Which, explains my VERY limited circle of friends, and people I trust. *shrug*
I guess it does at that. Sorry.
I don't know whether a similar phenomenom happened in the USA, but I am reminded of the early 1970s in Brazil, before the institution of divorce was fully established in law.
We were at just the right moment in our history for formely married women to exist in such numbers as to have to be acknowledged, yet people literally lacked the ability to deal respectfully and constructively with them. People simply avoided contact with them as if they had the plague. It was a very cruel state of things, particularly for their children.
A sobbering detail is that often that rejection was nearly deprived of malice, driven almost entirely by genuine embarassment, disconfort and ignorance of proper protocols. I gather that quite a few married people did not really know whether they should fear keeping social contact with those oddly available yet "tainted" people, who did not fit very confortably in any of the blanket labels that oriented their relationships.
Was it even proper or respectful to invite a woman who was left behind by her husband to socialize with oneself and one's husband? What would people think? Would the woman mistake it for an invitation for intimacy or something? Would the neighbors and friends think it was?
I figure that for many people those were genuine questions, causing very real disconfort. Not least because the answers were not nearly as standardized as they would like them to be.
We are better off leaving aside those pretenses of homogeneous sexual profiles and needs, on that I have no doubt. But necessary and urgent as that change of mentality is, it is not painless. There are only so many opportunities to tell one's family gracefully that we truly wish they would not insult our spouses and friends, or that we would rather not have to lie to them out of necessity.
Sometimes I wonder how difficult living in society would be if people survived into their 200s or 300s. I have personally met an elderly woman that is racist somewhat despite her own best intentions. It is incredibly unconfortable, because I want to tell her to shut up and grow up, yet she is probably unable to.