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Why do YOU have the right to vote on MY rights?


Wonder Woman
fromthe heart said:
I have something to say and I may get slammed by any of those who have any sort of respect for me but here goes....We all have rights...they are our rights. To vote on this one in particular goes against the original rights given to everyone in this country. I do not feel a gay relationship is moral but that is MY opinion...I have NO right to dictate how another should chose to live their life.

Many have moral issues here that deem it their right to demand a vote on this gay marriage issue....I say they have NO right to say anything and gay marriages should be not even an issue...If jane wants to marry sue then they shoudl have the RIGHT to do so...this marriage will not diminish MY rights at all and will NOT affect how I view marriage at all either. These are brothers and sisters of whom I would lay down my life willingly to protect these individuals as well as straight individuals if one should chose to call it that way.

Gay marriage does NOT take away OUR moral feelings as people who believe that this style of relationship is wrong...it does not effect any of what we have as hetrosexuals. I DO NOT to save my life understand why anyone would dictate to another in this way!!! If this is allowed then what...someone will tell me next that I can't follow MY personal liberties??? IF this IS as immoral as I feel it is then it's STILL not for ME to say!!! I will NOT judge another human being and I hope to be allowed the same feelings by others.

Let me tell you CHRISTIANS who are against gay marriage...I'm one of you...stop making me look bad because you feel threatened by this action for some reason. It's not your right to tell them what to do!!!If this is a choice to love differently then it's their choice and their RIGHT...when I stand before God He will know my heart and what I believe and don't believe...that in the end is all that really matters...I only answer for MY actions...not that of anyone who feels it's ok morally for them...this doesn'ty mean we have to say it's our morality but it is their RIGHT!!!

WE need to look carefully at how it is meant to love one another..I will not stop loving someone because of any sin they have committed...I know what sin is for me and I chose accordingly...It's no ones business what we do in who we love and to want to committ to another person of the same sex...if that should be your choice then I feel you should be given the same rights as anyone else...the same right to have your loved one by your side at the hopsital, the same right to leave the one you love your IRA or whatever is deemed to just be in the bounds of marriage. IT IS THEIR RIGHT!!! you don't have to adopt that in your life but you should not have the ability to prevent someone from living their life as they see fit.

I guess I probably said this all wrong somehow and will have someone mad at me but on judgement day I only answer for MY actions so what everyone else does does NOT effect my moral standings for me at all!!!

I meant this as respectfully as I know how!!!:)

Bravo! :clap


Well-Known Member
fromthe heart said:
I have something to say and I may get slammed by any of those who have any sort of respect for me but here goes....We all have rights...they are our rights. To vote on this one in particular goes against the original rights given to everyone in this country. I do not feel a gay relationship is moral but that is MY opinion...I have NO right to dictate how another should chose to live their life.

Many have moral issues here that deem it their right to demand a vote on this gay marriage issue....I say they have NO right to say anything and gay marriages should be not even an issue...If jane wants to marry sue then they shoudl have the RIGHT to do so...this marriage will not diminish MY rights at all and will NOT affect how I view marriage at all either. These are brothers and sisters of whom I would lay down my life willingly to protect these individuals as well as straight individuals if one should chose to call it that way.

Gay marriage does NOT take away OUR moral feelings as people who believe that this style of relationship is wrong...it does not effect any of what we have as hetrosexuals. I DO NOT to save my life understand why anyone would dictate to another in this way!!! If this is allowed then what...someone will tell me next that I can't follow MY personal liberties??? IF this IS as immoral as I feel it is then it's STILL not for ME to say!!! I will NOT judge another human being and I hope to be allowed the same feelings by others.

Let me tell you CHRISTIANS who are against gay marriage...I'm one of you...stop making me look bad because you feel threatened by this action for some reason. It's not your right to tell them what to do!!!If this is a choice to love differently then it's their choice and their RIGHT...when I stand before God He will know my heart and what I believe and don't believe...that in the end is all that really matters...I only answer for MY actions...not that of anyone who feels it's ok morally for them...this doesn'ty mean we have to say it's our morality but it is their RIGHT!!!

WE need to look carefully at how it is meant to love one another..I will not stop loving someone because of any sin they have committed...I know what sin is for me and I chose accordingly...It's no ones business what we do in who we love and to want to committ to another person of the same sex...if that should be your choice then I feel you should be given the same rights as anyone else...the same right to have your loved one by your side at the hopsital, the same right to leave the one you love your IRA or whatever is deemed to just be in the bounds of marriage. IT IS THEIR RIGHT!!! you don't have to adopt that in your life but you should not have the ability to prevent someone from living their life as they see fit.

