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Why do many Muslims believe that God wants them to injure, kill, or imprison homosexuals?


Guardian of Asgaard
no provoking people is worse than murder. you make drugs availabe and consider them illegal. i'd say you guys have problems, can't go one day without torturing someone so drugs is the new best thing to imprison large scales of people for a crime that the governemt is responsible.

You have absolutely no idea what you're on about. Its sad how little you know about western countries considering YOU LIVE IN ONE.

Tell me how Governments make drugs avaliable if you will? How about our government that waste millions of $$$$$$$ trying to stop it?


Intentionally Blank
O.K., back to the subject at hand. O.K. obviously, Muslims are opposed to homosexuality because the qur'an says so. This matches their prejudice, so they're good to go. It's the difference between a morality based on compassion and honesty, and a morality based on ancient purity taboos.

mahmoud mrt

Recently in Iran, Muslims killed some homosexuals merely because they were homosexuals, but incredibly, president Ahmadinejad says that there are not any gay people in Iran when it is well-known than Iran has been persecuting gay people for decades.

As far as I know, Muslims who live in the Middle East tend to mistreat homosexuals more than Muslims who live in other parts of the world, although Muslims who live in other parts of the world generally strongly disapprove of homosexuality too.

The intolerance of Muslims towards gay people will limit Muslims' acceptance in the democratic world. So will their subjugation of women.

As a side note, Saudi Arabia does not allow people to have Bibles, but the government is quite content for non-Muslim countries to allow people to have the Koran.

If Muslims were killed in a certain country merely because they were Muslims, they would not like it, but they will not grant non-Muslims the same rights that they want from non-Muslims.

Do the majority of Muslims want to spread Islam by diplomacy or by the sword? Many Muslims approve of using the sword to mistreat homosexuals.

There is a difference bet. the opinion of a religion on a subject, and the reaction to this subject

First according to the Islam clear law, no Muslim has the right to perform a legal punishment to another person by himself, it has to be through the law and judgment system

Second, Islam laws only applies in Muslim countries, not on other countries

Now we get to Islam opinion regarding homosexuality, yes the holy Qur'an clearly condemn homosexuality

The punishment of a homosexual in the Muslim country varies according to scholars opinions, there is no clear verse in the holy Qur’an that states the punishment for this

So the majority of scholars say that this is like adultery, so again we get to the dispute, the punishment of adultery in the holy Qur’an is 100 lashes provided that it does not leave a mark or threatens life,

The dispute is that although they all agree that this punishment (regarding adultery) is on the non married person (meaning he is not married when he performed this crime with another person)

They disagree on the punishment of the married ones, they say it’s stoning, I don’t agree on this and many don’t,

In a thousand years in Egypt we haven’t stoned any one, why, cause in Islam clearly in the holy Qur’an there must be at least four just witness seeing the sexual intercourse detailed then testify,

If only three witnesses testify, then their testimony is invalid, they are punished for failed testimony, and they are considered in the holy Qur’an liars.

The problem is in some untrusted prophet’s traditions, we can say it’s 5 percent of the first group, we must compare to the holy Qur’an to distinguish these traditions

The holy Qur’an is the supreme source, so that’s way I don’t agree on stoning

Now we get to how to treat a homosexual you know (as a muslim) in a muslim country, Islam encourage that you do not tell about him, you advice him kindly

So naturally if he is in a non mulsim country, you don’t hurt him verbally or physically, and you advice him kindly

125. Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance. (holy Qur’an, chapter 16)



Democratic Socialist
no provoking people is worse than murder. you make drugs availabe and consider them illegal. i'd say you guys have problems, can't go one day without torturing someone so drugs is the new best thing to imprison large scales of people for a crime that the governemt is responsible.

is that a random collection of words meant to take the place of an actual response?

are you saying that the government purposely provides drugs to people, makes them illegal, so they can imprison them? if so, id first ask for some evidence, but lets pretend that its true. id say that is a terrible thing that should be opposed 100%.

that said, can you admit that islamic inspired murder is wrong? somehow i doubt you have it in you.


I want Khilafah back
is that a random collection of words meant to take the place of an actual response?

view it as however you ant to.

are you saying that the government purposely provides drugs to people, makes them illegal, so they can imprison them? if so, id first ask for some evidence, but lets pretend that its true. id say that is a terrible thing that should be opposed 100%.

all governments can stop drugs from entering the country. no one enters the country without passing thrugh customs one way or another.

that said, can you admit that islamic inspired murder is wrong? somehow i doubt you have it in you.

what do you mean by islamic insipred murder? give me some examples.


Democratic Socialist
what do you mean by islamic insipred murder? give me some examples.

somehow i expected that exact response.

islamic inspired murder means so little to you that you avoid hearing about it, but when you do, you try and push it from your mind and completely forget about as soon as you can.

magicians, homosexuals, women (for any number of reasons), heretics, apostates, non-muslims. certainly not people worth remembering and certainly not worth defending. certainly not when they should simply be destroyed and forgotten. that might get in the way of islamic perfection & peace.

while im sure youve never heard of the concept, you (and most other rf muslims) are masters of doublethink. good work.


