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Why do most scientists accept evolution.


Coincidentia oppositorum
Right the fact they will be fired from their job or teaching position
has nothing to do with it

Teaching is not research. Teaching evolution or creationism will not change the scientific understanding of evolution, only the knowledge about it in each individual. But we are all free to buy books about creationism or rent movies. The information for both sides is all out there, even on internet, so this "bwah-bwah they took my toy" argument is not good enough and is just creating an image of childish creationists.


Coincidentia oppositorum
Most scientists accept evolution because they categorically reject every other creation myth, including the true one in Genesis 1
The evidence for evolution is overwhelming. The evidence for Genesis 1 is meager and skimpy.

they discarded the true creation myth so they had to invent their own
Evolution was not invented. It was discovered.

they take for granted that religion is false or irrelevant and reject every truth that they cant fit into their small and narrow empirical system

they arrogantly assume their many creationist ancestors were a bunch of delusional idiots and that abandoning their scriptures somehow enhances their understanding of reality
Lot's of anger there.

im not saying the evolution we can observe happening isnt happening, but to go beyond that and assert that its been happening for millions of years and that mankind ultimately grew out of fish is just ridiculous
Except that it's evident from the data and facts that we do have. Molecular biology and genetics is a lot more advanced than you think. And it's not the result of a narrow minded view of life, but rather the opposite. It's built upon an openness to understand the world.


Well-Known Member
2. I believe many scientist fear being ostracized if they make public their private doubts about evolution, and with good reason...
Ostracised by whom? And why?

Yet again you are taking refuge in this comforting (for you) picture of a fearful scientific community cowering under the cosh of Evolutionary Big Brother; though who exactly these BB figures are, and for what motives they enforce evolutionary orthodoxy in such a draconian manner, you never seem able to explain.


Resident Liberal Hippie
ya, Genesis 1 is the only evidence i need :p
So, for yourself, Genesis 1 takes precedence over the separate creation myth in Genesis 2?

And are you saying that no matter what objective empirical evidence is presented, you would reject it in its entirety in favor of Genesis 1?


I believe there is more than one reason why many scientists (not all) accept evolution.

1. There has been a constant drumbeat that "evolution is a fact" for decades.
2. I believe many scientist fear being ostracized if they make public their private doubts about evolution, and with good reason.
3. The ToE has attraction to many who do not want to be accountable to a Creator.
4. The herd mentality. I believe most who believe evolution believe because they have been told that all intelligent people are believers.
5. False religion, including creationists who misrepresent what the Bible says (YECs) cause many to view believers in Creation as anti-scientific.
6. The Evolutionist community has been successful in removing even the mention of other explanations for life from virtually all public institutions, including the educational systems from primary school through university.

Yea, totally. I heard that the evil Dawkins have recruited a death squad. Many scientists have been put down before they got a chance to debunk evolution...

Come on, rusra02. Really try reading a proper publication and learn a few things. Stop living in a fabricated world of conspiracies.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
I believe there is more than one reason why many scientists (not all) accept evolution.

1. There has been a constant drumbeat that "evolution is a fact" for decades.
2. I believe many scientist fear being ostracized if they make public their private doubts about evolution, and with good reason.
3. The ToE has attraction to many who do not want to be accountable to a Creator.
4. The herd mentality. I believe most who believe evolution believe because they have been told that all intelligent people are believers.
5. False religion, including creationists who misrepresent what the Bible says (YECs) cause many to view believers in Creation as anti-scientific.
6. The Evolutionist community has been successful in removing even the mention of other explanations for life from virtually all public institutions, including the educational systems from primary school through university.
Did you read the OP?


So, for yourself, Genesis 1 takes precedence over the separate creation myth in Genesis 2?

And are you saying that no matter what objective empirical evidence is presented, you would reject it in its entirety in favor of Genesis 1?

IIRC the creation story in Genesis 2 is just a repetition of Genesis 1

empirical evidence (indeed, 'a bunch of bones') cannot possibly prove anything about millions of years ago, so yes, i prefer Genesis 1 to any scientific conjectures

what further 'evidence' is there, beyond fossils?

scientists shouldnt even be concerning themselves with things that weve already figured out...

only if an older evolutionistic version of Genesis 1 were found would i reconsider my views...