I guess I probably said this all wrong somehow and will have someone mad at me but on judgement day I only answer for MY actions so what everyone else does does NOT effect my moral standings for me at all!!!

I meant this as respectfully as I know how!!!:)

Spoken like a true blue libertarian :clap


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
fromthe heart said:
I have something to say and I may get slammed by any of those who have any sort of respect for me but here goes....We all have rights...they are our rights. To vote on this one in particular goes against the original rights given to everyone in this country. I do not feel a gay relationship is moral but that is MY opinion...I have NO right to dictate how another should chose to live their life.

Many have moral issues here that deem it their right to demand a vote on this gay marriage issue....I say they have NO right to say anything and gay marriages should be not even an issue...If jane wants to marry sue then they should have the RIGHT to do so...this marriage will not diminish MY rights at all and will NOT affect how I view marriage at all either. These are brothers and sisters of whom I would lay down my life willingly to protect these individuals as well as straight individuals if one should chose to call it that way.

Gay marriage does NOT take away OUR moral feelings as people who believe that this style of relationship is wrong...it does not effect any of what we have as heterosexuals. I DO NOT to save my life understand why anyone would dictate to another in this way!!! If this is allowed then what...someone will tell me next that I can't follow MY personal liberties??? IF this IS as immoral as I feel it is then it's STILL not for ME to say!!! I will NOT judge another human being and I hope to be allowed the same feelings by others.

Let me tell you CHRISTIANS who are against gay marriage...I'm one of you...stop making me look bad because you feel threatened by this action for some reason. It's not your right to tell them what to do!!!If this is a choice to love differently then it's their choice and their RIGHT...when I stand before God He will know my heart and what I believe and don't believe...that in the end is all that really matters...I only answer for MY actions...not that of anyone who feels it's OK morally for them...this doesn't mean we have to say it's our morality but it is their RIGHT!!!

WE need to look carefully at how it is meant to love one another..I will not stop loving someone because of any sin they have committed...I know what sin is for me and I chose accordingly...It's no ones business what we do in who we love and to want to commit to another person of the same sex...if that should be your choice then I feel you should be given the same rights as anyone else...the same right to have your loved one by your side at the hospital, the same right to leave the one you love your IRA or whatever is deemed to just be in the bounds of marriage. IT IS THEIR RIGHT!!! you don't have to adopt that in your life but you should not have the ability to prevent someone from living their life as they see fit.

I guess I probably said this all wrong somehow and will have someone mad at me but on judgment day I only answer for MY actions so what everyone else does does NOT effect my moral standings for me at all!!!

I meant this as respectfully as I know how!!!:)

No, you didn't (say it all wrong); you said it beautifully. What is more is that you made the very good point that you can believe (according to your faith) that it would not be a right thing for you to do, but that you have no right to tell others how to live.

That is honest, and admirable. I believe that there is nothing wrong with gay relationships, but I would never try to make a religious Christian enter into a gay relationship if he thought as you do. Our destinies are made by our decisions; we will be judged by the contents of our hearts when the day comes. You and I both can have an easy conscience, respect each other's views, without upsetting each other, and that is as it should be. I wish I could fruball you, but the machine doesn't work!


Societies determine what is right and wrong, and enact these beliefs into law. So the very existence of law presupposes that one can "outlaw" certain activities, including sexual ones (like Sodomy). I'm willing to bet this isn't one of those topics where we can agree to disagree.


The cake is a lie
Society has already determined that it is one of the "basic civil rights of man" to be able to marry whom they choose in Loving v. Virginia. It's entirely a matter of being consistent, and not going "yes, it's a basic civil right of man--unless they're gay! By god, not then!"


Jensa said:
Society has already determined that it is one of the "basic civil rights of man" to be able to marry whom they choose in Loving v. Virginia. It's entirely a matter of being consistent, and not going "yes, it's a basic civil right of man--unless they're gay! By god, not then!"

No. A court has decided that, not society. The moral component to law is a living definition that is pushed by different means. You push yours, I push mine.


The cake is a lie
And of course there were those in society--heck, even a LARGE portion of society--that shot down the ruling in Loving v. Virginia and said that interracial couples would produce sterile or mentally retarded children and all sorts of nonsense and shouldn't be allowed to be married, but human rights marched on. As I'm sure it will today. Should we have waited for more than half the people in the US to vote in favor of interracial marriages?


