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Why do you need your religion?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
In the thread, Are all religions basically about death?, I was driven to comment the following.

YmirGF said:
It is quite debatable if some religions have an unhealthy fixation on death, however virtually ALL religions make no bones about telling one how to live their life. This aspect is what blows my mind about religion. I have absolutely no idea WHY people need to be told how to live their lives. I didn't come with an owners manual and I am confident that no else did too.

Like, I understand what all the religions are telling people, I just don't see the need to overcomplicate things. Why is that? Why do people NEED to be TOLD what to do? Are people just plain stupid or what?

Now: Please, I do not mean that everyone is "stupid" for following a given religion or that following a religion is even a stupid thing to do. It does get the point across in a rather colourful way though. So, why do you need your religion? Are you unable to solve "big" problems yourself? Did a given religion sync up with your pre-existing theology? Help me out folks. I just don't get it.

I guess the other thing I don't get is if God is so great, why does he need elaborate religious organizations? Oddly, I don't see that a real god would need any salespeople.


Mother Heathen
I'll be the first to admit, I don't subscribe much to religion. I'm a Protestant, Pentecostal Christian but I'm not defined by the fact that I am Pentecostal or Protestant.

I'm defined by Christ.

I NEED Christ because without Him, I have nothing. No hope. I have worth because of Him.

And for me, this life that I live isn't where true life is found. This is the trial run for the eternity that I will spend after I move on from this life which compared to eternity is over and done with in the "blink of an eye".

Like you, I've been questioning alot why the need for so much RELIGION. I don't think it's about religion or a specific church. I believe it's just about LOVE. God/Christ is LOVE to me.

And if I strive to obey Him, get to know Him and love my neighbor as He loves me...the rest will fall into place and hopefully, while I'm here on this earth, I'll touch as many as I can. Not because I'm anything at all...but because He is.


Active Member
Well I was born into my religion as a youngster you do feel like you need your religion because well your parents push it on ya and growing up in Catholic school they pushed it on me too but as I grew older I felt as if its more like my religion needs me rather than I need it or perhaps we need each other...


Not your average Mormon
YmirGF said:
So, why do you need your religion? Are you unable to solve "big" problems yourself? Did a given religion sync up with your pre-existing theology? Help me out folks. I just don't get it.
I need my religion because I don't have all the answers and my religion provides many of them for me. It also provides comfort to me in time of sorrow. If I didn't understand God's plan for mankind, I'm afraid I would find life quite overwhelming at times.

I guess the other thing I don't get is if God is so great, why does he need elaborate religious organizations? Oddly, I don't see that a real god would need any salespeople.
I think you're missing the point, Paul. What makes you think that "elaborate religious organizations" or the "salespeople" who peddle them exist to fill God's needs?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Katzpur said:
I think you're missing the point, Paul. What makes you think that "elaborate religious organizations" or the "salespeople" who peddle them exist to fill God's needs?

I see. So you are saying these organizations are in place to help with man's needs instead? I think you know me well enough Kathryn that to me, God is not an issue. No problemo there. I have issue with manmade creations telling me about the nature of that god and what I need to do in my life in order to get some goal offered by that religion. As Dawn says so sweetly, God is love... but I would add that the rest is just window-dressing.

I am of the mind though that different religions exist to fill different temperments and levels of understanding.


Well-Known Member
YmirGF said:
In the thread, Are all religions basically about death?, I was driven to comment the following.

Now: Please, I do not mean that everyone is "stupid" for following a given religion or that following a religion is even a stupid thing to do. It does get the point across in a rather colourful way though. So, why do you need your religion? Are you unable to solve "big" problems yourself? Did a given religion sync up with your pre-existing theology? Help me out folks. I just don't get it.

I guess the other thing I don't get is if God is so great, why does he need elaborate religious organizations? Oddly, I don't see that a real god would need any salespeople.
I can say that I do feel like we all have the innate capacity to want to be connected somehow to the divine because that's where we originate. I like to combine spirituality with religion. I think most religions have SOME good moral guidelines to follow, even though I disagree with SOME. Spirituality is finding the sacred in the nature of beauty, relationship with others, as well as during times of great stress or joy. Spiritual masters tell us we can encounter "God" or the sacred walking buy a homeless person or observing the poor.

