep on assuming with your ignorance, it's sort of fun to watch.

spacemonkey said:
Now you can chose not to believe the Nicene Creed, but that is not the same as not believing in the Council of Nicaea (do you observe Easter on the same day as other christians?)
Yes. It does not matter if I celebrate Easter or not, or even on the same day. That does not make my brand or that brand of Christianity anymore true.

It's like a bunch of senators getting together to decide a law, that's what the bishops did.

spacemonkey said:
. As for the part about making up the religion, come over to my house and I'll translate the word of God for you off of some plates you'll never see out of my hat, will you then call me a prophet or a con man?
I'll call you a ignorant cheap-shot, but then again, that's not really what you are, is it?:rolleyes: Is that all you really have or will you continue to mock and use false information about a faith of over 12 million people?


Well-Known Member
beckysoup61 said:
That is very true, but you cannot lump all of one faith under a banner of bias and judgement.
Question for you is would you have lived the same life if you did not find faith?

beckysoup61 said:
That's nice, but they are an extreme fringest group (FLDS). FLDS is a little different then your normal Christian Church. Again, you are lumping all into one.
Then there is a problem in the Christian community since they are considered christians. People might associate them with christianity.

beckysoup61 said:
ou wouldn't believe me if I told you, that's why I do not "cast my pearls before swine".
Try me.

beckysoup61 said:
Why would it be a sin?

If the bible that you believe in says jesus is a god and you stood up in your church and say that out loud that "juses is not a god" what would your preacher tell you?


Pneumatic Spiritualist
Say what you mean then, you said you did not believe in the Council of Nicaea, which means you don't believe it happened. You did not say "not all christians believe in the Nicene Creed" (which, by offical christian doctrain, classifies you as non christian) you said "not all christians believe in the Council of Nicaea" so I have to ask, who is the ignorant one here. As for your 12 million people, when compared to the worlds population thats like the population of Rhode Island versus the population of North America, in other words not many. Now I ask you, how many people once believed the world was flat, that the sun revolved around Earth, and that ******* is good TV?


Veteran Member
spacemonkey said:
Say what you mean then, you said you did not believe in the Council of Nicaea, which means you don't believe it happened.
No, I mean that some people don't believe the theologicial precepts that were put forth as doctrine. What makes them right and me wrong? Not you.

spacemonkey said:
You did not say "not all christians believe in the Nicene Creed" (which, by offical christian doctrain, classifies you as non christian)
That's nice honey. I thought all one needed to be a Christian was a belief in Jesus Christ, or does the Bible mention the Nicene Creed as well?

spacemonkey said:
As for your 12 million people, when compared to the worlds population thats like the population of Rhode Island versus the population of North America, in other words not many. Now I ask you, how many people once believed the world was flat, that the sun revolved around Earth, and that ******* is good TV?
You keep opening your mouth and writing down words but I all I see is prejudice. You dont' see me going off on your strange belief of gnoscitism do you? Suck it up and give a little respect here.


Well-Known Member
beckysoup61 said:
What is there to explain ProfLogic?

Not all Christians beleive in the Council of Nicea. Why, because they don't. How's that confusing?

If the original bible writers read what you just said, wouldn't they be confused themselves since they intended their followers to believe in the same things?


Veteran Member
ProfLogic said:
If the original bible writers read what you just said, wouldn't they be confused themselves since they intended their followers to believe in the same things?

Orignial Bible writers and Nicene creed are two very different things.


Well-Known Member
beckysoup61 said:
Orignial Bible writers and Nicene creed are two very different things.

So who are you saying are the true Christians in this case? The ones who believe or not believe in the Nicene creed?


Pneumatic Spiritualist
First of all, there is no prejudice here, I do not treat anyone differantly because of their beliefs, I hate everyone equally. Therefore I will now go after ProfLogic. The Council of Nicaea did not write the Bible. The Bible is a compilation of compilations, the OT is pretty much the Jewish Tanakh though out of order and enumirated differantly(Catholic and Orthodox Bibles also contain 6 books not in the Tanakh), and the NT is a compiled from various early christian writings all of which were written around 150-years before the Council of Nicaea (with many writings that did not fit in with the offical doctrain being excluded). So I imagine that the writers of the differant books of th Bible would only be confused by what the Council of Nicaea is if they read what Becky had wrote since they were all long dead before it took place.


