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Why do YOU have the right to vote on MY rights?


The cake is a lie
Victor said:
I thought I answered your question already when I said: Heck no, I'd march on.
Not that one. The one where I asked why it was okay for interracial couples to march right on and demand those rights, but for some reason gay couples should wait for society to approve?


To Save A Lamb
Fight away. No one is stopping you, but don't expect me to view homosexual relationships the same as heterosexuals ones. Won't happen for me.

I couldn't care less what you think just as long as you don't deny me human rights.


Well-Known Member
jamaesi said:
I couldn't care less what you think just as long as you don't deny me human rights.

What qualifies homosexual marriage as a "human right?"

There is nothing that compels me to believe this is so. Help me understand.


Wonder Woman
nutshell said:
What qualifies homosexual marriage as a "human right?"

There is nothing that compels me to believe this is so. Help me understand.

Try looking at this another way...Heterosexuals are humans as well as blacks, whites, asians, indians, hispanics, and so on and so forth. These humans are given the right to marry in this country. Homosexuals are humans too. Hence by the right that all other humans in this country have the right to marry each other then so should homosexuals. How's that work for you?


Done here.
nutshell said:
What qualifies homosexual marriage as a "human right?"

There is nothing that compels me to believe this is so. Help me understand.
Do you believe heterosexuals have a "human right" to marry?


Uber all member
nutshell said:
What qualifies homosexual marriage as a "human right?"

There is nothing that compels me to believe this is so. Help me understand.
I wonder what qualifies the God of Moses to be worshipped. Didn't we have that golden calf that was traditional?

What says "worship" is a "human right"? Tell me that, nutshell, and you'll have your answer.


Jensa said:
Not that one. The one where I asked why it was okay for interracial couples to march right on and demand those rights, but for some reason gay couples should wait for society to approve?

Because interracial couples weren't out to alter the definition of marriage. I knew it was going head in this direction and that's why I said ealier that my spider senses were telling me that this isn't going to be a "let's agree to disagree". You will get your rights some time in the future.


jamaesi said:
I couldn't care less what you think just as long as you don't deny me human rights.

I can play this game too. :dan:
I couldn't care less what you think as long as you don't redefine marriage. How you like them apples?


nutshell said:
What qualifies homosexual marriage as a "human right?"

There is nothing that compels me to believe this is so. Help me understand.

Notice the answers? You received questions as answers.....Interesting.


Well-Known Member
Victor said:
I can play this game too. :dan:
I couldn't care less what you think as long as you don't redefine marriage. How you like them apples?

The definition of marriage seems to be inadequate for our present needs. That would seem to be the problem, not the homosexuals.


Well-Known Member
What qualifies homosexual marriage as a "human right?"

The fact that heterosexual marriage is considered a right, so should homosexual marriage. As Draka already explained, although you may not like to admit it, homosexuals are people, too. The only differences between the two types of relationships is that one is composed of opposite genders and the other is composed of the same gender.

I couldn't care less what you think as long as you don't redefine marriage.

How are homosexuals going to drastically redefine marriage? Because two people of the same gender marry each other? Oh, God forbid! We can't have two consenting adults who are in love with one another and devoted to one another make a life long commitment to each other and get all the federal rights that go with it! :rolleyes:

Notice the answers? You received questions as answers.....Interesting.

That's funny. Draka used sentences in her answer.

Because interracial couples weren't out to alter the definition of marriage.

Oh yeah, that's all us homosexuals are out to do, alter the definition of marriage. :rolleyes:

The definition of marriage seems to be inadequate for our present needs. That would seem to be the problem, not the homosexuals.

Hah! :clap


Uber all member
Victor said:
Because interracial couples weren't out to alter the definition of marriage. I knew it was going head in this direction and that's why I said ealier that my spider senses were telling me that this isn't going to be a "let's agree to disagree". You will get your rights some time in the future.
You may call it defining marriage but that is the cover for the question of who may marry whom. It was race that limited choice then. Today it is a gender distinction. Don't kid yourself Victor, it is still a suppression of minorities - then and now.

Look at the progression of woman's rights. First the supression was the vote, then it was jobs, then contraceprtion, then career ladders and pay. Was each one of those steps the "defining" point when women were recognized as fully equal human beings? or was there ongoing attempts to keep them "under the thumb"? Why should the treatment of the gay community differ. Establish the homosexual act first as immoral, then criminalize it, Since that was been recognized as legal, socially permissible the next step is to "invent" a particular definition of marriage as a way to deny and suppress the full rights and equal treatment of the gay community. It is sickening and dishonest the lengths continuing suppression will go.

It's not marriage, Victor. The arguments have been shallow - they don't hold water. It's plain and simple hatefull suppression of minorities all over again.


Ormiston said:
The definition of marriage seems to be inadequate for our present needs. That would seem to be the problem, not the homosexuals.

Our present need? Which is?


standing_alone said:
How are homosexuals going to drastically redefine marriage? Because two people of the same gender marry each other? Oh, God forbid! We can't have two consenting adults who are in love with one another and devoted to one another make a life long commitment to each other and get all the federal rights that go with it! :rolleyes:

You said it, not me.

standing_alone said:
Oh yeah, that's all us homosexuals are out to do, alter the definition of marriage. :rolleyes:

I could have sworn that is exactly what is being done. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I could have sworn that is exactly what is being done. :rolleyes:

Yeah? But our (homosexuals) motivation is not to alter the definition of marriage, but to receive equality and the same federal rights and benefits that heterosexuals do.


User of Aspercreme
Jensa said:
Why do YOU have the right to vote on MY rights?
"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestis trranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

welfare n. 1. health, happiness, or prosperity; well-being. [<ME wel faren, to fare well]

Welfare in today's context also means organized efforts on the part of public or private organizations to benefit the poor, or simply public assistance. This is not the meaning of the word as used in the Constitution.

Based on this, my answer would be, that I don't have the right according to our Constitution, to decide what inalienable rights youa re or are not born with. Regardless of my personal opinion regarding your lifestyle choice.


standing_alone said:
Yeah? But our (homosexuals) motivation is not to alter the definition of marriage, but to receive equality and the same federal rights and benefits that heterosexuals do.

I see you as an equal and I am not hung up on the benefits you seek. But I do care about the redefinition. How you will manage to do this without entering the realm of marriage is something that would be interesting to see.