For religion, to me , it has two components
A story and community, they give us stories to show us how to live our lives morally or stay on the path. Religions also provide communities with support, shared values, without community, one CAN become isolated. However, religion, imo, becomes dogmatic and rigid, spirituality without religion is not possible either because there isn't any speicic guidelines to follow otherwise, except for our own definition of morality, but of course that is relative, and it always will be...so religion can help us further define that and the spirituality aspect brings full total awareness of feeling WHOLE spirtually...example, the concept of hell, hurts my spirit immensily(soul spirt, whatever), so therefore, I CHOOSE to disgaree with it and in my mind, I don't believe it to be true, therefore, I can't adhere to ALL of the critcal teachings of the bible... i think you get my point.;)


Not your average Mormon
YmirGF said:
I see. So you are saying these organizations are in place to help with man's needs instead?
Of course they are.

I think you know me well enough Kathryn that to me, God is not an issue. No problemo there.
Hey, no biggie. I wasn't offended or anything.

I have issue with manmade creations telling me about the nature of that god and what I need to do in my life in order to get some goal offered by that religion. As Dawn says so sweetly, God is love... but I would add that the rest is just window-dressing.
I'll agree that God is love, and I'll agree that Dawn is sweet. But here we part paths. I believe God wants us to know more about Him than this. Furthermore, I believe He has told us more.

I am of the mind though that different religions exist to fill different temperments and levels of understanding.
And to an extent, I agree with you. So what's wrong with that? Apparently with your temperment and level of understanding, you don't need anything more. ;) I do.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Katzpur said:
Of course they are.

Hey, no biggie. I wasn't offended or anything.

I'll agree that God is love, and I'll agree that Dawn is sweet. But here we part paths. I believe God wants us to know more about Him than this. Furthermore, I believe He has told us more.
My question does this always seem to be in the "past tense". Has God gone on holidays?

And to an extent, I agree with you. So what's wrong with that? Apparently with your temperment and level of understanding, you don't need anything more. ;) I do.[/quote]*Blushes* Well, true. And I do understand that folks need their quidelines Kat, I am just trying to get a handle on why people cannot "do the right thing" without being told. Surely most people figured out the difference between right and wrong before they hit Kindergarten.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
MidnightBlue said:
I don't think I do need my religion. But it pleases me to have it. ;)
An interesting non-answer. Midnightblue what is it about your religion that pleases you? Is it like a comfortable old sweater or something that you cannot bring yourself to part with?


Quran & Sunnah
YmirGF said:
So, why do you need your religion? Are you unable to solve "big" problems yourself?

Frankly speaking YmirGF, without religion I cannot live, without my faith in my Creator I cannot live, for the One who created me knows me better than I know myself. Thus, He is the One to put the rules for me in order to lead a good sound life.
Let's take the example of a computer, and let's imagine that it is the first time you see a computer. Could you make it function without the help of the one who invented it? Could you just go and start working on the different programs without being taught by the one who created those programs?
The same thing is for me and for all human beings. God created me and created the earth and the universe that I live in, so I need His teaching to know how to deal with all what surrounds me. I need His instructions about the following relationships:
  • My relation with God
  • My relation with my fellow human beings
  • My relation with the animals, nature and the universe in general.
We belong to God and to Him we shall return!


Green Gaia

Veteran Member
YmirGF said:
So, why do you need your religion? Are you unable to solve "big" problems yourself? Did a given religion sync up with your pre-existing theology? Help me out folks. I just don't get it.

I guess the other thing I don't get is if God is so great, why does he need elaborate religious organizations? Oddly, I don't see that a real god would need any salespeople.
For me, my religion isn't about God (at least not as we generally think of the Abrahamic god), but it is about something bigger than me. It helps me connect with that and feel a part of it. For me, my religion is community. It's a safe place to ask and explore those big questions we all have. It's also about realizing where I fit in in this world and my responsibility to it.


Well-Known Member
I need religion because I'll be the first to admit I was lost when I tried to rid myself of it.

It's a humbling experience to live not-knowing. I must have a purpose, a meaning in my life yet I am not a machine programmed to believe: I have a choice, even though I don't know how I have a choice or what to choose between.

Life is confusing. Mixed messages, an utter lack of consensus amongst people you have to co-exist with, seemingly endless conflict and power-plays...if, upon realizing this, you didn't have religion you would simply go completely and utterly insane.

Which maybe I am. Scientism is the new dominant religion of the rationalists and logicians, but their faculties are not limited their belief system. I want beauty, spirit and the promise of perfection: Christ, Buddha, Krishna, call it what you want but I need it.

I was afraid of being lost forever, you see, but when I let go of that fear I was found. This is how I understand religion and the necessity of it.

