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Why does God communicate ambiguously?


Premium Member
Technically speaking, he cannot not decide for you what you will freely choose to belief, if he trully knows you completely.

"tricks" and "force" are very relative terms in this kind of scenarios.

If I know exactly how to make a girl fall in complete and mad love with me without lying to her and I choose to do so, I am not either tricking nor forcing her necessarily. I merely knew her well enough.

Naturaly, no one would have 100% certainty which of their attempts would be imposible to fail.

Except God of course. But he also knows which are definite to fail. There is no middle ground, unless he purposefully "forgets" whats going to work so he "feels" he is not "tricking" us.

You are not a lover of God, It is more a parent and child relationship. God wants you to suceed on your own. God wants you to grow into your own person. God wants you to return to bliss. God can make you do all of it but it is not what god wants.


Premium Member

Based off of his quote about what you can do with a girl you want to fall in love with.

The quote should have been We are not lovers of god, it is more a parent and child relationship. poor choice of words, I was using the plural you.


Admiral Obvious
Based off of his quote about what you can do with a girl you want to fall in love with.

The quote should have been We are not lovers of god, it is more a parent and child relationship. poor choice of words, I was using the plural you.
Now it makes sense.
Thank you.

Me Myself

Back to my username
You are not a lover of God, It is more a parent and child relationship. God wants you to suceed on your own. God wants you to grow into your own person. God wants you to return to bliss. God can make you do all of it but it is not what god wants.

I doubt you understoof the comparison at all.

I´ll work with something you seem to be more direct to relate then:

When you are a parent and know your kids SOMETIMES you tend to be able to predict his/her behaviours, and to know what you can do for him/her to be more interested in something or to understand something. naturaly, it is way harder for parents because of a lot of things. I didn´t use that example because parents my know about their children, but depending on the parent that doesn´t mean they will be able to make them do what they want (and wanting them to grow on their own still means you want them to do something)

God has ALL the knowledge of what will you do "If"(s) ALL THE IFS.

Given that he has, he CANNOT put you in any circumstanc ein where he does not know if you will "succeed" or "fail" to do what he wants you to.


Active Member
Not to me. By the way: why so defensive? :)
Because that answer really is outside the thread's scope.

In my opinion, human beings are too diverse and there are too many different kinds of cultures to have only ONE religion or way of life.
God can easily transcend every culture and personal association with his messages. That's one of the benefits of omnipotence.

punkdbass said:
It just wouldn't work and honestly I think we'd be worse off. If everyone on the planet was the same religion, just imagine the amount of power and control that could be created, and how much easier it would be for it to be corrupted. I think having multiple religions and faiths is a really good thing because it helps keep religion in check, honest, and healthy.
Hey, if you believe that God doesn't have just one message that he wants everyone to follow, that's not something I have a problem with.

if you did get that crystal clear message, would that change your mind about how you want to live your life?
There's lots of reasons why I don't believe in God or view the Bible as the word of God. This is just one of those things that doesn't add up, but even if it did there's alot more that has to proven to convince me that the words really were from God.

Why does an omnipotent God want to make everyone or anyone effortlessly understand God's words. God gave you all you need and then gave you choice if you choose not to listen why should god force you to.
I have made an effort to read scriptures but wasn't convinced. My interpretations of it didn't fit with what the local clergy thought either, but I couldn't help it, I have my connotations and associations and God should've known these problems would arise.

If his message would've been straight to the point I could've put in an effort and not suffer the consequences of a bad interpretation.

bobhikes said:
You can't have free will and have a god that forces you to listen.
He wouldn't be forcing anyone, he's making his audience broader. It's still their choice to read them.

I not saying God can't, I saying you won't have free will if God does. God wants you to understand God by choice. Not tricks, not force, not any reason other than you choose to.
How do you choose to understand? Go with whatever the local clergy says?

You are not a lover of God, It is more a parent and child relationship. God wants you to suceed on your own.
But a parent wouldn't use big, poetic words when speaking with a child. They would've tried to make the child understand whenever they tell them something.

If a parent warns his child about playing near the cliff, but he uses words that he knows the child wont understand, have the child chosen to not understand and is responsible for the consequences?
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I guess that's just people being people. Even interpreting first-hand experience isn't perfect, much telling others of it, and what gets created out of that. I mean, we have the N-th copy of an N-th hand oral account. That's just, you know..

