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Why does God communicate ambiguously?


Active Member
We have hundreds of churches and even more religions, all convinced that they have the right interpretation of God's word.

So, here's where I have a problem; if God is omnipotent, omniscient and wants the message to be spread to every single one of us, why doesn't it communicate with us unambiguously? So it's crystal clear what it wants you to do and how creation happened?

I have to point out that this thread only deals with that type of god. If it's not omnipotent, omniscient or wants everyone to understand, I don't have a problem.


'God moves in mysterious ways' or something on that theme is the usual non-answer which gets peddled out when this questions is asked.


Active Member
'God moves in mysterious ways' or something on that theme is the usual non-answer which gets peddled out when this questions is asked.
Yes, but it is a non-answer. How can one know that, in that case? Couldn't he just be dicking around?

And, he's omnipotent, but he can't make us able to understand what he wants us to do?


Well-Known Member
We have hundreds of churches and even more religions, all convinced that they have the right interpretation of God's word.

So, here's where I have a problem; if God is omnipotent, omniscient and wants the message to be spread to every single one of us, why doesn't it communicate with us unambiguously? So it's crystal clear what it wants you to do and how creation happened?

I have to point out that this thread only deals with that type of god. If it's not omnipotent, omniscient or wants everyone to understand, I don't have a problem.

One day, He will. But currently, He is generally engaged in a hands off approach so we can learn the indelible, difficult, and sobering lesson of living life our way instead of His.


Active Member
One day, He will.
But how come you realize this and I didn't when we both read the scriptures? Why make it so that you interpret it correctly and live the way he wants, while I didn't?
james2ko said:
But currently, He is generally engaged in a hands off approach so we can learn the indelible, difficult, and sobering lesson of living life our way instead of His.
But, why say something at all if he wants us to live without his involvement?


Well-Known Member
But how come you realize this and I didn't when we both read the scriptures? Why make it so that you interpret it correctly and live the way he wants, while I didn't?

Some are given the opportunity in this life:

Mat_13:11 He answered and said to them, "Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven [God], but to them it has not been given.​

Eventually, the rest will be resurrected and be given an opportunity in the next:

Rev 20:5 But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection


But, why say something at all if he wants us to live without his involvement?

Notice the adverb "generally" in my response. The bible indicates He is working with a few individuals, in this age, prepping them for leadership positions in the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ.

Rev 20:6 Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.​


Active Member
Some are given the opportunity in this life:
Ok, so that's why I'm an atheist? Because I'm simply not among the chosen ones to understand God's word? Does that mean I'm still responsible for my sins if I don't understand that I'm sinning?

Student of X

Paradigm Shifter
So, here's where I have a problem; if God is omnipotent, omniscient and wants the message to be spread to every single one of us, why doesn't it communicate with us unambiguously?

The reason God is omnipotent is because God is everywhere and everything. Including you. You are the part of God that decided it wants to be you. Until you wake up and remember that deep down you are God, Gods communications to you will be ambiguous.


Land of the rising sun
We have hundreds of churches and even more religions, all convinced that they have the right interpretation of God's word.

So, here's where I have a problem; if God is omnipotent, omniscient and wants the message to be spread to every single one of us, why doesn't it communicate with us unambiguously? So it's crystal clear what it wants you to do and how creation happened?

I have to point out that this thread only deals with that type of god. If it's not omnipotent, omniscient or wants everyone to understand, I don't have a problem.

Lione D' ea: A creation on how happened you mention is the example about the Genesis?



Well-Known Member
Ok, so that's why I'm an atheist? Because I'm simply not among the chosen ones to understand God's word?

Not necessarily. There are professing Christians who believe they are chosen when, in reality, they are not.

Does that mean I'm still responsible for my sins if I don't understand that I'm sinning?

Although He is not pleased with those who deny His existence, (Rom 1:20) He is not judging unbelievers in this age, but He will in the next:

Joh_12:47-48 And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. 48 He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him— the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.


Active Member
The reason God is omnipotent is because God is everywhere and everything. Including you. You are the part of God that decided it wants to be you. Until you wake up and remember that deep down you are God, Gods communications to you will be ambiguous.
Why doesn't he communicate to me while I'm asleep, in that case?

LioneDea said:
A creation on how happened you mention is the example about the Genesis?
My question extends to every god that's omnipotent, omniscient and wants to communicate with us.


Active Member
Although He is not pleased with those who deny His existence, (Rom 1:20) He is not judging unbelievers in this age, but He will in the next:
Why is he not pleased with me, seeing as I can't help that I'm not one of his chosen people? I'm doing the best I can with what he gave me.

Student of X

Paradigm Shifter
Why doesn't he communicate to me while I'm asleep, in that case?

The archetypes of the collective unconscious frequently appear in dreams. God is the archetype of the Self, and it appears in dreams in symbolic, mythological forms.

It's our job to learn the vocabulary of mythological imagery because that is the primordial language of the human psyche and of God. The way we do that is by learning comparative mythology, comparative religion, comparative mysticism.

It's also our job to open the ego-self to the collective unconscious so that material can come through to us clearly in dreams. The way we do that is by practicing things like Qi cong and Yoga and by eating right and sleeping right and stuff.
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Admiral Obvious
We have hundreds of churches and even more religions, all convinced that they have the right interpretation of God's word.

So, here's where I have a problem; if God is omnipotent, omniscient and wants the message to be spread to every single one of us, why doesn't it communicate with us unambiguously? So it's crystal clear what it wants you to do and how creation happened?

I have to point out that this thread only deals with that type of god. If it's not omnipotent, omniscient or wants everyone to understand, I don't have a problem.
Given the vast diversity of humankind, why would you think that there would be a "one size fits all" deity?


Admiral Obvious
He feels He's given you plenty of evidence to at least acknowledge His existence.
And you know this how?

Before even considering choosing you, you must at least acknowledge His existence, right?
Ah, so ALL of his "chosen" people are merely some of those who have already chosen him?

That is why He is not judging you now.
He does not need to.
His "chosen" sure are doing enough judging all on their own.


Premium Member
If God gave us free will, god had to gift us with our own ability to understand. God couldn't make it so everything God said or did was automatically understood. If you completely understood everything how would you have free will.

If you read the Abrahamic bibles it clearly points out that children have an easier time understanding god than adults. Some of the eastern religions teach simplifing life. Whats the difference, simply intelligence, experience all things that come with age.

You do not lose communication with god, you understand less as you get older because you believe you understand more.

If you look through history, its education that has caused the fall from god. You are clutering your mind with worldly things and blocking out god.


Well-Known Member
now that is just a scary thought...

Depends who you ask.

And you know this how?

The One who knows us better than we know ourselves says so.

Ah, so ALL of his "chosen" people are merely some of those who have already chosen him?

No one chooses to follow Him, He chooses us:

Joh_15:16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.
He does not need to. His "chosen" sure are doing enough judging all on their own.

We're merely honing our skills:

1Co_6:2-3 Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 3 Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life?​


Yes, but it is a non-answer. How can one know that, in that case? Couldn't he just be dicking around?

And, he's omnipotent, but he can't make us able to understand what he wants us to do?

Sometimes people construct elaborate fantasies in order to make their beliefs about the world more believable. We all do it to a greater or lesser degree it's just that rather than believing we're not as chubby as we are by insisting the camera adds a few pounds some of us choose to believe that there is a omnipotent God hanging around and make up a variety of excuses for his shyness.

We delude ourselves and more often than not we aren't even aware we're doing it.
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