Hope that answers your question.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
First and foremost, I need my religion because I need the truth.

I also need my religion because, quite honestly I have no desire to find out exactly what is commonly refered to as hell is like.

Finally, I need my religion because it stops me from doing some things that I might otherwise do.


Deviled Hen
YmirGF said:
So, why do you need your religion? Are you unable to solve "big" problems yourself? Did a given religion sync up with your pre-existing theology? Help me out folks. I just don't get it.

Here's the short answer, at least for a start:

First, I came to believe that Baha'u'llah's claims were true.

Since I do believe they're true, then it makes sense to follow what He says.

I guess the other thing I don't get is if God is so great, why does he need elaborate religious organizations? Oddly, I don't see that a real god would need any salespeople.

What do you consider an elaborate religious organization? I view mine as very simple, though it is an organization.

There are many reasons Baha'u'llah came with the message He did. There are the timeless truths that all the Prophets have brought, about how we can get along with each other and seek spiritual enlightment. The Writings contains a roadmap for those things. But people can, and do, find enlightenment through other sources.

But what they also contain a roadmap for is the next chapter in human development: How to get to a world that finally knows the meaning of real peace and how to foster a world where we live with each other without discrimination, without oppression, and with socioeconomic justice as well.

I'm sure there will be comments about how impossible all that is, but I'll head those off by commenting now that 1) everything in human development is impossible, until it's been accomplished, and 2) all the worlds religions have promised us just this, so, uh, if you think it's impossible, take it up with them -- they're the ones that made the promises anyway. :D

But seriously, if I'm going on a roadtrip and I have the directions right here with me, should I throw them in the trash and just wing it and hope I get where I want to go? In this trip, there are no roadsigns to guide me, because it's a new road we'll be building as we proceed.

I hope this at least begins to answer your question.


Deviled Hen
YmirGF said:
I am of the mind though that different religions exist to fill different temperments and levels of understanding.

I could see this for denominations, but I'm not sure how it works for entire religions? Could you elaborate?


Deviled Hen
YmirGF said:
My question does this always seem to be in the "past tense". Has God gone on holidays?

No, She hasn't and really isn't it a bummer to be Infinite? How do you fit on the beach? :run:

...I am just trying to get a handle on why people cannot "do the right thing" without being told. Surely most people figured out the difference between right and wrong before they hit Kindergarten.

The thing is, the guidelines aren't a reason why I stay with my religion. They're there, of course. But if that's all it were about, no I wouldn't need a religion to do that either.


Not your average Mormon
YmirGF said:
My question does this always seem to be in the "past tense". Has God gone on holidays?
Huh? I'm not following your question.

*Blushes* Well, true. And I do understand that folks need their quidelines Kat, I am just trying to get a handle on why people cannot "do the right thing" without being told. Surely most people figured out the difference between right and wrong before they hit Kindergarten.
I could be wrong, but I have a feeling that most religious people are religious not because they need to be told what's right and what's wrong. For me, and I suspect that for most people (well, for Christians, at any rate), religion helps facilitate a closer relationship with a Higher Power. If a person believes that God is responsible for his or her existence, it's only natural that he would want to learn more about Him, about the purpose of life and about what to expect once his mortal life comes to an end. Wanting to be told how to behave is almost a non-issue.

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
YmirGF said:
So, why do you need your religion? Are you unable to solve "big" problems yourself? Did a given religion sync up with your pre-existing theology? Help me out folks. I just don't get it.
Since I see my religion as part of me, and I of it, the question of "need" doesn't really arise. I dare say I don't "need" many aspects of my personality either, but as each is an expressive part of me which influences how I percieve and react to circumstances, I'd be less of myself without them.

That's probably not a very good analogy, but it's late and I'm lazy, so it'll have to do...

In some ways identifying mainly with a single religion has helped clarify and shape my pre-existing views on certain things, and it's muddled others. By translating what I understand to be it's core teachings into my daily life I do feel that I've become more content and compassionate, but Taoism (for me) really isn't about declaring moral rights and wrongs. There are suggestions and observations, and that's it; it's left up to the individual to find and follow their own path.

I've used this quote before, but I still think it's quite a good 'un. :)

In the path of Tao Jia, there are no priests, no temples, no sacred scriptures.
For the Tao Jian:
Nature is our sacred scripture.
Our heart is our temple.
Our consience is our only priest.
And the path we follow is the one that opens up beneath our wandering feet.