I want Khilafah back
somehow i expected that exact response.

somehow i expected you to say something like this.

islamic inspired murder means so little to you that you avoid hearing about it, but when you do, you try and push it from your mind and completely forget about as soon as you can.

same thing as you do with non-islamic inspired murder.

magicians, homosexuals, women (for any number of reasons), heretics, apostates, non-muslims. certainly not people worth remembering and certainly not worth defending. certainly not when they should simply be destroyed and forgotten. that might get in the way of islamic perfection & peace.

you are showing alot of ignorance with your post. show me where it says the muslims must kill non-muslims for no reason at all.
as for apostasy, there are 2 oppinions for it. one is they are not to be harmed (more to it) the other is to kill them just for leaving islam.
for what number of reasons do we kill women?

while im sure youve never heard of the concept, you (and most other rf muslims) are masters of doublethink. good work.

it just seems that way because you lack the ability to comprehend. and instead of learning you make assumptions. just as you have done. keep it up.


Democratic Socialist
same thing as you do with non-islamic inspired murder.

i condemn every unprovoked act of violence & aggression america commits against other nations (be they muslim or otherwise). i condemn every act of unprovoked violence & aggression regardless of who commits them. i dont take sides when it comes to murder, im always anti-murder. you couldnt possibly cite a single post of mine that would say otherwise. can you make the same claim?

you are showing alot of ignorance with your post. show me where it says the muslims must kill non-muslims for no reason at all.
sure seems that there are plenty of muslims around the world who find justification for it in islam. where did they come by this idea i wonder?
as for apostasy, there are 2 oppinions for it. one is they are not to be harmed (more to it) the other is to kill them just for leaving islam.

for what number of reasons do we kill women?
going to school, being raped, showing their face, prostitution, ect. are you saying this dosent occur?

i noticed how you left out magicians, homosexuals, & heretics from your defense. quite telling. i forgot to include adulterers, but im already aware of your opinion that adulterers should be murdered by stoning.

it just seems that way because you lack the ability to comprehend. and instead of learning you make assumptions. just as you have done. keep it up.
what is it that im not comprehending? the fact that muslims the world over murder people for real or imagined sins against islam? the fact that muslims like yourself, while not committing these murders yourself, still sympathize & defend them? all the while declaring the justice & peace of islam?
.... doublethink is the act of simultaneously accepting as correct two mutually contradictory beliefs. It is related to, but distinct from, hypocrisy and neutrality. Its opposite is Cognitive Dissonance, where the two beliefs cause conflict in one's mind.


Intentionally Blank
you are showing alot of ignorance with your post. show me where it says the muslims must kill non-muslims for no reason at all.
As usual, all you care about is what the book says, not about the poor murder victims.
as for apostasy, there are 2 oppinions for it. one is they are not to be harmed (more to it) the other is to kill them just for leaving islam.
Wow, that's a really sickening religion. Why would anyone belong to a religion that, at least under one view, teaches terrorism like that?
for what number of reasons do we kill women?
For refusing the marry the man her father picks. For refusing to cover her entire body in a sack. For participating in facebook. For being seen alone with a man. Lots of reasons, all of them wrong, wrong, wrong.

it just seems that way because you lack the ability to comprehend. and instead of learning you make assumptions. just as you have done. keep it up.
Really? Would you like me to provide ten or twenty news reports of exactly what JMorris alleges?

mahmoud mrt

As usual, all you care about is what the book says, not about the poor murder victims.
And you do the same, you always talk about the constitution and democracy of America, not about rape, murder, women abuse, organized crime,
So in your perspective, we are exactly even

Wow, that's a really sickening religion. Why would anyone belong to a religion that, at least under one view, teaches terrorism like that?
Like you’re forced to join Islam?!, I am not in favor of this opinion regarding apostasy, but this law has restrictions, it can only be applied by the judge, it cannot not be applied in a foreign country, no mosilm has the right to perform any punishment by himself
No one can be forced to join Islam, the is a clear law in the holy Qur’an, and no one did in vast the history of Islam, the scholars differ regarding apostasy

For refusing the marry the man her father picks. For refusing to cover her entire body in a sack. For participating in facebook. For being seen alone with a man. Lots of reasons, all of them wrong, wrong, wrong.
All those reasons are wrong, and we have proven to you that in Islam’s law they are crimes, and the murderer has the death penalty,
There’s a difference bet. [FONT=&quot]some retarded societies [/FONT]in some moslim countries like Afganistan, and the religious law,
Note that external powers like the west and the Soviet Union is a main factor of the ignorance of those people, by continuously occupying their lands since the 18 century and making sure to keep them ignorant.
Really? Would you like me to provide ten or twenty news reports of exactly what JMorris alleges?
Would you like me to provide thousands of murder, rape crimes, car accidences, women murder and abuse due to adultery and jealousy, in the west in the name of democracy and freedom, and the freedom to have all the alcohol you want!

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It is one thing to voice your opinions in matters of faith but it's an altogether different matter to openly advocate violence against others based upon their having chosen to live contrary to the standards set in place by any particular religion. While it's true that I find homosexuality offensive, at the same time I do not actively promote the persecution of homosexuals. Rather, one must live by their own dharma and allow for others to so live by their own as well. This does not alter the fact that one will inevitably advocate their own standards for life as opposed to all competing lifestyles, however, this must never be taken to extremes.