Egypt, Morocco and Gambia have respect for their minority groups and allow them to exist on a fairly even basis when compared to my experience as a Muslim living in the UK. For example, for me to get a job, I suffer a type of closet islamophobia.
Take for example, how the beeb investigated this and found that Muslims are twice as likely to be sidelined for interiews when compared with any other group in the UK.
In Egypt, that's never the case, and people of other minorities get jobs based on their ability to fulfil the role - and not their religious preference or lack thereof.
In Morocco it's the same.
In Gambia, the same.
In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - they actually prefer ex-pats to Muslims, unless the ex-pat is a Muslim.
Regarding your point about freedom. Defining freedom is a two way street. On the one hand you have the western libertarian brand of it, which allows your mother to dress like a garden tool if she so wishes - yet find it unsafe to walk the streets at night. On the other hand, you have Muslim nations in which a Jewellery Store Owner can leave his wares on display, and leave his shop without locking it while he goes to the mosque down the street for evening prayers - and return to his shop to find everything as it should be.
I argue, safety should never be compromised for the sake of freedom and the Modern West has failed to provide that level of safety as a social norm where I live in the UK.
So, if you were to sponsor the West's version of what "freedom" is, then I would have to s****** and jest that you are a libertarian who doesn't have a clue what they are defending and ranting about.
Now, for your final point. The universal declaration of Human rights. I guess the Prophet pbuh last sermon was lost on you there too. Or the fact that Cyrus in the 6th century BCE, was the first to develop such, and he was no "westerner". This idea of "Universal Human Rights" is not an alien concept in the middle east - Muslims are well aware of it - it is the Modern West which treats it like an anomaly, because it is! The Universal Humans Rights are a novelty for the West, the West thinks it has the monopoly on it - truth is - the West is only just catching up to the equitable nature of the Middle East in this, the 20th Century. And that, while thinking it (the West) is still "imperially majestic". Can't have your cake and eat it my dear!