It seems in Evolution debates, whenever the Creationist posts anything, rather than actually discussing the claims, those on the TOE side generally just make snide comments, attempt to insult the intelligence, ignore the actual counter-argument, double down on the same point the Creationist/IDer is arguing against without defending against the claims, dismisses them and handwaves them or ignore the rebuttal to their own counter-arguments, and then get silent when they agree to address creationist-science claims and it turns out the "Creationist science" actually is not as easy to debunk as they thought? Is there even any point in a Creationist stepping into the ring if there's not going to be any serious debate? What about this subject causes those on the Evolution side to more often than not act so immaturely?
It seems to be a general trend. Even in the professional world, attacks on Behe's works are basically all ad hominem and rarely if ever an attempt to debunk the claims of science involved. The argument that "There's no science to debunk" is in itself yet another smear that's ultimately proof that they're not even capable of addressing what they want to smear.
Are evolutionists not interested in actual debate on this subject?
Are evolutionists simply looking to have a good bashing time without any of that pesky debate involved?
Are evolutionists simply content to go by an appeal to authority of the provenly-overwhelmingly-atheist-majority as if that alone settles all evolution debates?
Why even have sections on debates between evolutionists and creationists if evolutionists aren't remotely interested in mature, solid discussions and simply want to make it attack fests?
Is the basis of the evolutionist point of view simply to try to ridicule the Creationist point in hopes of relieving themselves of the actual need to debaet their claims, as if they can just say "Oh is all lies" and that's that?
Is this an honest method of debate? Or is this simply a tell-tale evidence of total intellectual dishonesty, vitriol-based tactics and laziness?
RF is a godless gulag. Just accept it.
Everyone in the 'clique' here (you know who they are...) is a devout anti-theist and they all shill for atheism and it's philosophical adjunct, evolution, incessantly.
The whole 'Evolution vs. Creationism' debate is a deliberately framed false-dichotomy with a hidden agenda. So the forum dedicated to it on this website is strictly for the uninformed.
What the debate is really about I leave up to you to figure out. I know.
As for the evolutionist's 'debating' tactics, it's basically mockery, snide innuendo and insults to one's intelligence and/or sanity.
The rest of it is fallacious junk that doesn't amount to much more than the Argument from Authority (the authority being 'science', and 'scientists', who say stuff that shows how they're all in 'support' of the theory).
But supporting something and proving it beyond-all-shadow-of-a doubt are two different things.
Oh, they'll waffle on about 'evidence', sure, but evidence of what?
You can't have proof of something without evidence, but you CAN have evidence without proof (which is what evolutionists who deny the existence of God the Creator have, ie. nothing.)
None of them it seems have read the Catholic encyclopedia articles on this issue, primarily because they all assume opposition to materialistic, anti-theistic evolutionary doctrine always comes from Christian Evangelicals who go on incessantly about the Bible and Genesis as if it were the literal truth as read (as opposed to being far more complicated than that..)
I believe in evolution in the broad sense of 'change over time', but defending its philosophical adjuncts is just too much like Faith.