Well-Known Member
IIRC the creation story in Genesis 2 is just a repetition of Genesis 1

empirical evidence (indeed, 'a bunch of bones') cannot possibly prove anything about millions of years ago, so yes, i prefer Genesis 1 to any scientific conjectures

what further 'evidence' is there, beyond fossils?

scientists shouldnt even be concerning themselves with things that weve already figured out...

only if an older evolutionistic version of Genesis 1 were found would i reconsider my views...

Well those bones would show how God allowed a lot of death before man came onto the field. So sin=death wouldn't make much sense.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Yea, totally. I heard that the evil Dawkins have recruited a death squad. Many scientists have been put down before they got a chance to debunk evolution...

Come on, rusra02. Really try reading a proper publication and learn a few things. Stop living in a fabricated world of conspiracies.

Anyone who is interested can research for themselves scientists and educators who have been dismissed, denied tenure, and otherwise attacked because they questioned the ToE. Your denying this won't change the facts


Anyone who is interested can research for themselves scientists and educators who have been dismissed, denied tenure, and otherwise attacked because they questioned the ToE. Your denying this won't change the facts

And persecution complexes also don't change facts. What's your point?

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
Anyone who is interested can research for themselves scientists and educators who have been dismissed, denied tenure, and otherwise attacked because they questioned the ToE. Your denying this won't change the facts

:facepalm: If a science teacher questioned gravity, the the uncertainty principle, the laws of thermodynamics, etc...etc.... and instead told his many students (while being paid with taxpayer dollars) that his personal theory of an unprovable magical man in the sky actually controls gravity, the positions of electrons, and the constancy of matter and energy is really a better ideology to obey, ....unquestioningly.....and without any proof what-so-ever.
Then yeah....those "teachers" should get fired.

If a scientist was hired by a private Christian creationist school, and he started teaching evolution, the big bang theory, and the approximate age of the Earth and the universe......how long do you think he would remain employed? :confused:

So, as Gjallarhorn says.....What's you point?

Sea Monkey

Pickle Juicer!
Evolution is a quick explanation and plus most scientists spend their careers studying it. I guess that is why most scientists accept evolution. It seem's more rational for most people.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The evidence for evolution is overwhelming. The evidence for Genesis 1 is meager and skimpy.
This is simply not true. I happen to have several versions of Genesis 1 in the room I'm in right now, and in more than one language. You can even look it up on the interwebnetwork-thing. With literally hundreds of thousands (or MORE) copies of Genesis 1 in the US alone, you don't think we have evidence for it? I don't see a copy of any book with evolution in it on my shelves. And when I use Google, I can never find evolution, just descriptions of it (like the yeti or bigfoot or gravity). Sheesh.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Anyone who is interested can research for themselves scientists and educators who have been dismissed, denied tenure, and otherwise attacked because they questioned the ToE. Your denying this won't change the facts
At least at the university level positions, denying evolution and working in a lab or field that builds upon work on evolution (evolutionary biology, evolutionary psychology, microbiology, astrobiology, etc.) is a like trying to obtain a post/chair at a university (or seminary) which requires you to adhere to a particular Christian belief system when you're an atheist. Yet Michael Behe is still employed.

There are philosophers of science, theologians, etc., whose work on ID or proofs of God are published by mainstream academic publishing companies and who hold positions. There's also institutes like the Discovery Institute which won't hire scientists who hold mainstream scientific views regarding evolution. Why is this scientific conspiracy so bad at silencing and ex-communicating those who know the "truth"?


Coincidentia oppositorum
So why can't we teach the same "controversy" in Sunday school? Why can't we enforce the education of theory of evolution in each and every Sunday school class? I mean, shouldn't it be equal for equal?


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Anyone who is interested can research for themselves scientists and educators who have been dismissed, denied tenure, and otherwise attacked because they questioned the ToE. Your denying this won't change the facts

Questioned evolution? Or offered a different 'theory'?
Do you have any sources for this? I'd be interested.


So why can't we teach the same "controversy" in Sunday school? Why can't we enforce the education of theory of evolution in each and every Sunday school class? I mean, shouldn't it be equal for equal?

because science really isnt part of theology

I agree though it ruins kids to teach them a mythological explanations to life first


Coincidentia oppositorum
because science really isnt part of theology

I agree though it ruins kids to teach them a mythological explanations to life first

Then that should be the same answer for teaching religion in science class.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Right the fact they will be fired from their job or teaching position
has nothing to do with it
No, I don't believe it does for the overwhelming majority.
Tis analogous to math profs being afraid for their jobs if they taught that calculus is bunk.
It's not something they'd want to teach.
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