But why don't we get born enlightened? I don't know. That's where (a lot of) religions come in, with the "X went wrong, do Y to fix it" stuff :p And actually, do these things really differ in so many ways? Be honest, don't forget about the poor, the orphans, the widows, the elderly, the sick, those in prison.. be grateful and willing to help those in need, don't kill (okay, there is the "unless god mandates you to" stain on that, but it's a start?), and so on... compared to that, is wether someone prays 5 times a day or partakes in communion each weekend really *that* important? and no, I don't mean to just list islam and christianity, I just don't have time to research the commonalities between religions before posting ^^

In my mind, that's at best something to get people started (which may have merit), some kind of focus; but it also can seriously get in the way of the basic, the simple stuff, the things you could explain to any child. Love really doesn't have that many faces, it's rather steadfast, it's just us humans who are so flukey. And I think the ambiguity only really matters a lot where we confuse symbols and things, take real pride in considering ourselves as belonging to groups, as if that confers any features on us, following the rituals to the t, etc... then there's a lot of differences, and most religions in full are very incompatible with each other.

But in other ways, a lot of them have big overlap, and the image of a mountain that looks different from various angles (but leads to the same top) seems plausible as well. Personally, I think religions (in plural) work best when you take all of them with a grain of salt and simply, you know, dig around. But taken literally, and the sects who actually do think they have *the* truth? :no:, just :no:.


Well-Known Member
I don't want everything explained, just the things he wants me to know. That's all I'm asking; why does he explain it in a way that you get but I don't, if he wants us both to know?

I do not know you nearly well enough to offer the right words.

Are you telling me that you are not even sure God exists?

If you believe in God, are you telling me you are not convinced that God is the God of the Bible?


Admiral Obvious

Only if you keep your hands over your ears and shut your eyes at the same time.

Admit it... you do not want God to be proven.
I would love for the all powerful, all knowing but completely helpless without his followers deity to make an appearance.

But I will not be holding my breath.


Veteran Member

Only if you keep your hands over your ears and shut your eyes at the same time.

Admit it... you do not want God to be proven.

the idea of god is not the problem
the idea that god wants this or that is the problem...

there is no proof....it is therefore unfounded...
and thusly dangerous...


Well-Known Member
I would love for the all powerful, all knowing but completely helpless without his followers deity to make an appearance.

But I will not be holding my breath.

I do not believe you.

Especially if you can logically and with reason accept that life could have evolved by chance from some microbes to highly advanced biological systems. All because some molecules got excited and started crashing against each other. That is one definition of either insanity or obstinacy or someone who wants to live their life unshackled by the the voice of their Creator.


Veteran Member
I do not believe you.

Especially if you can logically and with reason accept that life could have evolved by chance from some microbes to highly advanced biological systems. All because some molecules got excited and started crashing against each other. That is one definition of either insanity or obstinacy or someone who wants to live their life unshackled by the the voice of their Creator.

and why are you exploiting scientific discoveries?


Well-Known Member
We have hundreds of churches and even more religions, all convinced that they have the right interpretation of God's word.

So, here's where I have a problem; if God is omnipotent, omniscient and wants the message to be spread to every single one of us, why doesn't it communicate with us unambiguously? So it's crystal clear what it wants you to do and how creation happened?

I have to point out that this thread only deals with that type of god. If it's not omnipotent, omniscient or wants everyone to understand, I don't have a problem.

Like everything from the bible.

It is like the tiny poppy seed, some falls on the path and does not grow, some falls on the little bits between the path and the good soil and does not grow, and some falls on the earth and grows into a large field full of opium and errr.... I don't remember the rest. :D


Well-Known Member
and why are you exploiting scientific discoveries?

I will give you some credit for using an economy of words in many of your replies. However, when it is so limited it makes no sense, then it becomes counter-productive.

BTW, I know you are in love with evolution, but some of us "free thinkers" just cannot swallow the poison.


Well-Known Member
One day, He will. But currently, He is generally engaged in a hands off approach so we can learn the indelible, difficult, and sobering lesson of living life our way instead of His.


I do enjoy your answers. You are the ultimate God salesman. Your answers are ace, and if I had a God job, you would get it.

I do happily agree to disagree but respect your devotion.