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Why does God communicate ambiguously?


Well-Known Member
If that were true, He would only want to save "some flesh". But instead:


Romans 9:10–13
10 Not only that, but Rebekah’s children were conceived at the same time by our father Isaac. 11 Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad—in order that God’s purpose in election might stand: 12 not by works but by him who calls—she was told, “The older will serve the younger.” 13 Just as it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”

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Active Member
They will be resurrected to physical life after the millennium (Rev 20:5) under paradisaic conditions and given a period of time to accept or reject Christ.
Ok, and what about the people who have read the Bible but weren't convinced, because they interpreted it wrong? Will they be resurrected and given a choice?

Sadiya said:
and yes God does not communicate ambiguisly,rather it is we who are oblivious to his signs and guidance.
But the Quran is filled with metaphors and analogies. That's ambiguity.


Well-Known Member
Romans 9:10–13
10 Not only that, but Rebekah’s children were conceived at the same time by our father Isaac. 11 Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad—in order that God’s purpose in election might stand: 12 not by works but by him who calls—she was told, “The older will serve the younger.” 13 Just as it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”

The sense of the Hebrew term means to love less by comparison (Gen_29:30-31) Also notice there is not a word spoken here concerning the eternal state of Esau.

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Be careful what you wish for ;)


Well-Known Member
Isn't your question really "Why are we here?"

After all, if God wanted us all eternally happy in heaven forever without any suffering or trial, he could have easily done that without the bother of earthly lives trying to tell us His plan.

Clearly, God had a purpose for not making it all crystal clear to every human being. That much is a fact. I am convinced our choosing to love God vs. being born to love him without any free will about it --- that is far more pleasing to God and of greater value. Not unlike having some beautiful woman fall in love with you is far more pleasing that having someone arranged and forced to be your bride.


Well-Known Member
Ok, and what about the people who have read the Bible but weren't convinced, because they interpreted it wrong? Will they be resurrected and given a choice?

Joh 12:40 "The Lord has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts—so that their eyes cannot see, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to Me and have Me heal them."​

If He is temporarily blinding their understanding, how unfair would it be not to.


Well-Known Member
The sense of the Hebrew term means to love less by comparison (Gen_29:30-31) Also notice there is not a word spoken here concerning the eternal state of Esau.

Be careful what you wish for ;)

In my version of Christianity we don't believe in an all-loving God. God simply doesn't know or have a part in most people. They are hylics, they were born sinners and they shall die sinners. There is no hope nor any salvation for them and why should there be? You don't throw pearls to swine.


Active Member
Isn't your question really "Why are we here?"

After all, if God wanted us all eternally happy in heaven forever without any suffering or trial, he could have easily done that without the bother of earthly lives trying to tell us His plan.
That's another question requiring other answers not being sought after in this thread. I guess.

Clearly, God had a purpose for not making it all crystal clear to every human being. That much is a fact.
But could he tell us about it? Because that would significantly reduce my doubt at least.
I am convinced our choosing to love God vs. being born to love him without any free will about it --- that is far more pleasing to God and of greater value.
How would it interfere with free will? Really, can someone please explain where he crosses the line?

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
We have hundreds of churches and even more religions, all convinced that they have the right interpretation of God's word.

So, here's where I have a problem; if God is omnipotent, omniscient and wants the message to be spread to every single one of us, why doesn't it communicate with us unambiguously? So it's crystal clear what it wants you to do and how creation happened?

On of the biggest communication problems we have is the English Language itself, when we are talking about God. God means many different things to many people. When Albert Einstein says, "God does not play dice with the universe." His use of the word God almost has nothing in common with Billy Graham's Definition of the word. In Sanskrit the terms are much more exact (considering the complexity of the subject). To me a Hindu, the Highest God is Brahman (E.G. the impersonal ground of all being) This is not an issue. Creation just goes on it is eternal. Each of us is just a little part of this big game we call the universe. There is no meaning that needs to be communicated nothing is expected. The meaning is life itself what more meaning do you need.

With that said, this lower God (The personal one) from the Hindu perspective (at least from my belief system with in Hinduism) might not know about the how's and why's of creation.

This is from the oldest scripture still in use today the Vedas. Has a creation Hymn. (Nasadiya Sukta) In this hymn it seems the Gods were created after the human sages. The Hymn ends like this.

Who after all knows?
Who will declare whence it arose, whence this world.
Who then knows whence it came into being?
This world-whence it came into being, whether it was made or not-
He who is the overseer in the highest heavens surely knows-
or perhaps He knows not.

So to answer your question It is not a given that this God knows or even there ever was a creation. In fact I believe the cosmos is eternal.


Well-Known Member
That's another question requiring other answers not being sought after in this thread. I guess.

I disagree.

How would it interfere with free will? Really, can someone please explain where he crosses the line?

If I were to offer you one day of bliss whatever you wanted for 24 hours with no requirements on your part.