Pneumatic Spiritualist
First of all, there is no prejudice here, I do not treat anyone differantly because of their beliefs, I hate everyone equally. Therefore I will now go after ProfLogic. The Council of Nicaea did not write the Bible. The Bible is a compilation of compilations, the OT is pretty much the Jewish Tanakh though out of order and enumirated differantly(Catholic and Orthodox Bibles also contain 6 books not in the Tanakh), and the NT is a compiled from various early christian writings all of which were written around 150-years before the Council of Nicaea (with many writings that did not fit in with the offical doctrain being excluded). So I imagine that the writers of the differant books of th Bible would only be confused by what the Council of Nicaea is if they read what Becky had wrote since they were all long dead before it took place.


Veteran Member
ProfLogic said:
So who are you saying are the true Christians in this case? The ones who believe or not believe in the Nicene creed?

The ones who believe in Jesus Christ.


Veteran Member
ProfLogic said:
As a god or as a man? Or does it matter?

Does it to you?

I would say as a god. Christians are people who believe that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Saviour and Redeemer of the World.


Well-Known Member
spacemonkey said:
First of all, there is no prejudice here, I do not treat anyone differantly because of their beliefs, I hate everyone equally. Therefore I will now go after ProfLogic. The Council of Nicaea did not write the Bible. The Bible is a compilation of compilations, the OT is pretty much the Jewish Tanakh though out of order and enumirated differantly(Catholic and Orthodox Bibles also contain 6 books not in the Tanakh), and the NT is a compiled from various early christian writings all of which were written around 150-years before the Council of Nicaea (with many writings that did not fit in with the offical doctrain being excluded). So I imagine that the writers of the differant books of th Bible would only be confused by what the Council of Nicaea is if they read what Becky had wrote since they were all long dead before it took place.

Great you treat everyone equally, hope more of you exists, even in hatred.

This is why I always sarcastically categorized the inspired words in the bible as folklore because this means that the compilers, the interpreters heck , even a king were inspired since that is what most people know of the bible. Hard to believe they were all inspired though. The censorship of the writings happened at the begining and were done by the non authors of the bible. These people wanted to have their own religion so people know that they exists. Nothing but a propaganda to glorify a party so others would join. Nothing wrong with existence as long as you allow others to exists. But historically when they got the upper hand they decided to go after others that wanted to exist themselves.
jesus as god or man... who cares.. to me he is but a man that was made to believe that he was a god. Typical in those times, not really well educated thus easily controlled. IIt is easy to make a god out of a man all you need are accomplices willing to do anything for you.

Christians believe that jesus is a god because their church, parents and people they associate with says so.


Veteran Member
ProfLogic said:
Christians believe that jesus is a god because their church, parents and people they associate with says so.

No they don't.

I am a Christian and I decided Jesus is a god through my own experiences and my own researching and not just because my mothers aunts step-sisters dog said so. :D

You really think Christians are stupid don't you?

Anywho, I'm out for today, need to do a couple of things -- I'll get back to this later.


Pneumatic Spiritualist
Why would I be kidding? Hating everyone equally means that I do not hold any preconceptions based soley on someone's race, nationality, creed, or culture, but rather that I wait for you to prove yourself worthy of my respect before I give it out.


Pneumatic Spiritualist
Exactly what RESEARCH have you done to prove to yourself that Jesus is God and not just another messanger like Buddah, Abraham, Moses, Muhammed, or countless others? Muslims believe in the virgin birth (unlike myself) and still believe Jesus to be just a prophet, sent to bring the word of God (Allah) to a differant group of people just as Abraham and Moses brought it to the Hebrews nad Muhmmed to the Arabs.