Jensa said:
And of course there were those in society--heck, even a LARGE portion of society--that shot down the ruling in Loving v. Virginia and said that interracial couples would produce sterile or mentally retarded children and all sorts of nonsense and shouldn't be allowed to be married, but human rights marched on. As I'm sure it will today. Should we have waited for more than half the people in the US to vote in favor of interracial marriages?

Heck no, I'd march on.


The cake is a lie
And that's exactly what we're doing, Victor. We're not waiting for society to sit down and go "Oh, I GUESS it's moral for gays to marry now..." We're demanding it. So why shouldn't interracial couples have had to wait for society to go "Okay, you can marry now!", but gays should, since "societies determine what is right and wrong, and enact those beliefs into law"?


Jensa said:
And that's exactly what we're doing, Victor. We're not waiting for society to sit down and go "Oh, I GUESS it's moral for gays to marry now..." We're demanding it. So why shouldn't interracial couples have had to wait for society to go "Okay, you can marry now!", but gays should, since "societies determine what is right and wrong, and enact those beliefs into law"?

So it's not just about civil rights, but also moral approval?


Well-Known Member
So it's not just about civil rights, but also moral approval?
I don't know how it is for others in the lgbt, etc. community, but for me it's just about civil rights. All I want is the ability to marry a woman if I fall in love with her and be have our relationship treated with the same respect, rights, and benefits as any heterosexual relationship. I don't care whether others "morally" approve of homosexuality or homosexual marriages, but if they "morally" disapprove, I still think I should have the right to marry a woman. I don't care if you disagree with the morality of my relationship, but you're not going to make my relationship more "difficult" (for lack of a better word at the moment) without a fight. Knockout


The cake is a lie
Sorry, I was a little ambiguous in my post. "We're demaning it" with "it&amp" meaning civil rights. As I've said before, I don't really give a damn how much of anyone morally approves of my relationships, unless they're asking to be part of it. Can you answer my question now? Edit: Whoa, editing now apparently does funny things to quotation marks.


Jensa said:
Sorry, I was a little ambiguous in my post. "We're demaning it" with "it&amp" meaning civil rights. As I've said before, I don't really give a damn how much of anyone morally approves of my relationships, unless they're asking to be part of it. Can you answer my question now? Edit: Whoa, editing now apparently does funny things to quotation marks.

I thought I answered your question already when I said: Heck no, I'd march on.


standing_alone said:
I don't know how it is for others in the lgbt, etc. community, but for me it's just about civil rights. All I want is the ability to marry a woman if I fall in love with her and be have our relationship treated with the same respect, rights, and benefits as any heterosexual relationship. I don't care whether others "morally" approve of homosexuality or homosexual marriages, but if they "morally" disapprove, I still think I should have the right to marry a woman. I don't care if you disagree with the morality of my relationship, but you're not going to make my relationship more "difficult" (for lack of a better word at the moment) without a fight. Knockout

Fight away. No one is stopping you, but don't expect me to view homosexual relationships the same as heterosexuals ones. Won't happen for me.


Well-Known Member
Fight away. No one is stopping you, but don't expect me to view homosexual relationships the same as heterosexuals ones. Won't happen for me.
Don't worry, I will fight away - and I don't care if you won't view my relationship the same way as a heterosexual relationship. Just don't be making laws aimed at making my relationship "less" because of how you personally or perhaps, collectively, view my relationship. I just want to receive the same federal rights and benefits of marriage that heterosexuals have access to (and take for granted). I'm not looking for anyone's approval (or disapproval).


standing_alone said:
Don't worry, I will fight away - and I don't care if you won't view my relationship the same way as a heterosexual relationship. Just don't be making laws aimed at making my relationship "less" because of how you personally or perhaps, collectively, view my relationship. I just want to receive the same federal rights and benefits of marriage that heterosexuals have access to (and take for granted). I'm not looking for anyone's approval (or disapproval).

It is up to the states and I am very doubtful that you don't care about anyone's approval.


Well-Known Member
It is up to the states and I am very doubtful that you don't care about anyone's approval.
The only approval I need is a marriage certificate (that comes with all the same federal rights that heterosexuals receive and travels with me state to state). :)


standing_alone said:
The only approval I need is a marriage certificate (that comes with all the same federal rights that heterosexuals receive and travels with me state to state). :)

So be it. You don't need my approval for that, do you? :D