And if I offered you as a second option 100 million dollars and 70 years of good health, peace and happines, but what you must first do is spend about two days digging ditches in the hot sun.

Is it not obvious and highly logical everyone would take the second option?

That is what God is offering his creation right now ---- have your fun on earth and do nothing for me, but take your chances on eternity ---- or, suffer for me now, behave, do penance, serve your fellow man, do not be mean to others, do not be greedy or immoral, etc. ---- do that for Me and you will have heaven forever.

God has shown us enough to know this. We do not need EVERYTHING explained to us before we tell God we will take one step forward. It is both acting on what we do know and acting on faith for the rest.


Veteran Member
In my version of Christianity we don't believe in an all-loving God. God simply doesn't know or have a part in most people. They are hylics, they were born sinners and they shall die sinners. There is no hope nor any salvation for them and why should there be? You don't throw pearls to swine.

nobody is perfect....


Veteran Member
I disagree.

If I were to offer you one day of bliss whatever you wanted for 24 hours with no requirements on your part.

And if I offered you as a second option 100 million dollars and 70 years of good health, peace and happines, but what you must first do is spend about two days digging ditches in the hot sun.

Is it not obvious and highly logical everyone would take the second option?

That is what God is offering his creation right now ---- have your fun on earth and do nothing for me, but take your chances on eternity ---- or, suffer for me now, behave, do penance, serve your fellow man, do not be mean to others, do not be greedy or immoral, etc. ---- do that for Me and you will have heaven forever.

God has shown us enough to know this. We do not need EVERYTHING explained to us before we tell God we will take one step forward. It is both acting on what we do know and acting on faith for the rest.


Active Member
God has shown us enough to know this. We do not need EVERYTHING explained to us before we tell God we will take one step forward. It is both acting on what we do know and acting on faith for the rest.
I don't want everything explained, just the things he wants me to know. That's all I'm asking; why does he explain it in a way that you get but I don't, if he wants us both to know?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
One day, He will. But currently, He is generally engaged in a hands off approach so we can learn the indelible, difficult, and sobering lesson of living life our way instead of His.

How do you reconcile this idea with the premise that God has provided humanity with revelation or that he answers prayer? Neither of these things are exactly "hands off".


Active Member
How do you reconcile this idea with the premise that God has provided humanity with revelation or that he answers prayer? Neither of these things are exactly "hands off".
Well, he did say he communicates clearly to a few chosen people. Maybe the answered prayers and revelations only happen to those people?

Student of X

Paradigm Shifter
Well, he did say he communicates clearly to a few chosen people. Maybe the answered prayers and revelations only happen to those people?

Well it sure can't happen to everyone because being one of the chosen few is a full-time job and it's hard on the body and mind.

If you really want to tune-in to God and get a clear communication I'll tell you how to do it. You have to get past your ego-self. In other words, you have to undergo ego-death. You have to achieve an altered state of consciousness and it has to be done in a sacred context.

There are many ways to do that but for an atheist I would recommend either Ayahuasca or Peyote. And that means effort, expense, and time. Ayahuasca tourism is getting big and is beginning to enter pop-culture. Or you can go to Arizona for a Peyote ceremony.
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Premium Member
But, God knew when he created me that I would love all these worldly things, that I would thank modern medicine everyday that my dad got his by-pass, that I have a house to live in and that I can solve problems I encounter with my education. Why would he create me with such an affinity for the worldly and logical if it's detrimental to our relationship?

God didn't it was and is your choice. The God of the bible wanted his people to live a happy life where everything was provided for them. The people in the bible clearly weren't satisfied and choose knowledge. Over and over again through out the bible people choose knowledge over god. God gave you the ability to decide what you want like any good father he lets you make your choice even if the father knows a better path.

Why is meditation all about detaching yourself from the world? Why are people inspired by meditation?

Why does thinking give you stress? Why do worldly possesions give you stress? Why does stress lead to health problems? Why does stress cause emotional problems?


Active Member
God didn't it was and is your choice.
So, I chose to feel good whenever I study?
The God of the bible wanted his people to live a happy life where everything was provided for them. The people in the bible clearly weren't satisfied and choose knowledge.
Yeah, I can see how a person who isn't omniscient and omnipotent didn't see that one coming.

Why is meditation all about detaching yourself from the world? Why are people inspired by meditation?
What does this have to do with God's way of communicating?

bobhikes said:
Why does thinking give you stress? Why do worldly possesions give you stress? Why does stress lead to health problems? Why does stress cause emotional problems?
This has as about as much to do with God's communication as the fact that science solves health and mental problems all the time.


Premium Member
What does this have to do with God's way of communicating?

This has as about as much to do with God's communication as the fact that science solves health and mental problems all the time.

Meditation for many eastern religions is a way of communicating with God or the primal force or enlightenment(seeing gods way).

Stress is what blocks you from understanding Gods words. Stress is caused by your own intelligence. You create your own stress.